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Tuesday, 25 November 2014


  • Annie Cowan Brown ·  ·  Top Commenter
    If this is not a breed problem, then I want to know why there are so many owners who are training their dogs to jump through windosw, jump off of buildings, break their collar/leash, hold onto whatever they are attacking no matter if they are hit inthe head and back with a two-by-four/baseball bat/golf club. Why are there so many families with children that are training their dogs to attack their own children, and their children's friends/friend's children, their parents and other pets.Why, when I google dog attacks on any given day, are there so many pitbull attacks listed? Why is there a conspiracy in the media to blame only these dogs? Why all of the photos and videos of these dogs show stocky, wide-stanced, large-jawed dogs that are of the same or related breeds and why are the owners saying they are pits/pit message / staf... See More
    • Kevin R. Klein · Sales Director at Certified Security Solutions - CSS
      • Selwyn Marock ·  Top Commenter · Dale College, King Williams Town South Africal
        Why not KILL the owners of Dangerous dogs,no dog is born vicious,BSL is a FILTHY and EVIL law.
        • Tessa Tewksbury ·  Top Commenter · Works at Just Dogs Grooming Salon
          "Breed specific legislation” has never proven to be effective. BSL is ineffective and fundamentally flawed because it is fueled by the myth that pit bulls are stronger or more dangerous than other breeds equal or greater in size. All large dogs have the strength capable of inflicting serious injury. Even small dogs can become dangerous in the wrong hands. In 2000, a 6 week old baby in Los Angelos was killed by the family Pomeranian.

          In December 2013, The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published the most comprehensive multi-factorial study of dog bite-related fatalities. No single breed was attributed for causing the most fatalities. The study identified multiple factors that led to fatal dog attacks. Such factors include failing to spay/neuter, being a “resident dog” (a dog confined or chained in a way ... See More
          • Annie Cowan Brown ·  ·  Top Commenter
            Not true. Its only ineffective, like ANY OTHER LAW, when it is NOT ENFORCED OR GOES UNPUNISHED. If you do your own independent research, like I have, you will see that. Each state/city/county has records that are open to the public. Before you speak, take one county with BSL and do the numbers, find out what happened to law violators. If I tell you that if you drive drunk I will take away your vehicle, then I look the other way when you are driving drunk, you will not follow my law. BSL works and is working where it is being enforced.
        • Truth, And Nothing Butt Hurts - the smart things advocates for BSL say
          Since the passage of HB 14 in 2012 Ohio has had nine fatal dog attacks. Historical note - in the previous 25 years Ohio had six fatal dog attacks. HB14, sold to foolish legislators as "finally giving dog wardens the tools to deal with dangerous dogs" is an epic fail. Here is another historical note, HB 14 was written by Ledy Vankavage's staff at Best Friends Animal Society headquartered in Kanab Utah, the deal was brokered by private citizen and pit bull advocate Jean Keating, and pushed through the Ohio Legislature by Keating's personal friend, Representative Barbara Sears assisted with a media blitz by the Toledo Blade. All these facts come from documents obtained via public records requests.

          Just a week or so ago Jean Keating was interviewed for a story by She stated on camera that Ohio law since the passage of HB 14 is "much more proactive, it identifies dogs that are dangerous before they hurt people." Given the nine fatalities, not so much. Watch the video, Tom Skeldon is also interviewed. He gives very honest information. Per "Skeldon says the amended law was a mistake. "At the rate we're going, you're going to have a lot more deaths due to dogs. And, it doesn't have to be that way." Skeldon has the opportunity to say "I told you so."

          • Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness
            “We thought he was going to be a great dog. He acted like one. He was a good example of a good pit. Until he just decided to attack. He slept in our bed and everything. We never left the kids alone with him. They were never mean to him. We had 5 other dogs including another female pit and they never fought.
            It’s NOT the way they are raised. Our dog was well loved and raised. He obeyed all commands and never showed any aggression. These myths almost cost my sons life. How many more people have to get hurt because of a lie?”
            Jennifer Arp

            “The backdoor was open and suddenly we heard people screaming from outside. Bexar, with zero warning, had lunged at Gavin, and his jaws were clamped down on Gavin’s face, right in front of everyone. Let me point out that there were 8 people within arms reach of Gavin when Bexar attacked. This is ... See More
            • Jeff D. Borchardt
              Yes, law enforcement and animal control and dog owners are all on record calling the dog a pit bull and the NCRC says breed can’t be determined? Oh how convenient! Having it be not determined does three things for them:

              1. It allows them to say not that many pit bulls are killing people.

              2. It allows them to say this is not a breed centered problem or that breed is a factor at all.

              3. It adds more fuel to their theory that pit bulls can’t be identified. It’s a circular argument used to prove itself.

              Even a quick look at official records and a quick comparison to Karen Delise’s propaganda quickly reveals the outright fabrications. Let’s face it, even for a business propagandist who, (In my opinion) appears to be hired to deceive, obscure and alter the truth, she is not very good at what she does. The fabrications, errors, and falsehoods are so apparent, they make the pit bull lobby look criminal. She does it no favors.

              Read more by following this link:
              • Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness
                Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness was formed in honor of Daxton Borchardt, who passed away on March 6, 2013 due to severe injuries sustained in a dog attack. Daxton’s Friends would like to educate the public about the importance of understanding dog breeds and how, with proper education and pet care, the number of dog-related incidents can be reduced.

                The American Pit Bull Terrier Breed Description:
                Read more by visiting:

                “The ‘bull and terrier’ type was originally developed in England in the early 19th century. The lineage goes back to the mastiff / molosser types, including what we now call the Olde English Bulldogge, that were used for bear-, bull- and horse-baiting from the 12th through the 18th century. This isn’t the bear-baiting we think of today, ... See More
                • Glynis T Thomas
                  Just go to Google, type in "victims of pit bull attacks", then images. You will see what the PB's go after, time after time. Eyes, throats, jaws, limbs. They are not just bites. All the PB supporters, I hope you enjoy what you see, and hope your little one........or old one, are never amongst the victims. The PB "bite" is meant to do devastating damage. If someone told you there was a potentially deadly dangerous playpen on the market, would you buy it, rescue it from the roadside, or get it from a neighbor? No, of course not.
                  • Annie Cowan Brown ·  ·  Top Commenter
                    DONT COMPARE HUMANS AND DOGS. HUMANS, well most of us, have consciences and higher order thinking skills. Who gives a CRAP if its a pit/pit mix/staffy? Youre semantics and distraction techniques are old and used up and ........ absurd.We dont need to see your sweet wibble pic to get "educated" (also overused and tired). We need to stop these attacks. If you tricking pitiots would stop being all about me me me and try to save the baby's that are getting mauled and killed, then you might actually appear to be empathetic and part of our race, the human race. Come back with a valid way to stop these attacks, NOTICE I SAID....VALID, and not statistics or cute pics or support of these dogs, I dare you.
                  • Annie Cowan Brown ·  ·  Top Commenter
                    Please forgive my android spell correct typos.I actually care about others and wish to see responsible pit ownership, but legislation is necessary for all of the dangerous dogs out there. Period.
                • Tessa Tewksbury ·  Top Commenter · Works at Just Dogs Grooming Salon
                  Breed Specific Legislation is ineffective and fundamentally flawed. BSL regulates ALL dogs of a particular breed, giving no considering to the individual temperament of each dog. It discriminates against not only potentially dangerous “pit bulls” that are owned by criminals or irresponsible people, but it also unfairly punishes responsible owners of safe, temperamentally sound pets that may be identified as a “pit bull.” This law depends on the enforcement on the subjective understanding of the appearance of an ill-defined ‘breed’. A great deal of purebred and mixed breed dogs, including Bulldogs, Boxer mixes, Labrador mixes, and many others are often mistaken for a “pit bull” or “pit bull” mix. Owners of dogs that may appear similar to, but are not, “pit bulls” could become the victim of BSL.
                  “Pit bulls” are not the problem; aggressive or poorly socialized dogs owned by irresponsible people are the problem. Breed bans are ineffective; they do not create safer communities or offer protection from dangerous dogs. The state of Ohio repealed the state wide legislation because it was ineffective. If it was ineffective for the state, it will be ineffective In Fulton County.
                • Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
                  On average this year someone has been killed every 11 days by a pit bull just in the U.S.
                  • Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
                    28 Dog Bite Related Fatalities [08.13.14]

                    by Breed:
                    20 by Pit Bull / Pit Bull Mix
                    3 by Bullmastiff / Mastiff Mix
                    2 by Rottweiler
                    1 by Cane Corso
                    1 by Shepherd Mix
                    1 by Catahoula Leopard Dog

                    By age:
                    17 Children
                    11 Adults

                    By State:... See More

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