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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Jeff D. Borchardt we want to stop 100% of DBRD's.

I oppose bsl because i want to stop all deaths

Jeff D. Borchardt
Happy hunting. (18 photos)
  • 6 people like this.
  • (when I comment as a page, I'm a coward apparently?)
  • Julie Halliday Well, one things for sure. He certainly can't impersonate you. You can form proper sentences and use correct spelling and punctuation. This guy here is most certainly an English flunkee!! Lol
  • (they're all grammar police? I suppose they've got no facts so who can blame them)

  • Holly Conway I have only recently been educating myself w the this hole pit lover craziness. Idk what to think. It makes no sense to me these people and their redonkulous behavior, words, and just plain stupidity. How can they keep studdering untrue illogical rationale and still have the amount of support that they do. It's become very apparent how foolish society really has become. I have a 20 month old son whom I'm afraid to take to a park because I'm not sure I could be quick enough to kill one of these monstrous animals. It's a cruel world and these people continue to breed. Themselves and their animals. I won't even call them dogs.... 
    I see pictures of these poor lifeless children that bring me to tears. Or worse some of the deformed disfigured ones who survive and have to suffer forever. Idk know what else to say.
(they regularly bring up bad advocate behavior and yet boofheads threatening ti kill and maim and poison, and peanut butter and 2 yr olds?)
  • Julie Halliday Yes, all pit bulls are dangerous, because they are bred that way. No, they don't all attack without warning. A great many never have and never will. mmmk? 
    Why do they not understand that?
  • (although you still want to kill them all?? why? if they're not all dangerous?)
    • Julie Halliday Funny, he talks about how much opinions don't matter. Maybe he should follow his own advice.
    • (I'm a boofhead expert!, i can spot one from a foot ball field or more away! lol)
    • Cathy Garcia Ooooooh mmmmmk!
    • Tabby Haefke Cray cray.... mmmmmk?
    • Christel Ravn Omg :-S

      They are so incredibly stupid that it is beyond me how they can walk and breathe at the same time.

      Pathetic gets a whole new meaning!

      Their incredibly pathetic behavior confirms they should be admitted to a closed isolated department with their awfull dangerous dogs.

      Just think how much better the world would be and how many families were spared to cry over the loved ones they have lost if these dogs with their unsavory owners did not live among us. 

      It just gets me so mad !!!
    • (nothing makes you this way it's all in the genes aparently? it's not how they're raised, all boofheads do what they're bread (lol) to do, )
    • Chris Balduc They truly do not believe their pits would ever attack without warning because they never had a problem with them. They love their dogs.

      This is the number one reason they hate us so much: We present evidence that results in cognitive dissonance. So they reject the evidence and dismiss us as the enemy.

      This is a SMALL but vocal group of malcontents. (Remember that pit breeds make up a small percentage of dogs.) They don't deserve ANY attention from us at all. 

      Getting angry at them and fighting back against their hate is counterproductive. Publishing their hate and allowing ourselves to get emotional over it is counterproductive and in the end, harms only us.

      They want you to keep spreading their hate around and cheer every time you publish one of their hateful memes. You are playing into their little game, Jeff. So why do it? What's the motivation?
    • (FYI Chris the page is an anti BSL page and not a PRO pitbull page?? it's not rocket science we want to stop 100% of the dog bite related deaths)
    • Ban Pit Bulls Worldwide Not very many people seem to be supporting him/her.
    • This page is relatively young and it's not about numbers it's about innocent children you all seem to ignore?)

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