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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Bias Pit Bull Hater claims to be a "victims advocate", what's your opinion?

If you own a pit bull or advocate for them or against breed specific legislation you may have met the subject of this blog "Jeff D Borchardt" he lost his son to a dog attack and has vowed to get revenge on all pit bulls in spite of the fact that the vets reports for the dogs involved listed them as "boxer" mixes.

Now Jeff has declared himself to be a dog bite expert particularly relating to pit bulls whereas the truth be told Jeff's a Dj that doesn't make enough to survive spinning so he had to take day work laying carpet and on one of these days his 14 month old son Daxton was left with a friend and despite being told to keep her "Boxer" mixes away from the child she took him into the back yard with the dogs and the infant was allegedly attacked and died as a result of his injuries.

Now Jeff masquerades as a public safety/victims advocate in order to disguise his real intentions and the motives therein but as you can see after 3 years or more of being active he has very few likes and even fewer "talking about" his public figure page.

The posts below are all from Jeff's public figure Facebook page....

Public Figure
Jeff D. Borchardt's photo.
Jeff D. Borchardt
49 talking about this

In this post below the Anti Breedism Alliance posted a picture of the dogs involved in the incident that Jeff insists are pit bulls deliberately not giving any information on the dogs asking for peoples opinions as to what type/breed they were and Jeff & a couple of his followers attacked anyone commenting on the post immediately as you can see Jeff screen shot'd the post with the first comment and then post it to this page and then he shared it to his Facebook hate group.  where they're all attacking this poor woman in spite of the fact she doesn't have any idea about the tragedy of Daxton 

(R I P Daxton)

This is the type of thing Jeff seems to think is in the interest of public safety in some way shape or form it shows that Jeff hates pit bulls if he thinks this is educating anyone.

The sort of propaganda you can expect on a daily basis from the hardened inner core of the "anti pit bull lobby" which seems to have approx 20 members coordinating roughly 200 followers.

Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
Im going to start a Pit Bull Advocate Training Camp if any of you would like to join.
There are just a few rules and you must leave your morals outside the door.
1) When you see a severe or fatal Pit Bull attack news thread always post a picture of your 80lb Pit Bull with your 3 day old baby.
2) If your Pit Bull ever attacks anyone you must remember your Pit Bull is now a Boxer mix.
3) Whenever someone has been mauled and lost a leg or a arm be sure and tell them all dogs bite.
4) If a child is in the hospital after a severe attack be sure and ask what the child did to provoke the dog. You know Pit Bulls never attack unless they have been provoked.
5) If you have a Pit Bull and a Labardor and the Pit Bull attacks your child tell that kid to lie and blame it on the Labardor. You know we must not let a Pit Bulls reputation suffer.
6) It anyone comes at you with statistics on Pit Bull attacks be sure and tell them coconuts kill more.
Im sure all of you can add to the list with the crazy things you have heard and seen Pit Bull owners do. When you add it all up these people are crazy.

The fact is in an 11 year period between 2005 - 2015 there was one victim per month every month to non pit bull type dogs involving over thirty different breeds/types of dogs so it's extremely accurate to say "all dogs bite".....

Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
January 6
2016 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
Updated after each fatality following fact finding research
28 Dog Bite Related Fatality
by Breed.

Once again yet another very puzzling post which seems to support the claims that Jeff hates pit bulls as this post can hardly be considered to have any merit on an advocacy level.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes
October 31
Do not go to homes with pit bulls.

Jeff regularly misidentifies the breeds of dogs as the dogs in this post (below) are not pit bulls and they're definitely not bull terriers either just another demonstration of media accuracy when it comes to pit bulls and the anti pit bull lobby take advantage of the media at every opportunity

A woman who allegedly fled the scene in Perth as her two bull terriers savagely mauled a nine-year-old girl in the head and leg last month, has been charged with…

Jeff posts regularly boasting that anyone of reasonable intelligence can identify a pit bull and yet he consistently demonstrates he can't on a daily basis calling Bulldogs pit bulls, Cane Corso's are pit bulls too apparently there's a whole host of breeds he's lumped into what he calls "pit bulls'.

He regularly posts attacking legitimate animal organizations claiming they're bias and dispelling them in spite of his obvious bias which he freely admits too.

Jeff Borchardt to The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
The "Find the Pit Bull" test pretends to show us that pit bulls are virtually impossible to distinguish from other breeds. The test is intended to deceive. In short, the creator uses scarce to rare breeds that are related to the pit bull's ancestry, juvenile dogs or dogs that are atypical of the breed and pretends that using one photo is the same as seeing the actual dog. The pit bull they use as an example of a typical pit bull is a puppy, for crying out loud!
The long answer:
To trick the viewer, the creator uses the following techniques:
A. Uses photos that do not show relative size.
B. Uses photos that do not show the whole dog when body type is much different than a bully breed.
C. Uses photos of juvenile dogs that have not developed their breed specific characteristics or size.
D. Uses photos of dog breeds that are rare to non-existant in the United States making it very unlikely that the general public or animal control officers have encountered or ever will encounter these breeds
E. Inclusion of many examples of similar dogs of three breed types that are known to have been used to develop the pit bull - terriers, bulldogs and mastiffs. The last two are also themselves closely related to each other.
F. Uses photos that show an atypical or less common type of a breed.
G. Uses poor photos that don't show distinguishing characteristics of the breed or that create the illusion the breed has pit bull characteristics.

Here' a true example of Jeff's advocacy style he trolls the internet offending people and then when they respond he screen shots their comment and then runs back to his petty little hate group where all his minions (all 15 of them) give him the attention and sympathy he craves he never includes his comment or any sort of context to the victims comment or post.

Jeff Borchardt to The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
"It all has to do with genetics AND how you raise them?"
That's a new one.

He rambles and rants consistently attacking all of the legitimate animal organizations that reject breed specific legislation for something closer to the "Calgary Model" which has lowered both bite instances and overall fatalities wherever it's been enacted as opposed to breed specific legislation which has been shown to have no discernible effect on either bite instances or overall dog related fatalities.

The US pet industry is worth 16 billion dollars. Without pit bulls to sell, to rescue, to rehabilitate, to care for and to feed, a lot of people would see their revenues plunge, denounced Jeffrey Borchardt, who lost his baby when he was torn from the arms of his babysitter by two pit bulls. Since this tragedy, the American DJ and other victims have worked to expose the gears of the powerful pit bull promotion lobby.

As you can see his victims advocacy revolves around screen shots from people not accredited to be giving such advice and personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with him and/or dares to challenge him this ladies one of the lucky ones she's saying something he likes but the fact is she's taking someone else's word on the breed and we all know how accurate the media is and we know how hard it is to actually identify a pit bull with shelter staff regularly mislabeling dogs that aren't pit bulls as pit bulls while missing some pit bulls altogether.

Visually identifying a pit bull is near impossible for an expert so novices have no chance at all as a rule.

There are some that say that Jeff's message focusing on pit bulls in the way it does causes parents to fall into a false sense of security with their children around their pets giving them the illusion their child is 100% safe interacting with their pet or anyone else's for that matter so long as it not a pit bull or more accurately so long as it doesn't "look' like a "pit bull".

This has led to an escalation in attacks and consequently the dog bite related fatalities in America have been 30% higher then the previous two decades for two consecutive years and it looks like 2016 is heading in the same direction.

Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness
October 10
When all major U.S. geographical regions are reporting similar results, as they are now, this sends a much stronger message to public health officials and legis...
See More

Jeff seems to have a strange sense of what's considered to be victims or public safety advocacy as most advocates consider the most unethical website on the internet is not a legitimate source of information Jeff berates all sources for legitimate information and regularly quotes and promotes enjoys absolutely NO support from any legitimate animal or legal organization in the world and neither does breed specific legislation.

Jeff rejects the experts and calls himself an expert he's even created a non profit where he collects donations in support of his propaganda and cyber bullying

Jeff applauded the decision by Montreal to enact Bsl but has gone all quiet since the high court of Canada suspended the regulations which I'm sure will fail to pass in their current wording which is extremely vague.

The fact is the Calgary Model has proven it's effectiveness when dealing with dog bite related issues.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes
October 7
Keep up the good fight, Mayor Denis Coderre!

Jeffs whole initiative seems to revolve around attacking pit bulls as opposed to helping victims with all of the donations from his non profit going to place propaganda posters featuring an American Bully (not a pit bull) on bus shelters and roadside billboards.

He claims to have safety brochures but people have to download and print their own?

Anti-Pit Bull Memes
October 3
And banned in Montreal, Canada!

Below is a ludicrous post from the anti pit bull lobby's resident statistician who in reality is a washed up second rate ex journalist named Merrit Clifton who scours the media for pit bull attacks and then claims his results are accurate statistics in spite of the complete lack of any fact checking at all.

As you can see by Jeff's post below Merrits released an article claiming there's been a 773% increase in dog attacks, it's complete nonsense and Merrit has been extensively debunked on the internet for publishing this type of nonsense just google "debunking Merrit Clifton".

Google Search = About 4,750 results (0.61 seconds) 

On Facebook, I recently posted a survey that said that pit bull attacks have increased 773 percent since 2007. "In a 30-year study of dog attacks in Canada and the United States, 3,394 people were attacked by dogs in a fatal and disfiguring manner," another reads. Sixty four percent of those attacks were from pit bulls and pit bull mixes. After posting this information, pit bull lovers decided to lash out at me, call me names, and attack my character. Call me crazy, but don't...
See More
I walked to the entrance of my friendly neighborhood dog park with my furry best friend, Kermit. It was the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday. But it was completely empty. This was weird. I started to get an eerie feeling. I had felt this feeling…

Jeff can claim he's a public safety advocate until he's blue in the face the body of evidence speaks for itself, Jeff promotes legislation that only targets specific breeds and as such it fails to address deaths involving non specific breeds , 128 each decade?

and he is a bully plain and simple and he acts like an only child, spoiled rotten! literally!

more to come......

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