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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Brian Adamson Jeff, you still don’t get it do you?

Brian AdamsonDecember 4, 2014 at 6:50 am
Jeff, you still don’t get it do you? Tragedy and personal loss do not excuse you for all of the, lets say, less than honorable things you have done and said since your loss. I lost twin girls, so I know the pain you feel. I watched one of my daughters die right in front of me and I will never get that out of my head. I had many days for a long time where I hated everything and wanted nothing to do with anyone. It was really hard to come to terms with the fact that everything and everybody else in the world continued on with their lives like nothing happened. That was because for them, nothing did happen. The pain and grief was, with the exception of a few close friends and family, was mine, not theirs. I couldn’t expect them to know what I was going through. I couldn’t just let out all of my anger, frustration, pain, etc. out on them and expect them to let it slide. It is not my right to cause other people harm, to lash out at innocent people just so i get some sort of relief. The cold truth is it was not their problem. I had to find a way to get past it other than projecting it on to others. It is not okay to act in the manner that you have, so many times, because of your pain and suffering. I’m not going to get into the pit bull issue with you because it is pointless. I know I would probably hate the sight of pit bulls for the rest of my life if I was you. I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, I don’t have an issue with your work towards BSL. That is your right to do what you think best honors your son memory, and to try to save others from going through what you did. It is the manner in which you conducted yourself that has brought all of the hatred that has been directed at you. I guarantee this post of yours will make it worse. You have to know that nobody attacked you before you started lashing out and attacking others that had nothing to do with your loss. Clean up your side of the fence and you will see a change in the attitudes towards you from the people who share opposing views. At least from the ones who are half way decent human beings. It is up to you to start the process. It will help you heal and it will help your organization grow. Fight for what you believe in, just do it respectfully.
  • Lisa BlackDecember 4, 2014 at 9:51 pm
    WHAT “less than honorable” things, Brian–trying to keep other people from being mauled to death by pit bulls? Oh my–that is terrible of Jeff. God forbid Jeff should work to protect people and innocent pets. What on earth is wrong with you?
  • Who ElseDecember 4, 2014 at 11:57 pm
    Bryan Adamson, what a joke.
    He’s a shill for pit bull breeders and he gets all patronizing. He helps dog fighters get kids and pets kiilled, but he starts preaching about respect.
    How does it feel hopping onto a teenage girl fad, Bryan? What is it with these loser guys who need attention?
    They are so pissed that people are finding out what they are. All liars.
    Bryan Adamson, you are helping get little kids killed every day because you want attention, and you don’t even have the smarts to know how to handle your dog.
  • Who ElseDecember 5, 2014 at 12:08 am
    Now I see in the screen shot of some of Bryan’s ravings and harassment that he is hooked up with Josh Liddy, that creepy guy who has Lisa Camuso telling him what to do, the one who harassed Merritt Clifton.
    NOW I understand.
    What is it with these marginal loser guys that need attention from people like Lisa? Triple Ick.
    • Daxtons Friends Post authorDecember 5, 2014 at 12:44 am
      Lisa Camuso, if you can show me legislation that would prevent a death like Daxton, Beau, Kara, Jordan, Betty, and maulings like the Foley’s (hour and a half pit bull mauling in Cary, IL) and Dominic, Sport, Chase, and on and on and on and on……., THEN I might THINK about sitting down at a table and listening to you…..You hear me Josh? You hear me Lisa?….Just the fact of WHERE you made your “enlightening” and “soft spoken” comment on a victim bashing/blaming/human hating Facebook page called “Truth Be Told” speaks volumes….Ironically, this is where this “No fence, no collar, tug-o-war with his pit bull in the front yard with a school bus full of children in the background, Brian Adamson” makes and associates with folks like Josh Liddy and Lisa Camuso.
      I don’t remember making the first move. Matter a fact, I don’t remember exposing myself to the pit bull lobby until half of my son’s face was ripped off after a 15 minute pit bull attack.
      Please stop this madness Jane Berkey. Please tell Amy Marder to properly identify a pit bull that is not registered like 80% of the dog owners in the US? Tell Karen Delise to stop sending letters asking questions about the PIT BULLS that killed our children AROUND CHRISTMAS….Can we please stop with the ASPCA commercials around Christmas showing poor little doggies in cages while we sing songs of Jesus, “Silent Night?”…..If you’re going to ask people to donate to your cause, can you at least show the 3000+ pit bulls euthanized and replaced by back yard breeders every day, all day, 24/7, for 10 years? If you’re going to ask for money, can you please just be honest and say that you only want to save pit bulls?
      Take a look around…Show me the part where we don’t say that pit bulls are just as much the victims as the victims they create.
      Hopefully your friend,
      Jeff Borchardt
      • Brian AdamsonDecember 5, 2014 at 7:46 am
        First I want to say that I have never had a single conversation with Josh Liddy. I mentioned him in one comment, one time and all of the sudden we are brothers in arms. That is a glaring example of how flawed your thought process is. You draw wild conclusions based on a fractional amount of evidence and research. You then present these conclusions as though they are proven, undeniable facts. The stories of victims as far as who was harmed and what dog caused the harm are facts that are not in dispute. The problem is the who and by what are only part of the details and evidence that is needed to understand the reasons why and how, as well as how it can be avoided in the future. To not acknowledge the other pieces of the puzzle is a guarantee that these tragedies will continue to happen. Now I would like to address your comment “Ironically, this is where this “No fence, no collar, tug-o-war with his pit bull in the front yard with a school bus full of children in the background, Brian Adamson” The bus is empty. My neighbor is a school bus driver and that day she was home for lunch. That means that is was a weekday and around noon at the time of the picture. There was no one outside, no kids, no dogs and i had a family member on lookout for any change in the situation. My brother in law asked me to let him take a pic of her swinging and that is where he wanted to take the pic. No she did not have a collar on because she does not wear one in the house and besides that one or two minutes that is where we were, inside. Another example of your “drawing a conclusion” from a single picture. A conclusion that is factually wrong, supported with statements that are false. Last thing I will reply to is this fantastic statement “I don’t remember making the first move. Matter a fact, I don’t remember exposing myself to the pit bull lobby until half of my son’s face was ripped off after a 15 minute pit bull attack.” The truth is, the pro pit lobby was defending you against the pro bsl lobby. They immediately attacked every aspect of the incident, and you in particular. The pro bsl lobby saw an opportunity to use your pain as a tool to brainwash you in the teachings of Colleen. Some our closest supporters today were the first ones to say hurtful things about you. The pro pit lobby, the ones who at first stood up for you, then found themselves the target of your new mission. You were never a target of the pro pit lobby until you decided to sling shit in their direction. That is the first move that you fail to recall

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