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Friday, 30 January 2015

Non- Profit calls for Harassment ~ ZOMBIESANDDOGS

“Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership, and advocate for public safety and animal welfare. Through education, promotional vehicles, and providing resources, we aspire to function as an authority on these topics and serve our communities.” – the founding and very active Founder & Board Members Jeff & Kimberly Borchardt promote as they attempt to worm their way into your homes. However, by their online and offline actions, they endorse and actively engage in harassment & stalking pit bull owners behind their pending non profit status.
” If a non-profit participates in illegal activity or violates public policy, it can lose its 501(c)(3) status. When determining whether a non- profit will lose its tax-exempt status, a court will consider the prohibited acts in which the non-profit participated, as well as how much of the non-profits time was spent participating in those activities. There have been cases regarding the issue of racial discrimination in education, where organizations have not qualified for IRC 501(c)(3) status on grounds that the activities of the organizations violated public policy even though the organizations did not violate any federal statutes or state or local laws.”
Last time I checked, inciting a known hate group to harass another individual(s) by sharing personal information is and can be considered illegal behavior.
Kind of like the behavior founding Board Member and the man gaining financial support from the donations of the non- profit Daxton’s Friends- Mr. Jeff D. Borchardt is currently engaging in at this moment.
Not only is he happily posting and encouraging a known extreme hate group with members that have made national news for their violence &promotion of animal abuse but he admits to stalking Facebook pages to gain information with the threats of calling with the sole purpose of harassment.
You know, we hear Jeff Borchardt cry & whine continuously about being picked on, yet he encourages it by harassing other people. He fails to mention that 99.99% of the time ANY sort of backlash he does receive is because he engages in behavior like his lovely hate page were he posts pictures of children of pit bull owners such as this post or this post- where he acknowledges he likes to harass Karen Delise & The board members of Animal Farm Foundation via social media and probably over the phone, mail, email… Yet he wonders why people become so angry with him & his wife.
Once again- this may come as a shock to him but- people don’t own him a thing. Strangers do not owe him sympathy. Strangers do not owe him respect. Strangers owe him absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. لا شيء.অবলীলায়. 什麼都沒有. Nic. Niets. Balewala. Rien. Τίποτα. שום דבר. Niente. Get it? Now, I hope Mr. Borchardt pays attention, because this is important-
1. When the founding Board Member of Daxton’s Friends Jeff Borchardt does this-
and then receives responses like this-
Kind of says he asked for it.
2. When you start forcing people offer their sympathy and expect them to be perfectly okay with being blamed for someone’s mistake, you can expect a backlash like this-
Kind of says he asked for it.
3. When a grown man stalks a woman so much that the woman has to block him from contacting her-
Causes a group to be created because they have been harassed & stalked by Mr. Borchardt and are taking legal action-
Kind of makes you wonder if this is what he wants. Which is the kind of attention he wants. Good or bad- anything that gives him a reason to play the victim.
Victim playing (also known as playing the victim or self-victimization) is the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justifyabuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.
Victim playing by abusers is either:
– diverting attention away from acts of abuse by claiming that the abuse was justified based on another person’s bad behavior (typically the victim)
-soliciting sympathy from others in order to gain their assistance in supporting or enabling the abuse of a victim (known as proxy abuse).
It is common for abusers to engage in victim playing. This serves two purposes:
– justification to themselves – as a way of dealing with the cognitive dissonance that results from inconsistencies between the way they treat others and what they believe about themselves.
-justification to others – as a way of escaping harsh judgment or condemnation they may fear from others.
Victim Playing by Manipulators
Manipulators often play the victim role (“poor me”) by portraying themselves as victims of circumstances or someone else’s behavior in order to gain pity or sympathy or to evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering, and the manipulator often finds it easy and rewarding to play on sympathy to get cooperation.(1)
Playing victim is a means to an end for this man. It’s his claim to “fame”, his claim to financial gain and his way to further his cause.
What he doesn’t understand- people start catching on. People start noticing previous behavior that led to the alleged “hounding”. Considering previous behavior is a great indicator of how people WILL act in the future it’s safe to say that the Borchardt’s won’t be stopping anytime soon.
1. Simon, George K (1996). In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People.

Foolish Follies Because the dumb just get dumber

Hello? IRS?

These will be going to the IRS, and possibly to the authorities.
Seems Jeff wants to encourage his groupies to call and hassle this guys employer because of things he said .. umm… Freedom of Speech ring a bell you fucktard?
Zombies and dogs has the full story of the most recent attack the foamers have launched (which I’ve been told resulted in nothing but a disturbance to a few co-workers) and the fact that this sort of activity on behalf of a non-profit can result in loss of non-profit status.
We aim to do all we can to make sure that happens. He thinks he’s teflon. He’s not.

Thursday, 29 January 2015


I was feeling creative today.
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  • 11 people like this.
  • Thomas McCartney Have you met my Service T-Rex Harley III, he is a junk collector and eats cars and buildings in his spare time, such a good citizen.

    My Service T-Rex is so sweet and all Gums, he just wants to cuddle and stroke you with his 12 inch claws, isn't that s
    He will Gum you to death.

    Myth #1: It's the owner not the T-rex

    Myth # 2: It's impossible to identify a T-rex

    Myth #3: Human-aggressive T-rex's were "culled"

    Fatal attack statistics about T-rex's are false

    The media conspiracy against T-Rex's

    T-rex's are not unpredictable

    T-Rex's do not have a locking jaw, they just eat you alive

    T-Rex's used to be the most popular dinosaur in America

    T-rex's pass the American Temperament Test

    Punish the deed not the breed (of dinosaur)

    T-rex's originally were "nanny dinosaurs"

    T-rex's were once known as nanny dino's.

    T-Rex's will lick you to death.

    There's no need to muzzle and leash your T-Rex in the Doggy Park.

    Don't forget to attend our 'Million T-Rex March' on The White House. President Obama loves T-Rex's and he thinks everyone should own one. Except him.

    Its not an attack if the T-rex is wagging its tail.

    There no bad T-rex's...only bad owners.

    I've seen chihuahuas more aggressive than my T-Rex.


    TSL has been proven not to work in Denver

    Best babysitters ever....NOT

    MY T-rex is the sweetest dino ever.

    T.Rex's make the BEST Therapy Dinos ever. And are wonderful as Guide-Dinos for The Blind.

    velociraptors bite more than T-rex's.

    Let's set up a T-rex kissing booth for our kids.

    Let's bring a T-rex into school and let the children read books to a perfectly trained T-rex

    Let's bring our T-rex to the walk for the victims of T-rex's in Houston to show them they don't have to be afraid of T-rex's

    T-rexBite dot org

    Hey now...educate yourself guys.

    My T-Rex likes coconuts!

    you're all just racist against T-Rex's!!!

    please leave t~Rex's alone my family had bred them for years and the only time i was bitten was by a pibble.

    educate yourself you hater,I hope get mauled by a chihuahua.

    t-rex make the best nanny dinosaur, its all how they are raised don't you know.

    I will be posting this at the dinosaurs love kids and kids love dinosaurs.

    don't you know the famous dinosaur barney?

    president roosevelt had a dinosaur and fred flintstone.

    helen keller had 25 of them.

    wiggle tails?

    educate yourself its haters like you that give dinosaurs a bad name.

    come over to my house and meet my t-rex

    awww you really hurted my feelings, Im going to go eat worms!!

    My brontosaurus bites and my T-Rex never does. In fact the T-Rex is scared of him!

    T-rex only bite if they're trained to

    my vet says t-rex is the only dinosaur that doesn't bite

    I have 8 t-rex and I'm a vet tech

    I'am a vet tech too and i have a therapy dinosaur, it reads to kids at schools

    64 kids crawl all over my t-rex, and he's never shown aggression

    Get the FACTS!!!

    there's no such thing as a t-rex

    people are so quick to label anything 20 ft tall with a 5 foot neck and muscular as a so called "t-rex"

    all dinosaurs have teeth

    Their are over 30 types of dinosaur mistaken for a T-Rex, not only that, their is a media conspiracy against them. T-Rex attack stories sell.

    My T-Rex saved my life; he roared at a bit of smoke & we evacuated the house. Last week I read that a T-Rex killed a child; that is SO rubbish - there is no such thing as a T-Rex! Get educated! I'm so done with this - I'm going to feed my T... I mean my Giant Lizard. Goodbye!

    t-rex aren't real. nothing is real.

    omg u ppl r so ignorent!!!!!!! i had a terradactle an that little basturd was way meaner than my t-rex!!!!!! only ppl who fight t-rexes make them mean an bite so dont judge the hole bread just cuz a few buttwipes train there dinos to attack i raise my t-rex with love an he kisses us all the time!!!!!! U PPL R RACIST AN U MAKE ME SICK!!!

    t-rex built this great nation


    You haters only have 153 likes. Our T-Rex breeders club has 4000! TAKE THAT, HATERS!!!

    It's a nannysaurus!

    Parents need to teach their brats proper kindness and respect around t-rex. ANY dinosaur has it's breaking point when TERRIFIED!!

    Good news, T - Rex went extinct and no longer prey on communities.

    T-Rex's are as safe as any other dinosaur. You guys are just racist.

    more kids are injured falling down, so what are we going to ban falling down next?!!!

    My T-Rex smiles at me every time I walk in the door. He even lets my two year old ride his tail. Was this T- Rex neutered??? This wouldn't happen if he was. Do not spew your hate towards MY T-Rex! Responsible T-Rex ownership 101. WE ARE WINNING. OUR T-REX'S ARE WINNING. SUCK IT HATERS

    My T-rex pulled a baby from a burning building. He is the best nanny t rex god ever made. He wouldnt hurt a fly.

    My T - Rex is an ambassador for the breed. He passed his T - Rex Good Citizenship test performed by my best friend and passed with flying colors. I bring him to dog parks and he is a perfect angel. He even loves cats!

    my t-rex is gorgeous and sweet but would defend me to the bitter end

    It isn't my T-Rex you need to worry about; it's ME. They might have culled the man-biters out of HIS lizard-lineage, but they let them live in MY ancestors! Grrrrr!

    sorry to have to report this but

    my T-rex just killed my Dino dog, it had always been sweet and had never bit anyone before.

    The -Rex will be going to the flintstone dinosaur rescue farm for unstable dinasaur's

    My t-rex is tattooed on my *#@!

    omg did you vagazzle it too!?

    My T Rex lets my 5 year old put press on nails on him.

    My t rex only wants to love and kiss you all over . Lmbo

    see you later i am off to see the T-rex fights tonight.

    The owners need to wash the T-rex's before the fight so that proves they are safe? right???

    T Rex's are not fighting dinosaurs!!!!!! Please educate yourself about the bread!

    blame the deed not the bread

    my great grandaddy JP Colby bred game T-rex in the 1920's

    all your fat over weight pigs have nothing on a real all american game bred T-rex.

    Darn Dino mommys

    T-Rex's have feelings.........................Too.!
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • 12 mins · Like · 2
  • Thomas McCartney Jeff Borchardt wait till you see him with his caps on and after he gets a bridge..............of course he could have left a span or two standing in Brooklyn.
    3 mins · Like · 1