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Thursday, 29 January 2015


I was feeling creative today.
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  • Thomas McCartney Have you met my Service T-Rex Harley III, he is a junk collector and eats cars and buildings in his spare time, such a good citizen.

    My Service T-Rex is so sweet and all Gums, he just wants to cuddle and stroke you with his 12 inch claws, isn't that s
    He will Gum you to death.

    Myth #1: It's the owner not the T-rex

    Myth # 2: It's impossible to identify a T-rex

    Myth #3: Human-aggressive T-rex's were "culled"

    Fatal attack statistics about T-rex's are false

    The media conspiracy against T-Rex's

    T-rex's are not unpredictable

    T-Rex's do not have a locking jaw, they just eat you alive

    T-Rex's used to be the most popular dinosaur in America

    T-rex's pass the American Temperament Test

    Punish the deed not the breed (of dinosaur)

    T-rex's originally were "nanny dinosaurs"

    T-rex's were once known as nanny dino's.

    T-Rex's will lick you to death.

    There's no need to muzzle and leash your T-Rex in the Doggy Park.

    Don't forget to attend our 'Million T-Rex March' on The White House. President Obama loves T-Rex's and he thinks everyone should own one. Except him.

    Its not an attack if the T-rex is wagging its tail.

    There no bad T-rex's...only bad owners.

    I've seen chihuahuas more aggressive than my T-Rex.


    TSL has been proven not to work in Denver

    Best babysitters ever....NOT

    MY T-rex is the sweetest dino ever.

    T.Rex's make the BEST Therapy Dinos ever. And are wonderful as Guide-Dinos for The Blind.

    velociraptors bite more than T-rex's.

    Let's set up a T-rex kissing booth for our kids.

    Let's bring a T-rex into school and let the children read books to a perfectly trained T-rex

    Let's bring our T-rex to the walk for the victims of T-rex's in Houston to show them they don't have to be afraid of T-rex's

    T-rexBite dot org

    Hey now...educate yourself guys.

    My T-Rex likes coconuts!

    you're all just racist against T-Rex's!!!

    please leave t~Rex's alone my family had bred them for years and the only time i was bitten was by a pibble.

    educate yourself you hater,I hope get mauled by a chihuahua.

    t-rex make the best nanny dinosaur, its all how they are raised don't you know.

    I will be posting this at the dinosaurs love kids and kids love dinosaurs.

    don't you know the famous dinosaur barney?

    president roosevelt had a dinosaur and fred flintstone.

    helen keller had 25 of them.

    wiggle tails?

    educate yourself its haters like you that give dinosaurs a bad name.

    come over to my house and meet my t-rex

    awww you really hurted my feelings, Im going to go eat worms!!

    My brontosaurus bites and my T-Rex never does. In fact the T-Rex is scared of him!

    T-rex only bite if they're trained to

    my vet says t-rex is the only dinosaur that doesn't bite

    I have 8 t-rex and I'm a vet tech

    I'am a vet tech too and i have a therapy dinosaur, it reads to kids at schools

    64 kids crawl all over my t-rex, and he's never shown aggression

    Get the FACTS!!!

    there's no such thing as a t-rex

    people are so quick to label anything 20 ft tall with a 5 foot neck and muscular as a so called "t-rex"

    all dinosaurs have teeth

    Their are over 30 types of dinosaur mistaken for a T-Rex, not only that, their is a media conspiracy against them. T-Rex attack stories sell.

    My T-Rex saved my life; he roared at a bit of smoke & we evacuated the house. Last week I read that a T-Rex killed a child; that is SO rubbish - there is no such thing as a T-Rex! Get educated! I'm so done with this - I'm going to feed my T... I mean my Giant Lizard. Goodbye!

    t-rex aren't real. nothing is real.

    omg u ppl r so ignorent!!!!!!! i had a terradactle an that little basturd was way meaner than my t-rex!!!!!! only ppl who fight t-rexes make them mean an bite so dont judge the hole bread just cuz a few buttwipes train there dinos to attack i raise my t-rex with love an he kisses us all the time!!!!!! U PPL R RACIST AN U MAKE ME SICK!!!

    t-rex built this great nation


    You haters only have 153 likes. Our T-Rex breeders club has 4000! TAKE THAT, HATERS!!!

    It's a nannysaurus!

    Parents need to teach their brats proper kindness and respect around t-rex. ANY dinosaur has it's breaking point when TERRIFIED!!

    Good news, T - Rex went extinct and no longer prey on communities.

    T-Rex's are as safe as any other dinosaur. You guys are just racist.

    more kids are injured falling down, so what are we going to ban falling down next?!!!

    My T-Rex smiles at me every time I walk in the door. He even lets my two year old ride his tail. Was this T- Rex neutered??? This wouldn't happen if he was. Do not spew your hate towards MY T-Rex! Responsible T-Rex ownership 101. WE ARE WINNING. OUR T-REX'S ARE WINNING. SUCK IT HATERS

    My T-rex pulled a baby from a burning building. He is the best nanny t rex god ever made. He wouldnt hurt a fly.

    My T - Rex is an ambassador for the breed. He passed his T - Rex Good Citizenship test performed by my best friend and passed with flying colors. I bring him to dog parks and he is a perfect angel. He even loves cats!

    my t-rex is gorgeous and sweet but would defend me to the bitter end

    It isn't my T-Rex you need to worry about; it's ME. They might have culled the man-biters out of HIS lizard-lineage, but they let them live in MY ancestors! Grrrrr!

    sorry to have to report this but

    my T-rex just killed my Dino dog, it had always been sweet and had never bit anyone before.

    The -Rex will be going to the flintstone dinosaur rescue farm for unstable dinasaur's

    My t-rex is tattooed on my *#@!

    omg did you vagazzle it too!?

    My T Rex lets my 5 year old put press on nails on him.

    My t rex only wants to love and kiss you all over . Lmbo

    see you later i am off to see the T-rex fights tonight.

    The owners need to wash the T-rex's before the fight so that proves they are safe? right???

    T Rex's are not fighting dinosaurs!!!!!! Please educate yourself about the bread!

    blame the deed not the bread

    my great grandaddy JP Colby bred game T-rex in the 1920's

    all your fat over weight pigs have nothing on a real all american game bred T-rex.

    Darn Dino mommys

    T-Rex's have feelings.........................Too.!
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • 12 mins · Like · 2
  • Thomas McCartney Jeff Borchardt wait till you see him with his caps on and after he gets a bridge..............of course he could have left a span or two standing in Brooklyn.
    3 mins · Like · 1

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