Foolish Follies
Because the dumb just get dumber
Borchardt and his “education”
3 Replies
Jeff Borchardt claims that his group “Daxton’s Friends” is about education and saving lives.
And then he proves what an absolute liar he is.
It’s not enough that he takes no responsibility (or at least places it where it belongs, on the person who was caring for his son) for what happened to Daxton. Even though the police reports and vet reports show a story very different than the one he tells.
No, he has to go after millions of dogs and their owners who had NOTHING to do with him.
One has to assume he’s just stretching his 15 minutes of fame out as long as he can. Which stands to reason from a man in his 40s who apparently makes his living as a DJ who calls himself Mix Master Bogart. Hello 80s anyone?
Anyway..his education and saving lives is mostly about harassing and trying to scare pit bull owners. And he’s getting it down to an art I must say. It’s interesting to see how many people are getting tired of his antics. Losing a child is a tragedy, there is no doubt. But using that loss as a way to direct your anger at people you don’t even know, and even worse profiting off it (as he is apparently doing with DFO) is just..well gross. And most people know it. Initially he was the perfect person to step up and take the spotlight for Colleen Lynn. Sad story, heartbroken father, it played well to the media. But’s just a bitter man who wants to get attention. Not ONCE have I seen this man say “our son”. It’s HIS SON. As if his wife, who actually gave birth to that child doesn’t exist, or doesn’t matter. Anytime people are discussing what has happened to them…Bogart pops up to make it about HIM. Not about Dax. About HIM. And people are quickly seeing through it. This isn’t about saving lives. It’s not about educating. It’s about being the center of attention.
And it’s beginning to look an awful lot like harassment. And this time, he admitted it. Previously he has started pages (the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed and others) quietly and then denied that he had anything to do with them. He’s stolen pictures of dogs, children, parents, their friends and family, cloaked in the “you shared it you made it public” nonsense. Technically that is true if you are SHARING them. but it’s not true if you are stealing them, altering them and putting untrue statements on them. But since Facebook is a big steaming pile of shit that doesn’t actually care..he gets away with it. For now.
But he keeps pushing the boundaries. And eventually he’ll step on the wrong toes. We’ll be waiting for that.
But I digress. Who Is Colleen Lynn did a post today about anew page that has gone up. Stealing pictures of children and dogs and families again. Posting them for “identification” purposes. Why? Because this way Bogart can hassle and harrass these “families” when their dogs attack (because ya know…every single pit bull on the planet is going to rise up and attack someone, hell, even the ones who have already died will be back in the zombie apocalypse).
How do we know? Because he said so. Pig. That is all he is. This is his “education”. This is his “service to make our communities safer”. No. This is a lunatic who is probably a danger if not to himself, to others. And I hope someone in his real life sees it and gets him the help he needs before he crosses a boundary he can’t get back across again.