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Saturday, 8 November 2014

Mix Master Boofhead

@Kdelise Attack me on my business page and I will expose your dumb ass to all 1800 of my followers. Lest you forget my son was KILLED by PIT BULLS? This is what will happen to you if your child is brutally killed in such a way. Countless blogs and pages written about you that are complete lies. But that's what pit bull apologists do, right Kimberly? How else can pit bulls be nanny dogs and should never be alone with a child at the same time? Right Kimberly? You are a true ambassador for your breed. Jane Berkey must be so proud of you.
Photo: @Kdelise Attack me on my business page and I will expose your dumb ass to all 1800 of my followers. Lest you forget my son was KILLED by PIT BULLS? This is what will happen to you if your child is brutally killed in such a way. Countless blogs and pages written about you that are complete lies. But that's what pit bull apologists do, right Kimberly? How else can pit bulls be nanny dogs and should never be alone with a child at the same time? Right Kimberly? You are a true ambassador for your breed. Jane Berkey must be so proud of you.

Does anyone know what these human haters are even talking about anymore?
Photo: Does anyone know what these human haters are even talking about anymore?
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Every Friday night at New Horizons in Delavan, WI
Photo: Every Friday night at New Horizons in Delavan, WI
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As some of you may know @cesarmillan & @Kdelise have blocked me on Twitter. It is one thing to be a celebrity dog trainer and fall victim to the pro pit bull myths, lies and propaganda. It is another to have been educated about these myths by a father of a CHILD KILLED BY PIT BULLS and continue to spread the lies, myths and propaganda. Cesar Millan and Karen Delise are further insuring more deaths, maimings and maulings of innocent Americans by breeds that were created by humans to slowly rip bulls apart in an arena and later fight each other to death in a pit by continuing to spread these lies and myths:

TV shows like the Dog Whisperer and organizations like the Jane Berkey controlled National Canine Research Council are another reason the U.S. just had its 29th DBRF (Dog Bite Related Fatality) in 2014:

Our government failed our son just as much as the animal welfare community has with its refusal to even read the 14 page recommendations document submitted by and Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness to the Center For Disease Control & Prevention:

Do me a favor today and contact any network that is sponsoring Cesar Millan. Ask them why Cesar Millan is still repeating the myth that pit bulls ever were "nanny dogs." Ask them why Cesar Millan is in direct confrontation with Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls. BAD RAP

All the tags will go with if you *******PLEASE SHARE THIS PHOTO******
Photo: As some of you may know @cesarmillan & @Kdelise have blocked me on Twitter. It is one thing to be a celebrity dog trainer and fall victim to the pro pit bull myths, lies and propaganda. It is another to have been educated about these myths by a father of a CHILD KILLED BY PIT BULLS and continue to spread the lies, myths and propaganda. Cesar Millan and Karen Delise are further insuring more deaths, maimings and maulings of innocent Americans by breeds that were created by humans to slowly rip bulls apart in an arena and later fight each other to death in a pit by continuing to spread these lies and myths:

TV shows like the Dog Whisperer and organizations like the Jane Berkey controlled National Canine Research Council are another reason the U.S. just had its 29th DBRF (Dog Bite Related Fatality) in 2014:

Our government failed our son just as much as the animal welfare community has with its refusal to even read the 14 page recommendations document submitted by and Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness to the Center For Disease Control & Prevention:

Do me a favor today and contact any network that is sponsoring Cesar Millan. Ask them why Cesar Millan is still repeating the myth that pit bulls ever were "nanny dogs." Ask them why Cesar Millan is in direct confrontation with Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls. BAD RAP

All the tags will go with if you *******PLEASE SHARE THIS PHOTO******
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A Facebook post on Victoria's Victories says that at a Jackson KFC., a young child was asked to leave because her face scared the other diners.

Victoria's Victories page follows the medical updates for 3-year-old pit bull attack victim Victoria Wilcher.

A Facebook status report say Victoria suffered a broken upper and lower jaw, broken nose, cheek bones and right eye socket and lost her right eye from the attack. Her bottom jaw has been reconstructed and additional surgeries await. The family is struggling financially; the Facebook report asks for prayers and support.

In the attack in Simpson County, the child had been dragged from her grandfather's mobile home by three pit bulls and had bite marks all over her body. The dogs were put down immediately.

(Read more)
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I have two quarter barrel parties for New Horizons Bar in Delavan Wi that were donated to Love for Dax Benefit for Jeff and Kim Borchardt. The winners were not able to attend and wanted us to re-raffle them off to donate to

If you would like Mix Master Bogart to spin your party, make sure you plan it for a Friday night.

I will start the bidding at $20 per voucher. Place your bid underneath on the comments section. The deadline will be this Friday (6/13/14) at 5:00pm.
 — with Delavan Area and New Horizons Bar.
Photo: I have two quarter barrel parties for New Horizons Bar in Delavan Wi that were donated to Love for Dax Benefit for Jeff and Kim Borchardt. The winners were not able to attend and wanted us to re-raffle them off to donate to

If you would like Mix Master Bogart to spin your party, make sure you plan it for a Friday night.

I will start the bidding at $20 per voucher. Place your bid underneath on the comments section. The deadline will be this Friday (6/13/14) at 5:00pm.
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I see Nancy has jumped on the peanut butter bandwagon. LOL!
I suppose that's what happens when you team up with the victim blamers.
I thought I would help promote ColoRADogs.
This was her response to someone asking why there was a picture of a baby (my son) on her Facebook page. Carol Miller simply answered the question.
Click here to read the full story of what happened to Daxton and you tell me if what I did in my 20's had anything to do with a FIFTEEN minute fatal pit bull mauling:…/beyond-the-interview-essay-of-a-…
  • Barrett Kay likes this.
  • Jane Brown Vile scum. It will happen to them. They are playing with fire, worshipping these things....
    17 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt I'm not sure Jane. Does Nancy even own pit bulls?
    17 hrs · Like
  • Jane Brown Beats me....seems like a waste of good venom, if not! I don't try to understand these sociopaths.
    17 hrs · Like
  • Jeff Borchardt What is a "Postitiots?"
    17 hrs · Like · 1
    16 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jaime Brunkan That screenshot regarding us having mental issues is ludicrous. .people share experiences in life, as the public does with reataurant reviews..THIS is my experience with two pit bulls I loved, I'm not the one that needs help and didn't even know dogsbite existed until much after my experience!
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Rose Solesky I am 76 and I never ever heard of a dog killing a human until the Pit Bull breed was on the scene. It is unconsionable to me that an organization like the SPCA wud allow this animal to be adopted and worst yet continue to be bred.
    11 hrs · Like · 3
  • Julia Lewis Rose Solesky, I agree with you! I'm about your age and I never heard of a dog killing someone until these dogs became popular. No-one had them as pets when we were children or even when I was in my teens or twenties. Actually, it was about 20 years ago, I think, that people started having them as pets.
    2 hrs · Like
  • Julia Lewis When I was in my late 20s my best friend bought a Staffie puppy. That dog caused such interest wherever she went. Everybody came up to ask what breed it was and thought it so clever of her to have got a breed that had almost died out here in England. She was the kind of person who always wanted to be different and to have a dog that nobody else had! She remained the only person I knew with a Staffie (and she continued to have them all her life) for a long time, because it was years before they really caught on.
    2 hrs · Like

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