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Saturday, 3 January 2015

Answering HOUNDED……..With the TRUTH! THE WHOLE TRUTH!By WhoColleenLynn




It was brought to our attention, that WHOISCOLLEENLYNN was mentioned in a blog titled “Hounded”. Once again we here at WICL are answering or providing answers to the statements that simply are INCORRECT. Before we discuss this current lie, let me say one thing. WICL was established to SHOW the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH.  Some Anti Pit Bull Supporters think WICL was founded “to harass a victim of a pit bull attack”. That is incorrect, WICL is dedicated to debunking the false information and statistics published by pro-BSL sites. Take a look at the claims we harass a Pit Bull victim:DBO
So according to Jeff, he has addressed the screenshot that he claims was posted in a “PUBLIC GROUP” that he “co-founded” called “THE PIT BULL PROPAGANDA MACHINE REVEALED”. Interesting, because we here at WICL searched high and low for that screenshot in that PUBLIC group and never could find it.
HOWEVER, after going back into the hundreds of screenshots sent to us, we did find the original screenshot showing where the comment was made. Sorry, but the comment was made in a SECRET group, a group not started by Jeff, but where he is a member with other Anti Pit Bull members . The secret group is NOT a victims advocate group, like they claim, rather a group that discusses how to BAN, KILL, or get rid of Pit Bulls. Take a look:

ACTUAL SCREENSHOT BEFORE MIX MASTER BOGART’S account was forced to go to a page by Facebook.
Notice Mix Master Bogart’s comment disappear once the account disappeared.

The comment made by Jeff was made in a secret group. Call it “5 stages grief-anger” if you want. I call it breaking the law! I call it blaming innocent animals that have done nothing wrong! But again, the blame game does that. If you say something in a private group, MAN UP. These Anti Pit Bull supporters have MANY times talked about killing Pit Bulls. Are we Pit Bull Supporters suppose to sit back and hope that one of these cult members doesn’t move in to our neighborhoods? Call us Key board warriors, call us moles, call us what you want, but in the end, NOT ALL DOGS ARE DANGEROUS! When you Anti Pit Bull supporters start realizing BSL doesn’t work, and ANY DOG BREED can bite, maybe then you won’t need your secret little groups to discuss killing innocent animals. Who’s the keyboard warriors now?

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