Is there a right way to advocate? Should people claiming to advocate BSL be “Baiting” the other side. I call it “baiting” because when you invite, welcome, and engage only to turn it around and make fun, ridicule, or stalk, it becomes a game, in my opinion. Let me explain my observation.
This parent of a victim of a Pit Bull attack, who has claimed in a newspaper article the attack was an “accident”, starts a Facebook group called “Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed”. In this group, aka PBPMR the father of the victim puts up a comment that WELCOMES” Pro Pit Bull advocates to the group, only to engage, block, ban, and ridicule in the group and also on other NUMEROUS Facebook pages. Is it right? Is it acceptable? I would say, in my opinion, NO.
You don’t get to cry “Victim” only to continue to bait people, twist words, and ridicule down the road. I say, debate, converse, and act like a mature adult that wants to be heard. Also in my observation, and the opinions of others, both ANTI Pit Bull and Pro Pit Bull supporters, this same father is targeting women. Are women an easier target? Maybe this father thinks women #wontbackdown, who knows. But the fact of the matter, the typical tactics of claiming to be educating, and “BRINGING AWARENESS” to the public, is down right wrong, childish, and frankly, REVOLTING.
Now for the latest example, take the most recent post. In the post, a Pro Pit Bull advocate is featured, using a stolen Facebook profile picture. A typical meme is made to ridicule. Is the Anti Pit Bull side the only side doing this, no, matter of fact they are not. Pro Pit Bull side is also known for this too. However, I don’t see the PRO Pit Bull side, baiting their enemy! Take a look:
The comment clearly states that “stooping to their level” doesn’t sit well with this person. Her comment goes un-noticed, but a promise “much more to come”. Is this something to be proud of? I would hope the legislators making the laws realize that this type of advocacy is dangerous. But remember, the original group PBPMR WELCOMES the Pro Pit Bull supporters, only to capture screenshots after the baiting has begun.
The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed group states in their about section on their Facebook page that states:
Unmasking the world’s most dangerous dog and those that protect, own, advocate, lie for them and about them, continue spreading myths about them, obfuscate their horrible crimes with senseless distractions, promote them as Nanny Dogs, and continue to remorselessly laud messages to the unwitting public about how friendly, cute, loveable, sweet-natured and gentle THE NUMBER ONE CANINE MAN-KILLER is. We seek the truth, beginning with the Bull dogs bloody history and following that violent history through into modern times. The lies must be corrected; the myths must be revealed as the lies that they are; the dog most likely of ALL breeds available to kill you, maim you or maim/kill a fellow human OR another animal, IS THE PIT BULL. Let’s shine the light of truth into those dark places, and save lives. Our ethos is not ‘hateful’ and members are asked to observe some regulations – no foul language (please use asterisks to mask words), personal naming and shaming (use of asterisks is advised to avoid reporting to Facebook for personal attack; a knock-on effect of multiple reports may endanger the Page itself). Racism is not tolerated at all. No members under 18 please. Thank you.
Right off the bat, the “regulations” are not followed. It’s a public group, anyone is welcomed, but fair warning, the rule about no foul language, yeah, that isn’t enforced. The rule about “personal naming and shaming”, nope, not enforced either. You see, it is just another Facebook outlet, to bait the enemy. Instead of acting like mature adults, since no members under 18 should join, they seem to act like high school children. Keep in mind, this is just one or two examples of their escapades. It really gets old and boring, but people need to see, the victim card that is being stated, frankly is more like entertainment on some of these people “off” time. If you want to advocate, try doing it with a little more maturity, professionalism, and perhaps class. Because as I see it, and many others, your game of baiting and exposing, really is just that a game, and your not winning it!
Furthermore, Anti Pit Bull supporters don’t have a right to encourage Pro Pit Bull supporters to call you when you provided the telephone number numerous times on different forums only to claim, you are “getting harassing phone messages”. ANTI Pit Bull supporters don’t have a right to put up innocent children’s family photos just because a Pit Bull is in the photo, and you don’t have a right to engage with people in private message only to post snippets of the conversation, then block, ban, and delete people only to cry the “victim” of nasty messages. If you welcome the debates and turn it around when you can’t seem to win the debate, you don’t have a right to criticize people’s looks, type of house, work, family members, etc.
The ANTI Pit Bull supporters always seem to turn the table around and claim they are being harassed forgetting the suggestions of killing innocent dogs with guns, knives, anti freeze, etc., etc., etc. Again, baiting in the game of life, waiting, and sometimes hoping someone gets hurt.
Is it an obsession or is it possibly defending our rights to own an animal that has DONE NOTHING WRONG? When you welcome the fight, think about the battle, because we all need to take a long look in the mirror and think about what we’re doing too. It’s a two way street get on your side of the road and “knock this crap off”!
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