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Friday, 12 December 2014

Raechel Celeste Smith " I'm binge-eating on junk-food all night like a weak glutton."

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  • 4 people like this.
  • Rachel Q Acosta Wish everyone thought of the victims instead of the animal.
    11 hrs · Like · 5
  • 6 hrs · Like
  • Amber A Maclin I've seen other dog breeds attack in pet stores. Since I work for one. I see dog aggression on a daily basis and it's not just from bully breeds. Even though your question wasn't really a question.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Did the other breeds try to fatally attack or just attack like any dog can do?
    5 hrs · Like
  • Amber A Maclin some were just tiffs and others more serious. We have Lab that I groom regularly that goes to a dog daycare I used to work for who tried to kill other dogs literally. When he comes in I have to make sure is restrained properly and that there are no other dogs in the lobby area or back area. I understand pits are the number breed because they are over bred and mixed with everything no denying that there.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Amber A Maclin Now there is this new trend of breeding pits to poodles and making pitadoodles and etc... smh
    5 hrs · Like
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Meh. Labs are bred a heck of a lot and are mixed with everything also. Almost every dog at the pound is a Pit or lab mix, it seems. That lab never actually killed another dog; y'all had to restrain it; not stab it, taser it and/or shoot it for it to let you restrain it. I stand by my original feelings of Pits in public stores posing more of a threat; overbred or not.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Amber A Maclin Not asking you to change your opinion. I do feel if there were less pit and pit mixes there would less problems.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Problems? A problem is like right now, when I'm binge-eating on junk-food all night like a weak glutton. That's a problem. This Pit-fanaticism is tragic; not problematic. Sorry to be snippy, but when anyone brings up exceptions or other breeds on this matter, I can't help but be irked.
    4 hrs · Like · 1

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