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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Liza Mae It's your baby, Jeff. Admit it!

I see Nancy has jumped on the peanut butter bandwagon. LOL!
I suppose that's what happens when you team up with the victim blamers.
I thought I would help promote ColoRADogs.
This was her response to someone asking why there was a picture of a baby (my son) on her Facebook page. Carol Miller...
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  • 7 people like this.
  • Jane Brown Vile scum. It will happen to them. They are playing with fire, worshipping these things....
  • Jeff Borchardt I'm not sure Jane. Does Nancy even own pit bulls?
  • Jane Brown Beats me....seems like a waste of good venom, if not! I don't try to understand these sociopaths.
  • Joanna McGinn Just curious.... what would DUIs have to do with Dax???? does that mean anyone who ever got a ticket has no right to being safe from a PB? apparently some do.... makes no sense to me. " Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future'.... so I guess to them that gives them a free pass to own and promote a dog that has the highest rate of mauling and killing? hmmmmmm????
  • Jeff Borchardt What is a "Postitiots?"
  • Joanna McGinn people they think of as idiots who 'post' a lot? probably
  • Joanna McGinn in other words, you have no RIGHT to express your opinon... only THEY have that 'right'...uh hunh...
  • Joanna McGinn I mean we use PIT-idiiots don't we? They probably borrowed that and made it to suit them
  • Susan DeVilder And I bet Ol' Nancy is just as pure as the driven-snow!!!
  • Joanna McGinn how do they find the time and energy to try to dig up crap like that... oh yeah... they don't have real income producing activities and aren't 'retired'.
  • Tony Solesky Great work Jeff Borchardt, If everything were true it would not be relevant to the work you do on behalf of public safety. That post is rather a tribute by them to you about the fact they could find nothing wrong with your mission.
  • Jaime Brunkan That screenshot regarding us having mental issues is ludicrous. .people share experiences in life, as the public does with reataurant reviews..THIS is my experience with two pit bulls I loved, I'm not the one that needs help and didn't even know dogsbite existed until much after my experience!
  • Rose Solesky I am 76 and I never ever heard of a dog killing a human until the Pit Bull breed was on the scene. It is unconsionable to me that an organization like the SPCA wud allow this animal to be adopted and worst yet continue to be bred.
  • Julia Lewis Rose Solesky, I agree with you! I'm about your age and I never heard of a dog killing someone until these dogs became popular. No-one had them as pets when we were children or even when I was in my teens or twenties. Actually, it was about 20 years ago, I think, that people started having them as pets.
  • Julia Lewis When I was in my late 20s my best friend bought a Staffie puppy. That dog caused such interest wherever she went. Everybody came up to ask what breed it was and thought it so clever of her to have got a breed that had almost died out here in England. She was the kind of person who always wanted to be different and to have a dog that nobody else had! She remained the only person I knew with a Staffie (and she continued to have them all her life) for a long time, because it was years before they really caught on.
  • Jenny Pollman Wow... They're reaching to an unbelievable level. To lie so publicly is just so unbelievable. It's amazing what these pit apologist will say and do when they aren't getting what they want. Kind of funny how they say we are all mental and need help... We are brain washed and paid by colleen.. I chuckle everytime I read them say that. You really can't even get mad about anymore. You just shake your head... Roll your eyes... And pray for them.
  • Jane Brown Classic projection.
  • Jeff Borchardt Lol..what a bunch of morons!...I had to find out what they were talking about.

    This was a parody flier that was going around the Milwaukee rave scene a few years back. It's not a real party. It was a joke making fun of all the young DJs. Look at the rest of it. Brostep and Trap. Numarks. Latency set wrong... If the nut jobs knew what the hell they were talking about, they would know this.
  • Beth Kehoe These people and their dogs are a menace to society.
  • Jeff Borchardt "Scene drama. Egos".... What's the date? Location? Crew?....I suppose if you are gullible enough to believe that pit bulls used to be nanny dogs, you are gullible enough to believe anything.
  • Corrie VerBraken I keep saying this: They sure have a lot of spare time to make parodies and harass victims. Praying that our Father will turn their ugly hearts and use all that zeal to help others instead of hurt.
  • Jenny Rosen OMG that flyer... *laughing so hard*
  • Jeff Borchardt See?... Jenny Rosen gets it.
  • William Johnson Oh. This is hilarious.. But you know these morons- once they put in their pea brains they'll never let it go. They'll never admit they are too stupid to recognize parody. Idiots.
  • William Johnson And wow, that Nancy sure is an angry bitter one, isn't she? She lost, big time. Now she's just throwing a temper tantrum. I thought it was all about the dogs, and she doesn't engage in vitriol. What happened to that Nancy?
  • Jeff Borchardt Pathetic. Desperate. Morons.
  • Jenny Pollman Yes... They are pathetic. Desperate. Morons. And a lot of other things too. Lol!
  • Karin Høy Wauw! You really have pissed that one off LOL
  • Gail L Rosbach I don't understand what someones past has to do with this issue. Ithink they do that when they know they have lost and just have to have that last word, even if its totally out of line,
  • Jeff Borchardt!!!!'s one of Bogart drinking a beer with his "Dubstep Sucks" T-shirt on!!!!!.....Better try and discredit our entire movement!
    6 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt Here's one of Mix Master Bogart and midwest, kick-fucking-ass DJ "Jen Dub" right after she just got done spinning one of the best sets I've ever heard in my life!!!!!
    6 hrs · Like · 1
  • Jeff Borchardt ...And that's her boyfriend in the background..."Ramses Orion" ....They just had a baby together!
    6 hrs · Like
  • Liza Mae It's your baby, Jeff. Admit it!

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