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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Jeff Borchardt Well, the Mickey cam is up and running.

Well, the Mickey cam is up and running. Now you can see Mickey the child mauler from his jail cell 24/7.
While I was writing my latest blog post, it got me thinking about how much attention these DOGS get compared to the innocent children MAULED by these dogs.
While we were in church last Sunday, they had a special program where the preschoolers got up on stage and sang. There were parents everywhere proudly snapping photos of their little ones....It got me thinking about the LACK of media attention when kids like Kevin here don't get as much attention as the f*cking DOG that almost killed him. It got me thinking about the 16 children killed by pit bulls (our son one of them) last year.
There were about 30 children up on stage on Sunday morning. It got me thinking....What if this congregation could see HALF of these kids on stage literally get mauled to death right in front of their eyes?...Would THAT wake them up?....Would we be praising this DOOFUS Sherriff Joe? Would this picture of this absolute knob job kissing this child mauler sicken these parents?
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  • 16 people like this.
  • Tamara Timmermann I'll never understand, Jeff why there isn't more "Poor Kevin " and less or zero "Poor Mickey"
    16 hrs · Like · 7
  • Gini Barrett It drives me nuts - and I am a dog person with no kids.
    15 hrs · Like · 3
  • Sarrah Jines SMH with all the bad things in this world..someones pet should be the last thing we should have to worry about.
    15 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Borchardt Headline for a pit bull that mauled a child, "Move over Steven Seagal"
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Tamara Timmermann Good lord, on the Save Mickey page they're arguing about whether he should have blankets.
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Tamara Timmermann " Does he have enough toys? He looks bored, is he cold?" unreal
    14 hrs · Like · 2
  • Tamara Timmermann One person wondered if an inmate could bunk in there with him so he wouldn't be so lonely. effed indeed
    13 hrs · Like · 4
  • Wayne Webb ...and to think I CRIED when "old Yeller" an adult! But I wouldn't shed one tear over "Mickey".
    13 hrs · Like · 2
  • Julia Lewis It's not the dogs' fault that humans created them the way they are. They are, in fact, monsters.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis Yes, those people are dangerous in their insistence that pits are like any other dog.
    8 hrs · Like
  • Jeff Borchardt Does everyone forget that Mickey the child mauler's teeth were grinded down per court order?...Correct me if I'm wrong please....But wouldn't euthanasia be a better option for this dog?...How are we supposed to believe the "human biters were culled" when this kind of thing happens?...Can you imagine our grandparents putting up with this shite?
    8 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Let me rephrase that question.....Can you imagine our grandparents putting up with "one free bite?"
    8 hrs · Like · 4
  • Jenny Pollman this honestly makes me want to vomit. What a waste of $$$$$$
    6 hrs · Like
  • Rachel Q Acosta Jeff Borchardt I think it would change thier minds. I've often wondered of sharing the pics all though would allow the aholes to be heartless and make a snide comment the majority of people would be shocked and terrified of the damage. These will be women with children that's who we need to appeal to, my motherly instinct def kicked in after seeing one try to attach k my mother when we walked my son in the jogging stroller no fence my Mom tripped in a rock and the heavy part of her foot step (he was 10 ft away) startled him. So gross that big pb was trying to have sex with the puppy in drive way and must have thought my Mom cared. I warned her before I eve knew of your site! So then on Google Images a couple still haunt me. Those are the 3 incidents that stood out to change my mind. The experience most recently, site and the Google images.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Rachel Q Acosta By the way when he came at her she put the bug trash can between her and him the ones that get picked up and dumped by the road. Terrifying, because she was saying how terrable it was that they weren't leashed and then a loose pebble tripped and then he stopped chasing the puppy and came for her. Ok so to get back on track I think the pictures would help appeal to Mothers.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Rachel Q Acosta But I think that would be a toll on on the parents of the children that would take its tole on you and maybe open up all the wounds. I hate it I wish we could share other photos cause I do not wnat to see Daxton like that he and my son look so similiar and shots, it made me cry when I read and saw Daxton story. I hate it. Sorry for rambling
    5 hrs · Like
  • Sue Palen I am embarrassed that I live in Maricopa County, AZ. It is a place that elects a corrupt, animal hoarder, pit bull loving Sheriff Joe Arpaio. No one even wants to run against him because he is so popular. He makes me sick.
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Rachel Q Acosta That does sound terrible and hopeless what's wrong with them?!
    1 hr · Like
  • Sue Palen Rachel Q Acosta, it was absolutely sickening to see people standing in the streets of Phoenix, holding a candelight vigile so that Mickey would be saved. Then the idiotic judge upheld ole Joe's decision to keep this dog alive! My dog was killed by a pit bull right in front of me. It was the most horrifying experience in my life. I could not imagine the horror of watching your child get killed. The only reason I stay in Maricopa County, AZ is because I want to help change this place any way I can. You were not rambling. Help me. Tell the citizens of Maricopa County to WAKE UP!!
  • Sue Palen Rachel Q Acosta, my story is on the site. Rocky Palen.
  • Rachel Q Acosta I saw that and there was a anti bsl supporter there to give you condolences to these pro pits stalk victim pages makes me feel so sorry for thier family they are not accountable and therefor must ruin alot of people's days
  • Rachel Q Acosta The pro pit people are so crazy and bullish I swear... she found your page to "pay her condolences" yet the last thing out of her mouth was there not all bad.... gross
    26 mins · Like · 1

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