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Tuesday, 27 January 2015
The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
January 22 at 8:05pm
Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness
Bsl Education & Awareness
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Bsl Education & Awareness
the dog haters and bsl advocates want to have their cake and eat it too, according to them Ceasar is a liar and works for the pitbull lobby , unless he's saying something they can quote out of context of course,, and the big one for more answer me this all you over night self declared geneticists and dog breed behaviour experts,, if as you insist all pitbulls "snap" because it's hard wired in them through hundreds of years of breeding yada yada blah blah yawn yawn,,, well if that is indeed the case,,, how could there possibly be fatalities from any other breed/type of dog then? mmm? I am not expecting Silly willy or Boxhead to be able to answer, they'll block me and then trash talk when I'm blocked and can't see it !! cowards! lol!
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Phill Mcracken
Just now
Corrie VerBraken
Brian, the above portion of the quote from Cesar Milan refers to an active attack in progress. If you read the news reports and/or police/animal control reports, you'll see that in many attacks by fighting breed dogs, it is very difficult or impossibl
e to get the dog to stop the attack once in progress. This is not the norm for other breeds of dog - if they feel threatened to the point of biting, they bite and retreat. The fighting breeds have been refined by breeders to strengthen certain traits such as willingness to attack without provocation and refusal to stop attack. To show examples of breed-specific inherent behavior, the pointer breed has been refined to have strong pointing instincts toward the scent of prey, the retriever breed has been refined to retrieve hunted prey without damaging it, and the husky breed has been refined to run long distances in cold weather without tiring. None of these dogs, as puppies, needed to be taught these behaviors by a trainer. They were born with them already in place. Some will be stronger than others in showing these traits, of course, and those dogs are chosen by breeders to continue the lines having the strongest exhibit of these inherent traits.
January 26 at 7:02am
Brian Adamson
See my comment below to Sandrine
January 26 at 8:36am
Brian Adamson
Using the attack on Colleen Lynn as an example, that dog bit her arm and then let go. That is according to the statement she made and what is stated in the police report. The picture of her wounds, taken after surgery to fix her broken arm, shown puncture wounds that are clean holes. There is no tearing to suggest the dog shook her at all. The doctor that repaired her arm also said that the break was consistent with a fall more so than a crushing break. That is not definitive proof of the break coming from a fall, but it is more likely that was the cause. My point is the woman who perpetuates these myths, and pushes the hardest for bsl, was attacked in a manner that is a complete contradiction to these "facts" of pit bull attacks. Sensationalism at it's finest
January 26 at 8:47am
Corrie VerBraken
Hers is just one case, and she is not basing her push for BSL only based on her case. So what about the others, the children and adults that were attacked by pit bull(s) and bled to death as a result of the dog attack? Are you dismissing those cases as sensationalism?
January 26 at 9:21am
The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
Woman Attacked By Pit Bull Wants To Change Law
Colleen Lynn was attacked by pit bull while jogging Sunday along 15th Avenue South in Seattle.
Lynn was trying to pass a woman and her pit bull on the sidewalk when Lynn said the dog lunged at her.
“And at that point, he jumped up on my chest, and knocked me down and of course that put me on the ground at sight level to him. And I put my arm in front of my face, and he grabbed on, and shook my arm in his mouth,” Lynn said.
DISCUSS: Pitbulls
The pit bull inflicted seven deep punctures and broke Lynn’s forearm.
“And he was holding on, to my forearm, dragging me backwards, across the sidewalk, onto the grass, and I saw his teeth in my arm,” Lynn said
Lynn was able to escape the attack and run up the street screaming.
“I wanted everybody on the block to come out of their house because at that moment, I wasn't sure if my arm was ripped off,” Lynn said.
Paramedics arrived and took Lynn to Harborview Medical Center.
Lynn will recover but is unable to work as a freelance web designer.
“For the next two months, and it will cause me great financial problems,” Lynn said.
Lynn is now campaigning for a law, requiring pit bulls to wear muzzles in public.
“It is not an expensive measure, but it may be one measure that at least ensures public safety, and really makes the owner of a pit bull understand 'I have a dangerous dog.,'” Lynn said.
The owner of the dog has surrendered him to the city who will euthanize the dog after a ten day quarantine.
Woman Attacked By Pit Bull Wants To Change Law
January 26 at 11:42am
Christy Cornell
Oh, how ridiculous to bring Collen's attack up as an example and to imply it is was not severe enough to give her any sort of credibility. The dog gripped her and kept gripping as it pulled her (a grown adult) several feet. Also there was the shaking typical of a pitbull. Just because there wasn't enough damage with the puncture marks to suit you, it doesn't mean her story isn't true, as you implied. It just means the dog's teeth didn't do as much damage as you expected. BTW, what is your medical degree of expertise which allows you to proclaim your opinion of the puncture marks is the final say in the matter of severity concerning Colleen's injury?
Your assertion that Colleen isn't qualified to be on the forefront of BSL advocacy is on the laughable side of preposterous, so thanks for the laugh. I'm sure that some of the people who were attacked in the bite and hold style most traditional with gripping bred dogs would love to advocate for BSL. But they can't. They are too physically and emotionally damaged after thier attack to do much of anything except try to somewhat get parts of their formerly healthy lives back and tell their story when they can. Or they are dead. And the victims's families are just as horribly affected by what has happened to their loved ones.
So Colleen didn't get ripped apart as much as some of the other victims have. Are you saying she should have been more mangled by a pitbull in order to be allowed to advocate? Are you saying she should have been more mangled by a pitbull to know how they generally attack? Should everyone who speaks out about the dangers of pitbulks have to be severely mauled by a pitbull before they are allowed to speak ? What's your point?
Brian, your line of reasoning is similar to when you pitters start saying silly stuff like, " you can't know about pitbulls unless you own a pitbull". I don't have to own a Bengal tiger to know that they are dangerous and don't make good pets. I can look at genetics and the human fatality rate. Same with risky dogs like pitbulls.
And I thank God that Colleen wasn't hurt more severely that she was, she may not have been able to be an effective asvocate if she was. Just as I thank God my son wasn't hurt more severely than he was, so now I am in a good position to advocate.
Brian, you aren't the decider in chief when it comes to evaluating proper credientials for people that choose to work as BSL advocates.
January 26 at 1:08pm
Brian Adamson
Christy, you are off your rocker. My point was your queen bee states that pit bulls always attack and go for the kill and when a pit bull gets you that's it, you are dead or forever disfigured. The sensationalized way she portrays all pit bull attacks to be is in direct contradiction to her own attack. I did not say anything about other attack victims, I was not diminishing their experience and I was in no way wishing Colleen was harmed more than she was. I don't wish for anybody to be attacked, even people like you. The description of the damage to Colleen's arm and the assessment of what type of attack would cause those injuries was not mine, it was a medical professional. Carefully readfirst description of the attack in the police report. That is Colleen's most detailed description when it is most fresh in her mind. In a documented second interview in the police report, her story is already different. The whole point is every dog is an individual, and blanket statements and generalizations about all pit bulls are aggressive, when genetics are not the determining factor in aggression, is inaccurate and wrong. I don't care who advocates against pit bulls or their reasons. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and allowed to do what they want. I only ask that you do so in a truthful, honest manner.
January 26 at 7:16pm
Josh Anthony
I see so much mentioned about Colleen. She is a victim, right? I can't imagine anyone being able to judge the trauma that another person feels. The bite doesn't sound like a typical pit bull. The dog was startled and not in attack mode. I am not quite sure this debate has any merit. Is this just against one person or a discussion about Ceasar's true view of pit bulls.
16 hrs
Brian Adamson
It started with a quote from Cesar being presented outside of the context in which it was said. I pointed this out, using my dog who is very submissive, as an example and it grew from there. My comment above explains my point.
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