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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

My take on Laura Schlessinger saying what she said about Pit Bulls - See more at:


My take on Laura Schlessinger saying what she said about Pit Bulls is that no matter how much you may not like it, she has a right to say it. We all have a right to say whatever we want to say. I personally found her comments to be spectacularly ignorant, but we all have a right to be ignorant. It’s obviously unfortunate that she chose to flippantly behave in that way on the platform that she’s privileged to have. It’s also unfortunate that she doesn’t seem to grasp or understand the real-life consequences that her words will have, perpetuating unjust cycles, and equally unfortunate that she provided literally zero context to her statements.
Take this one for example, speaking about a shelter she visited…
Well, it was about 95% Pit Bulls, or Pit Bull-mixes. Now, I know this is going to get somebody angry but I think that they should all be put down. First of all, they were taking up space and nobody was going to adopt them. That’s why they were all there. People were getting rid of them.
There is a stunning amount of context missing from such a pompous statement. Pit Bulls, which ultimately is a slang term, are by far and away the most discriminated against dog on the planet. This leads to breed-specific legislation, routine profiling, perpetuated myths, collective blame, generalized fear, housing restrictions, among other things related to existential hardship. So no, that’s not “why they were all there.” Schlessinger clearly has no idea what she is talking about. Just in referencing her own local shelters, she is casting the net and speaking on behalf of people she has never and will never meet. Secondly, people do adopt them, a lot. That’s why they are one of the most popular types of dog in the United States of America. There are millions of them across the country. This is reality.
So as Schlessinger is clearly an idiot on this topic, I support her right to be an idiot. When this becomes a freedom of speech thing, I will stand with those not looking to ban or blacklist speech, no matter what kind of speech it is or who happens to say it. I also support those speaking their minds to her sponsors, and that is a legitimately powerful form of protest. So in closing, she has a right to say whatever she wants, just as we each have a right to criticize her for it, and we also have a right to simply turn her off. Don’t try to disappear someone, rather objectively inject common sense and give a differing public perspective to their nonsense.
- See more at:

Possibly the worst sister ever known to man. ~ ZOMBIESANDDOGS

Possibly the worst sister ever known to man.

I’m guessing Freda has issues with personal relationships due to her instability and rabid insanity.
I’ve kept silent on her whole ex husband killing someone issue- but it’s totally a scum bag move to expose your sister to the dangerous quacks she slobbers on but she brags about it thinking her sister will never find out.
Atleast I hide her sister’s phone number- unlike Freda who could give two sh@ts who she exposes her sister and nephew too.
Yeah- she totally is showing her love for her nephew by risking his safety by plastering their cell number over hate pages.
Now who’s endangering who Freda? In fact- it seems you are far more dangerous than any dog. It seems as if Freda is the broken one- however we know loyalty is not a great trait in Freda-
I wonder just how angry her sister would be knowing the danger Freda put her and her son in?

Exploring the diminished mind of "Tom McCartney": ACKNOWLEDGING NEGATIVE TRAITS IN A BREED IS “RACISM”


Exploring the diminished mind of "Tom McCartney": ACKNOWLEDGING NEGATIVE TRAITS IN A BREED IS “RACISM”

In recent years the term breed “racism” had emerged when addressing breed related issues and regulations. 
The concept is if you support dog breed regulations or acknowledge negative breed specific traits it is equivalent to the human form of racism. The error in the concept is that humans and dogs are very different creatures. 
Dog breeds exist because they are specifically designed for a purpose. Dogs are selectively bred for physical and breed trait aspects. Humans do not reproduce in that manner. Humans are not selectively bred and have a choice in their mate. To make this concept equivalent, humans would have to be purposely bred for certain physical or personality traits over the course of hundreds of years. 
It has not been determined that selectively breeding humans would actually work since there has not been any official scientific studies conducted. The closest humanity came to selective breeding was the concept of Eugenics, which was trying to breed out negative physical traits, such as mental illness, and breed in positive traits, such as a high I.Q. The concept has been abandoned by most cultures due to the difficulty of selective breeding due to the high incidence of unplanned pregnancies. 

Dogs have been selectively bred for many generations with great success. Since racism in the human culture is based solely on the color of one’s skin, hence the “race” in racism, and not personality traits, it does not accurately compare to dog breeding. To accurately compare, one would have to judge a dog based solely on fur color. 

Most breeds are judged on physical and personality related breed traits, so the term breed “racism” is equivalent to human forms of racism. It is surprising that more people are not offended by this comparison. 

Comparing breed struggles to the Civil Rights movement seems a little extreme and minimalizes the struggles of certain races in history. The comparison of dog breeds and racism has no basis.


What “Tom McCartney” fails to grasp, here, is not that dog breeds and races are being compared, but the thought processes between the two subjects are being compared.

Too many people believe that ALL people of color are the same because of the small percentage that are publicized for being involved in illegal and/or violent activities. The truth is that the majority of people of color are normal, everyday, law-abiding citizens.

In comparison, too many people believe that ALL pit bulls are the same because of the small percentage that are publicized for being involved in illegal and/or violent activities. The truth is that the majority of pit bulls are normal, everyday, companion animals.

It can be safely assumed that many people who fall into the former category fall into the latter, as well. It can NOT, however, be safely assumed that ALL racists believe that ALL pit bulls are dangerous, nor can it be safely assumed that ALL people who believe that ALL pit bulls are dangerous are racist as well.

We see this thought process on display daily in our lives with many current issues, such as those who believe that ALL white law enforcement officers are racist, or those, on opposite “sides,” who believe that ALL Republicans or ALL Democrats are the same.

The thought processes are the same. While there are more than enough people who think this way that it can be considered “human nature,” it is not, of itself, inherent in ALL people.

As for “breed traits,” not ALL dogs of a breed are identical in looks, characteristics, behavior or even training ability. There is a reason that not ALL Labrador puppies birthed in litters from two Champion show dog parents are show dogs.

There is a reason that not ALL puppies birthed in a litter from two well-trained, very smart Seeing Eye dogs go on to become service dogs themselves.

On a darker note, there is a reason that not ALL pit bull puppies birthed in a litter from two “champion” fighting parents go on to become fighters.

That reason is because each individual puppy is born with its own individual characteristics, both physical and mental.

The same is true in regards to humans. Two white police officers mating may guarantee a white child, but it does not guarantee a white police officer. Two people of color mating may guarantee a child of color, but it does not guarantee the child will become involved in illegal activities or violence.

For children, the parents and the child’s environment play a major role in its behavior. In the case of the puppy, or dog, it is the owner and environment that pave the way to its ultimate disposition. And even here there is no guarantee.

A child or dog raised in a stable environment by stable people has a higher likelihood of becoming a stable person or dog. A child or dog raised by unstable people in an unstable environment has a higher likelihood of becoming unstable. Yet neither of these circumstances have a guaranteed outcome for the child or the dog.

Therefore, the comparison of the thought process between racism and “breedism” is valid.

One thing for sure is that ALL people who believe that ALL people of color are the same, or ALL people who believe that ALL pit bulls are the same, are ALL ignorant of facts and reality.

*Note: To those on the front lines of the war against BSL, "Tom McCartney" is a familiar "foe." McCartney's copy-and-paste "comments" and "statistics" can be found on nearly any pit bull-related article on the internet.

It is my belief that "Tom McCartney" is not just one person, but a number of people who use this name, or account, in their fight for breed-specific laws and attacks against pit bull owners and their anti-BSL opponents.

I come to this belief because in the past, McCartney's rare, self-written, rambling rants were riddled with child-like spelling and grammar. I have accused "him" of using the copy-and-paste method because he could not form a coherent thought of "his" own.

Lately, however, McCartney's self-written comments, while still rare, are quite better in the spelling and grammar department. The syntax of "his" comments are different and greatly improved which, to me, suggests either "he" is not the same person or "his" Hooked On Phonics lessons are beneficial to "him." After some thought, I came to the conclusion that it's more probable that "he" is more than one person.

jeff borchardt The Bitter Pill of Truth~ ZOMBIESANDDOGS

The Bitter Pill of Truth

No one likes their reality altered- especially when it causes their fabricated fairy tales to be exposed as what they really are- a really big steamy pile of crap. Ladies and Gentlemen- welcome to the world of BSL Advocacy.
It seems as if someone is not pleased with an interview. I know- it’s probably because it’s yet ANOTHER person who calls bullsh@t on the ever evolving story of the death of Daxton Borchardt and points out the reality of statistics which seems to elude BSL advocates.
Who doesn’t Mr. Borchardt blame for his son’s death? Well, except for Susan Iwiki of course. So far his list includes-
4. CDC
7. Nat Geo
9. Me
10. You
11. Everyone (except Susan Iwiki)
12. President Obama
The list keeps growing daily- and yet Mr. Borchardt slings his insults and hides behind a block button- He will never speak with anyone who calls him out. He hides behind his computer and cries about how he is hounded over and over again. In his reality that he has created for himself- he is the leading authority on whatever and those in the real world who are authorities have no say in his fantasy land.
“Via a private message, Serocki flat out lied under the auspices of “quasi-credentials” to blame Susan and change the mind of Jeff’s friend.
When Jeff learned about the message from Serocki, he called her out in a new comment: “Detective Michelle Serocki on the case … pay attention cause this is not what the real detective told me… maybe we should reopen the case?” Jeff added: “there was a reason no charges were brought … there was no history of abuse or neglect.” He then suggested that Susan join the discussion, the dogs’ owner and the “only witness to my son’s murder … Let’s do that, shall we?”
Serocki never responded to Jeff’s invitation. (See private message in full.) “- Jeff Borchardt states- but lets look at the supposed “invitation”- (See it in full detail)
dx dx1 dx3

Now- no where in that exchange does Jeff Borchardt offer an invitation- if anything- it shows his usual mode of operandi – have someone else fight for him. In fact- Jeff Borchardt has never faced his critics – ask the founder of Sway Love who has called for Borchardt to discuss the pro and anti BSL movement but as usual- Borchardt hides behind his computer continuously slinging insultsand it has not gone unnoticed. He will go as far as to cancel appearances because he can’t twist the facts- the Steve Dale show is a great example.
Even pointing out the ridiculous party scene Borchardt advertises for their BSL party-

“There will be music, dance and theatrical selections – Wow, what a celebration. Since breed bans are the equivalent to canine death sentences – even if the dogs have done nothing wrong, let’s celebrate.”

The stark cold reality is- NOT ONE single person is obligated to sympathize with Jeff Borchardt. NOT ONE person has to even care about the death of his son- how he died, when he died, how it affected a him & Kim- however, strangers have extended their sympathies to him. Strangers have apologized (for whatever reason) for his tragedy and in turn- Jeff spits in their faces- all because they won’t run off and kill their dogs. All because those millions of strangers say- ” We are sorry for your loss but we are not the ones to blame”.
You know why we advocate for our innocent dogs? Turn off your webcam and pay close attention-
Because we can. Because we know insane people like yourself throw dogs away like toilet paper- in fact- Raechel is the LAST person who should spout off about dog ownership- considering she just euthanized her own dog because she won’t teach her own children how to respect the dog.
We advocate for these dogs because of dog owners like Raechel & Susan Iwiki. Millions of people advocate for these dogs because of their potential- their potential for greatness. Because millions of people are hugging their pit/pit type /pit mixes/Bully Breeds and growing old with their family dog. We advocate because millions of dogs have not & will not hurt a soul. We advocate because these dogs have faced the worst abuse by man’s greed and have over come and survived.
So get mad- hate us, resent us, envy us, keep wishing death, pain and suffering on our families-
Because we will always be here showing just how wrong they are.

Monday, 29 December 2014


  • Inability to determine risk scientifically
    In Clifton’s analysis, he attempts to evaluate dog behavior based on breed, bite frequency, and “degree of relative risk.”
    Yet Clifton has shown numerous times in his report that he cannot identify a breed properly, or even spell breed names correctly.
    Both bite frequency and degree of relative risk are impossible to calculate. No one knows how often breeds bite since hundreds of bites go unreported. And to attempt to determine a “degree of relative risk,” Clifton would have to know every factor that contributed to every dog bite.
    Even the CDC concluded at the end of their own flawed study (see above) that there is no way to determine relative risk:
    There is currently no accurate way to identify the number of dogs of a particular breed, and consequently no measure to determine which breeds are more likely to bite or kill.
    Merritt Clifton apparently does not understand the many factors that go into a reliable calculation of relative risk, nor does he wish to acknowledge that trained researchers realize that many, if not most, of those factors can never be known or calculated.
    Misapplied and misinterpreted data
    Clifton’s analysis section is full of faults and absurd assumptions.
    Of the breeds most often involved in incidents of sufficient severity to be listed, pit bull terriers are noteworthy for attacking adults almost as frequently as children. This is a very rare pattern . . . Pit bulls seem to differ behaviorally from other dogs in having far less inhibition about attacking people who are larger than they are.
    As discussed, Clifton has tallied less than two percent of all severe dog attacks. He clearly has no idea how frequently pit bulls—or any other type of dog, for that matter—bite.
    Furthermore, without knowing all bite factors, including the dog’s health, condition, sexual state, training, environment, and the behavior of the victim, there is no way Clifton could possibly conceive any possible pattern or difference as to who pit bulls attack.
    Since Clifton is tallying media articles, his conclusion seems to be more telling of media coverage of dog bites. If one was to assume that the media is more likely to publish a pit bull attack than an attack by another type of dog, and more likely to publish an attack on a child than an attack on an adult, it stands to reason that while media-reported pit bull attacks include both adults and children, media reports about other types of dogs’ attacks may only be considered newsworthy when a child is involved. Thus, it may appear that pit bulls are overrepresented in attacks on adults.
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        Showing results for debunking merritt clifton
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        Debunking Merritt Clifton's "Statistics" - No Pit Bull Bans
        Jun 30, 2010 - Editor of Animal People, Merritt Clifton, in 2006 put out a statistical report called "Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada September ...
        KC DOG BLOG: Merrit Cliffton - Toellner Tells it
        Feb 8, 2014 - However, the factual accuracy of the statement has been debunked by ..... I've written a lot about the magazine's editor, Merrit Clifton, and how ...
        misinformation, deceit and attempts to mislead from Merritt ...
        Jul 24, 2013 - DNA Testing may debunk all dog bite studies that cover breed ... In the article, Clifton calls out Rhode Island (which has since passed it's law prohibiting laws targeting .... Merritt Clifton has been hatin' since the mid 90s.
        Merritt Clifton and Animal People Magazines Hidden Agenda
        Merritt Clifton and Animal People Magazines Hidden Agenda ... timers' in the animal welfare community, that his unbiased vision was truly debunked however.
        You Can't Fix Stupid: Debunking Dogsbite - Thank you ...
        Apr 21, 2009 - Debunking Dogsbite - Thank you KuttersKru! ... Also, note that other "studies" such as reports by Merritt Clifton should be discredited for lack of ...
        Lassie, Get Help: Temperament tests, dog bite stats and ...
        Aug 31, 2007 - Also -- because there seems to be a fair amount of interest -- here are links to two earlier posts debunking Merritt Clifton's list of dog bites.
        Clifton Study Debunked - APBT People
        Merritt Clifton's study is a medley of newspaper articles from 1982 through 2007 that present a very biased and inaccurate overview of dog bites. It is more of an ...
        Are the "Nanny Dogs" a Myth? | of Pit Bulls and morons....
        Oct 28, 2011 - Merritt Clifton is a greedy unqualified (meaning ZERO credentials) ape who wrote that ...
        Debunking the stats - - Letters to the Editor
        Apr 24, 2010 - Debunking the stats. To the editor: RE:How to lie with statistics. Merritt Clifton certainly knows a bit about lying with statistics. His study, which ...
        Good rebuttal to Merritt Clifton's Dog... - Save Lives - Pass ...
        Good rebuttal to Merritt Clifton's Dog Attack report which has been used ad nauseam to promote Breed ...
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            Fatality statistics regarding pit bull attacks are false
            Statistics regarding pit bull fatalities and severe injury are true. It has been suggested that because the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fatality data relies, in part, on newspaper articles, that the entire study is inaccurate. Pit bull advocates say that pit bull fatalities are more extensively reported by the media, therefore the CDC must have "miscounted" or "double counted" the number of pit bull fatalities. Considering the time spent developing the studies, it is safe to say that the authors were careful to count each event only once.
            Even the CDC has discredited the study. Quoted from them:
            A CDC study on fatal dog bites lists the breeds involved in fatal attacks over 20 years (Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998). It does not identify specific breeds that are most likely to bite or kill, and thus is not appropriate for policy-making decisions related to the topic. Each year, 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs. These bites result in approximately 16 fatalities; about 0.0002 percent of the total number of people bitten. These relatively few fatalities offer the only available information about breeds involved in dog bites. There is currently no accurate way to identify the number of dogs of a particular breed, and consequently no measure to determine which breeds are more likely to bite or kill.
            In addition, there are many dogs that the media has labeled as a "pit bull", but clearly weren't by any standard, as proven by
            Also, note that other "studies" such as reports by Merritt Clifton should be discredited for lack of proper information and general fact bungling