Bogart..spreading the word

Because New Hampshire seems to have such a terrible problem with um, pit bull deaths and maimings Bogart spends donated money on this:
That paper has a circulation of about 180,000 (according to their website). If even 5% of the people see the ads (and I’m being generous) that’s MAYBE 9000 people that see it. Being generous again, let’s say 5% actually read it that’s a whole 450 who read it. And how many of those are actually going to run to their computer to look at DFO? Let’s be generous. Let’s say 5% (and now I’m being like stupid generous) that’s 20 people. And how many of THEM are going to actually swallow all the crap on that site .. copy and pastes from Wikipedia and UKC sites twisted to fit a hate agenda. Maybe 1. Maybe.
So probably a couple hundred dollars spent of donor money, on an ad that will do NOTHING to educate anyone but might hold the attention span of one person long enough to have the site get seen.
Bloody brilliant.
I just have to ask myself how long it’s going to take these people that hate doesn’t sell. Hate doesn’t work. Sure, it gets some attention and “oooh ahhhs” from people. But in the long run? No. It’s good for ratings but that’s all. And there are more and more people willing to stand up against the hate every single day. Without newspaper ads.
By the way..his target demo area? They already have a very good dangerous dog law that holds owners responsible for the actions of their dogs. No matter WHAT breed. Duh. He’s targeting an area that’s already doing it right.