Dear Foamers-
Hi Foamers!
We know you are basking in the limelight of your failed interviews… You know- the ones you only showed up for if they didn’t question you…. You know- like the Steve Dale’s Pet show ….
OMG! You were so excited… Until…. They told you in so many words that you are a idiot.
I mean- bummer. We were so excited to hear you uhmmnm speak and actually uhhmmmm debate on why uhmmnm you think your platform is the way to uhhmmmm go.
OMG! You were so excited… Until…. They told you in so many words that you are a idiot.
I mean- bummer. We were so excited to hear you uhmmnm speak and actually uhhmmmm debate on why uhmmnm you think your platform is the way to uhhmmmm go.
The thing is, which maybe you do not understand is- I could care less about your temper tantrums. Yes, I know, you’ll call names, you’ll threaten, you will do everything that just keeps knocking away YOUR credibility. I’m not the one fighting against established, respected and well funded groups like AVMA and a slew of others that speak out against BSL/Bans- that would be YOU.
But so we are clear- let me make things clear for you-
I promise to expose and share your disgusting behavior that you promote day by day. I can promise to piss you off because the world is seeing the true side of you through your words and actions. I can promise that myself and millions of others make it our mission to allow you to discredit your self with your own words and actions and throw out all of the hate filled agendas out the door.

So yes- to answer your silly question- I am thrilled to expose you daily and I’m not alone- so are many others gladly helping you discredit yourself with your own words. Between myself, Foolish Follies , WICL and many others your real agenda is being seen.
I hope it’s all cleared up now.
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