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Monday, 19 January 2015

Rachel Q Acosta So when they prove your a stalker I wonder if all the pitbull attacks Will stop

  • Jeff Borchardt And because you're a woman, I only stalk women.
  • Jeff Borchardt if you don't want me to make an example out of you, don't insert yourself into my life. Oh boo-hoo. I told you something that could save your child's life. Now I'm gonna block him and join a hate page and bitch about it.
  • Rachel Q Acosta What a joke! All the sudden you are all these things now Jeff? This is how attorneys work they pick apart a person and make them un credible, then no one gets paid or justice. It's so transparent and obvious.
  • Rachel Q Acosta So when they prove your a stalker I wonder if all the pitbull attacks Will stop? No but they will start on another man or woman.

Jeff Borchardt Is this the clarification you were looking for Women Stalked and Harassed by Jeff D Borchardt? And no that is not my page but it is a close friend. I only wish I was that talented at making memes....BSL advocates don't need to present anything out of context to make you people look like the psychos you are.

  • Liza Mae Not a one of them had the courage or compassion to point that out as being cruel and unwarranted.
  • Rachel Q Acosta Wow would love to know who is in charge of that page isn't some computer wiz able to?
  • Jeff Borchardt Remember this person that threatened to sue us?
    Attention all victims of pit bull attacks and supporters of BSL. Any further harassment and libel slander by pit bull apologists, please make sure you send a ce...
    See More
  • Rick Fite They issued a legal writ via Facebook post?
  • Liza Mae Aw, Jeff! That is so cute how they took your tongue-in-cheek statement about only stalking women and then pasted it out of context as proof of your confessing. What tripe.
  • Jeff Borchardt Exact same way the peanut butter rumor was started Liza Mae. I can only assume that's the way the nanny dog and ATTS myth was started. Just repeat a lie enough, and it becomes truth.
  • Jeff Borchardt I guess I'm going to have to start taking screenshots of everything the person BEFORE me says too.
  • Rachel Q Acosta Reminds me of that willsboro church group suing dead soldiers parents for whatever reasons...
  • Liza Mae Yeah, that whole peanut butter thing was ridiculous. I was reading that post as it was all going down. Two very gross nutters having fun being deviant and nasty, again and again, long before your "callback" retort, and because that one comment of yours was seized upon and taken out of context, all the nutter-followers regurgitate the lie over and over. And, of course, like the telephone game, it has morphed into an even more outrageous lie that you are a pedophile, a lie that has gone around the internet far too many times. Now, that is harrasment. That would be libel, if it affected your income. I think you and I know who started that horrible rumor -- a certain special nutter that is obsessed with pedophelia, so much so that rarely is the time she crosses someone without bandying that accusation about. Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.
  • Liza Mae Hey, you! Yes, you. Come after me. I dare you! I welcome your cyber-attack. It means nothing. What is the matter with you people? Your breed of choice kills and maims more people than all other breeds combined, and you attack the messenger. What a wasted effort. Because it is doing not a thing to lesson the attacks. The attacks are escalating while you twiddle your thumbs and put your efforts on the wrong thing. We are not the enemy. Your fellow pit owners are.

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