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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Jeff Borchardt shared Jeff D. Borchardt's photo.posting from personal messages again!

Pit Bull ordinance back under the microscope
A Pit Bull is defined as a Staffordshire bull terrier breed of dog, the American pit bull terrier breed of dog, the American Staffordshire terrier breed of dog; any mixed breed of dog which contains as an element of its breeding the breed of Staffordshire bull te...
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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originates from the region of Staffordshire, England in the 19th century and is genetically related to the Mastiff and the Bull T...
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  • 7 people like this.
  • Jeff Borchardt I'll be patiently waiting for Women Stalked and Harassed by Jeff D Borchardt's attorney's phone call. LOL!
    23 hrs · Like · 4
  • Jeff Borchardt "Thank you so much Teri. Every story makes us more determined to blah, blah, blah...."......Would Teri like me to post our conversation THAT SHE INITIATED? Good Lord. Talk about a drive by terrorist.
    23 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lisa Black I think they make constant lying a way of life.
    23 hrs · Like · 4
  • Jeff Borchardt Hi Jeff,I am not here to start a fight with you and I am so very sorry for your loss….. having said that I just feel I need to share my experience as well. Also, just to let you know that Pit bulls are not dubbed the "nanny dog" never have been and neither are the American Staffordshire Bull Terriers. That term comes from the SBT right out of the English standard because of their love and devotion to children. They are not related to Pit bulls and it is a shame they have been lumped in with them. Here is my story…..So many people have asked me to share this story, but I have a hard time getting through it without crying like a baby. So, in honor of my daughter, Alexa's birthday, I chose to do it this way.Alexa was always a happy go lucky toddler and basically pretty normal in most ways. I did notice that when in public she would always have a fist full of my shirt or pant leg, but at home very care-free. When she started going to Sunday School class by herself her teachers would tell us she never spoke, even when spoken to. Her dad and I thought little of it since she was so young. However, when she started Kindergarten we heard the same thing. In first grade the school was having a hard time assessing her because tests were oral and still no one had ever heard her speak. Not even the other children at recess. Finally, we called in a speech therapist, but as it would happen the one assigned to her case was our next door neighbor and had been in our home many times. Because Alexa knew her the Therapist could not assess her either. Due to the fact that Alexa would speak to her.This became so confusing to Tom and I since at home she was perfectly happy and "normal". She was energetic and funny and always laughing. We opted for an outside counselor to begin working with her. He experienced the same thing as the schools. She never spoke. But, she would draw pictures. Eventually she was diagnosed with "Selective Mutism". The world frightened her and she chose to shut down once outside the confines of our home.When Alexa finished 1st grade we decided to move from Arizona back to our home town of Sandy, Utah. Maybe being closer to the family would help her? Alexa started second grade and her teacher was amazing! So patient and caring with her. But, the concern was still there that they could not test her properly and pretty soon may need to be held back. In the spring time of that year Alexa got her very own staffy puppy to love and care for. She told me she wanted to take it to school for show and tell. I cleared it with the teacher, and both of us had a concern about the Q and A part, but I assured the teacher I would be there to answer any questions the kids may have. Alexa was so excited! She and Jet had bonded immediately and she couldn't wait to show her to her class. Well, we brought in her puppy and the kids loved playing with her on the floor. The teacher asked if their were any questions and immediately the hands went up, so I stepped up next to Alexa and pointed to the first hand raised. The boy asked his question and before I could answer I heard this little voice "she is a staffordshire Bull Terrier, they are the nanny dog" I looked at the teacher and her mouth was hanging open. All the kids put down their hands and stared at Alexa with the biggest grins on their faces. I started to cry, the teacher was crying. And it was so silent. Until, one of the kids said "Alexa, we have never heard you speak before" another kid said "You can talk?" Alexa had the biggest grin on her face and quietly kept answering questions.Today she is in 6th grade and celebrating her 12th birthday. Many of you know the bond she has with Jet, but not many of you know how Jet has changed our lives. Alexa is still pretty quiet and never speaks out of turn, but when called on she will answer. We owe our little Staffy girl so much, and we are so proud of Alexa. She has shown Jet to her Grand Championship title and never wants to stop. She aspires to be an AKC judge some day. Alexa has never experienced a friends birthday party or play date. She does not socialize but her Staffordshire Bull Terrier has saved her life. She feels she can be normal and she has made friends in the show world. She communicates daily now about her dogs, with people that share the same hobby. Until Jet came into her life I feared one day she may take her own life, she was that depressed and felt that different from others. She is accomplished now in the show world and EVERYONE loves her, including her dogs.I know this will not change your opinion of OUR breed, but please keep in mind more bites and attacks happen from toy breeds than any other FACT. Larger dogs cause more harm because of the size of bite that is also a FACT. But It's the dog owners to blame more than the dog IMO. We need to fight for responsible owners.Thank you for your time
    December 19, 2014
    12/19, 5:06pm - Jeff Borchardt - We are not talking about "bites," we are talking about serious maimings, maulings, injuries and deaths. You may have had a good experience with a PIT BULL, but that just means you were lucky. Please choose a different breed next time. Do not put your children at risk. Any dog would've done the same thing for your daughter in that situation. Fighting/gripping breeds are dangerous. Plain and simple. Please read up on the history and purpose of dogs in the pit bull family. These dogs are banned in the country they originated from:
    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originates from the region of Staffordshire, England in the 19th century and is...
    23 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt Facebook User I've actually never owned a pit bull so no experience with them at all
    12/19, 5:22pm - Facebook User - I've owned several breeds. None in the bully family and none did for her what her SBT has done.
    12/19, 5:58pmJeff Borchardt"In the spring time of that year Alexa got her very own staffy puppy to love and care for. She told me she wanted to take it to school for show and tell"....American STAFFORDSHIRE terrier IS a pit bull just registered under a different kennel club... same dog Teri. Same dog.All this information is readily available on
    12/19, 6:01pmFacebook UserNo silly you are wrong and also wrote the articles. I can't put stock into that. I feel for you and your grief I really do. But you need to be a little more knowledgeable on the different bully breeds some are not related at all and after reading your article I really do realize that you do not know much about each individual breed. I've been in the breed for 10 years I own 10 dogs and they all sleep in our rooms with us they are veryfriendly with everyone that comes to the door and I trust them completely. That will never change but I wish you all the best!
    12/19, 6:03pm - Jeff Borchardthe American Staffordshire Terrier is in fact the same dog as an American Pit Bull Terrier, but registered by a different kennel club. At the turn of the 20th century, the pit bull breeders wanted the respectability of AKC recognition, but the AKC was reluctant to register fighting dogs. The AKC finally recognized the American Pit Bull Terrier in 1936 after decades of lobbying by pit bull breeders. John P. Colby’s champion fighter, American Pit Bull Terrier ‘Primo’, formed the basis for the breed standard of the ‘new‘ AKC breed – but the AKC wasn’t willing to have the word ‘pit bull’ in the ‘ new’ breed’s name. The ‘new’ pit bull breed was dubbed ‘the Staffordshire Terrier’ in order to hide its relation to the pit bull and its origins and history in the fighting pit. The breed’s name was changed again to American Staffordshire Terrier in 1972, to distinguish the larger American version from the smaller English version (which kept the name ‘Staffordshire Bull Terrier’)1,2. In 1972, the breed register was also re-opened for a time to allow people to register their UKC registered pit bull as an American Staffordshire Terrier if they regretted not having done so earlier. Because of their shared ancestry, history, function and genetics, we refer you further to our page about the American Pit Bull Terrier, since the information you need to have is identical.In North America, from 1982-2013, Pit Bull breeds and mixes have seriously attacked 2,990 humans that resulted in 1,777 maimings and 275 deaths.LIST LINKS to:Staffordshire Bull TerrierAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1. Stregowski, J, American Staffordshire Terrier at (accessed March 2014)2. Jessup, D, History of the Pit Bull at (accessed March 2014)
    Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership,...
    23 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Jeff Borchardt - I want your sources for your claims. I just gave you mine.
    12/19, 6:04pm - Facebook User - Your mixing up American Staffordshire bull terriers and Pitt bulls. But now you know ---- Then she blocked me.
    23 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Do these people REALLY think that "I" wrote the breed bios
    Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership,...
    23 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt And neither are Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
    23 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Borchardt RIGHT ON OUR HOMEPAGE: "If Daxton’s Friends is provided substantial evidence that we have shared incorrect information, we will correct or retract statements. We welcome feedback and invite you to share your thoughts about our organization. Please e-mail us"
    23 hrs · Like · 4
  • Jeff Borchardt Toni P.
    December 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm
    I write the dog biographies as well as the dog related content. They are primarily based on my 15 years of professionally working in the animal field. Each biography is submitted to my fellow colleagues, who each have 20-40 years of professional animal experience, for review and discussion. My intent is not to make dog breed enthusiasts happy, but to convey honest information for the public to consider before acquiring a breed of dog. Each biography describes the positive and negative aspects of the breed. There is not a perfect breed, but different breeds are suitable for the needs and wants of different people.
    We understand that owners of breeds can become upset when the negative traits of their favorite breeds are discussed truthfully. You are not the first person to tell me that the biography is wrong. I always ask for legitimate sources that prove the information is incorrect and after that information is thoroughly reviewed, I would be willing to make the appropriate changes. I have yet to have someone submit the sources that back up their view point. I suspect that is because it is very difficult to prove your emotional response to your favorite breed.
    You can submit any of your sources for review, but please keep in mind that I do not accept the NCRC or Animal Farm Foundation as “legitimate” sources. Just so it is clear, I do not have a favorite breed and do not base my information on any sort of personal bias. I do personally own a dog that is list on the “Potentially Dangerous” list. I do not receive any compensation for the content I write for Daxton’s Friends. Victims do not participate in the production of the dog related content.
    Thank you!
    23 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt The American Staffordshire Terrier is in fact the same dog as an American Pit Bull Terrier, but registered by a different kennel club. At the turn of the 20th century, the pit bull breeders wanted the respectability of AKC recognition, but the AKC was reluctant to register fighting dogs. The AKC finally recognized the American Pit Bull Terrier in 1936 after decades of lobbying by pit bull breeders. John P. Colby’s champion fighter, American Pit Bull Terrier ‘Primo’, formed the basis for the breed standard of the ‘new‘ AKC breed – but the AKC wasn’t willing to have the word ‘pit bull’ in the ‘ new’ breed’s name. The ‘new’ pit bull breed was dubbed ‘the Staffordshire Terrier’ in order to hide its relation to the pit bull and its origins and history in the fighting pit. The breed’s name was changed again to American Staffordshire Terrier in 1972, to distinguish the larger American version from the smaller English version (which kept the name ‘Staffordshire Bull Terrier’)1,2. In 1972, the breed register was also re-opened for a time to allow people to register their UKC registered pit bull as an American Staffordshire Terrier if they regretted not having done so earlier. --
    The American Staffordshire Terrier is in fact the same dog as an American Pit Bull Terrier, but registered by a...
    23 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Borchardt "Despite the often cited myth that this dog was a “nanny dog”, there is no evidence in history that they were ever bred to do well with or “babysit” children. One of the largest Pit Bull advocacy groups, Bad Rap, recently retracted the “nanny dog” myth and does not recommend Pit Bull types breeds around children."
    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originates from the region of Staffordshire, England in the 19th century and is...
    23 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lisa Black I guess when you prove them wrong, you're automatically a "stalker".
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Jeff Borchardt And because you're a woman, I only stalk women.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt if you don't want me to make an example out of you, don't insert yourself into my life. Oh boo-hoo. I told you something that could save your child's life. Now I'm gonna block him and join a hate page and bitch about it.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Dusty Brown I say first and foremost show me the papers before the conversation goes any further. I just don't believe thast somebody GAVE an American Staffordshire Terrier away. If she was given the pup in a Walmart parking lot, no doubt it is a Pit Bull Terrier.
    20 hrs · Like · 4
  • Dusty Brown We already know that facebook thinks that bullying and harrassing is fine. Just look at the comments posted by Pit nutters.
    20 hrs · Like · 4
  • Rachel Q Acosta What a joke! All the sudden you are all these things now Jeff? This is how attorneys work they pick apart a person and make them un credible, then no one gets paid or justice. It's so transparent and obvious.
    19 hrs · Like · 2
  • Rachel Q Acosta So when they prove your a stalker I wonder if all the pitbull attacks Will stop? No but they will start on another man or woman.
    19 hrs · Like · 3
  • Mary Brady Honeycutt What it all boils down to is two things, pit lovers are 1. Ignorant/stupid, 2. In total denial. How does she consider you a stalker? She wrote you, you wrote back. Must be she didn't like your answers. And as far as FB goes, they suck!
    18 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Jeff Borchardt's bucket list: Have a beer with Tom Shorette.
    17 hrs · Like · 4
  • Sarrah Jines WTH ..what a idiotic page,Like all us women would be your friend if you went around harassing us..Hopefully that page wont last long considering it will more than likely be removed for harassment..oh the irony.
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Rachel Q Acosta It's funny what about the pb lovers who stalk victim pages that's harrassment too, let those women offend real victims of sexual harrassment a judge will be offended they have seen real cases of harrassment I'm telling you let them continue its is a slap in the face to true victims.
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Is this the clarification you were looking for Women Stalked and Harassed by Jeff D Borchardt? And no that is not my page but it is a close friend. I only wish I was that talented at making memes....BSL advocates don't need to present anything out of context to make you people look like the psychos you are.
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Rachel Q Acosta Who do I need to block I don't want my stuff being taken out of context
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Frank Gaal strange she claims you're doing all this harassing but not one screenshot
    11 hrs · Like · 2
  • Frank Gaal they blocked me when i pointed out no one had uploaded photos proving harassment even after they asked for people to upload photos
    11 hrs · Like · 1
  • Rachel Q Acosta Holy crap just laughed so hard I spit. Gnite folks sheesh!
    11 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Borchardt Better watch out Frank Gaal. They contacted their attorney. Who is she, Ledy VanKavage? LOL!
    11 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Borchardt They're "blacking" you? That's racist.
    10 hrs · Like · 

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