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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

A pit bull hater masquerading as a victims advocate.....

Jeff Borchardt's advocacy style consists of juvenile meme's and propaganda.....

While researching recently I found archives related to the death of John P Colby's nephew, it turns out it was a Boston terrier and not a pit bull that attacked the child causing his death.


Jeff Borchardt screen shot the header of my blog and shared it to his Facebook pit bull hate group so he and his hater mates could ridicule me this is what they call victims advocacy apparently.

Sources .... Jeff's post in his hate group.

 I "personal messaged" Jeff with the screen shot (the one at the top of this blog) from my source and a link and he obviously has no valid response this is the conversation that followed.....

Chat Conversation Start

maybe you should do some research jiffy?

Jeff Borchardt accepted your request.
You have ALBERT Letterbetter listed as your fatality, dipshit. Not "BERT."

Stick to what you do best, which is pretty much SUCKING at everything you do.

pmsl, so you send me a pm for proof, it's written 90 years after the attack in some pit bull rag and it say the dog was a "Bull Terrier" pmsl!!!! and I'm the one that should stick to what i know? pmsl!!!!!
maybe you should stick to spinning Jiffy?
you obviously didn't notice the .gov in the extension of my reference read it and weep jiffy pmsl!!!!!!!

You. Have. The. Wrong. Name, douchebag.
Derrrrrp! God, you're fucking STUPID.

You like that? I got more.
i guess you told me lol
"No valid response?" Yes, I did tell you. Matter of fact, I literally VERBALLY BITCH SLAPPED YOU, and you're too STUPID to know it! YOU. HAVE. THE. WRONG. PERSON....Period. End of paragraph! Game over. Do you really want to keep digging, MORON?
Chat Conversation End
Type a message...

As you can see Jeff seems to have reverted to the juvenile version of himself as opposed to the K9 pit bull expert side of his psych and he calls himself a victims advocate.

The fact is all of Jeff's so called facts, data and information come from the most unethical website on the internet dogsbite they took in nearly 40,000 dollars last year and how many victims did they help?

The victims resources section of their site consists solely of a directory to dog bite lawyers they have no victims initiatives or programs whatsoever.

more to come.....

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