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Monday, 26 October 2015

Jeff D Borchardt supports his babby sitter in spite of her getting his son killed

So many people seem to be blaming their poor choices and irresponsibility on pit bulls, Sussan Iwicki featured in this picture for instance escaped being charged in relation to the death of a child under her care by calling her Boxer mixes pit bulls and jumping on the anti pit bull crazy train despite the fact that all the vets reports for the 3 years they were alive listed the dogs involved as mix breed.

"Vet Reports on Bosston:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 03/11/2013 at 11:20am. Bosston, listed as a Canine Boxer mix, male, neutered. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 58 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13.

Vet Reports on Penny:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 3/11/13 at 11:20am. Penny, listed as a Canine Pit Bull mix, female, spayed. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 49 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13.

One is listed as a boxer mix, one as a pit bull mix, but they were brother and sister according to Susan. Go figure."

As you can see in this exchange below young Marco will now be labelled as a victim bashing pit bull nutter and stalked, harassed and eventually blocked and doxed in typical Bsl proponent style.

WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THE BREEDING OF PIT BULLS STOP‪#‎NationalPitbullAwarenessDay‬ Get used to it.
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Marco Rodriguez Don't blame an an entire special for the actions of an individual. That's a thing humans forget to remember. It's like a lion. Some lions don't attack humans. Some do. But just because my cat scratched my brother and left a scar on him doesn't mean all cats must die. Just because a shark attacked you doesn't mean all sharks must die. If it was like that then all humans have to die because look at all the crap we've done. Honestly I'm 15 and think more rationally then 30+ year olds
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Jeff D. Borchardt You might consider staying in school a little longer Marco. 

"Jeff Borchardt's claims seem to be right"
It's an incredibly controversial issue with strong opinions on both sides. Are pit bulls a…
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Marco Rodriguez Stop being closed minded and also don't tell me what to do c:
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Jeff D. Borchardt You could not have POSSIBLY watched that interview with me in less than 2 minutes, yet you call ME close minded?
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Marco Rodriguez Nah I just don't give a damn what you have to say I said what was on my mind about the subject and I know I'm right. And like my teachers teach me in the school you want me to stay in: the only opinion that matters is your very own
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Jeff D. Borchardt And that is why our country is screwed. Because young people these days completely shut down when your world view is challenged. I really shouldn't be blaming you though. Not with teachers like that.

2015 Dog Bite Related Fatalities in the U.S.
...See More
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Marco Rodriguez OK I agree this country is shit frankly I don't care about it anyways so the fact that you said that meant nothing. But honey really animals kill. Plants kill. Everything kills. Life has its order and balance. Yes a child died, sad, put the dog to rest, but not all pitbulls are savage creatures. Not all rottweilers are hell hounds. Wanna focus on something. Help the kids in Africa, seriously they need a good water system. That's it, a good water system and they'll be able to grow crops and what nots. I know pitbulls kill I'm not ignorant my own dog almost killed another, but the thing with big dogs is that they're every strong and they don't realise. Often they kill when they're playing. And yes, I know to be careful is my dog gets too rough with my little siblings. I know not to let her bite me cause her jaw clutches in. Not blind or ignorant. I know all this. But, I'm saying that blaming a breed for a handful isn't exactly fair. Big animals are strong, there's a reason big animals are recommended for people with older kids. Also, pitbulls, like kids, act how they are thought, fighting dogs will fight, family dogs will be friendly, but like any animal if they were treated poorly they will seek revenge. Let's not forget that pitbulls are extremely smart animals. Mine opens doors. There's a famous pup in the internet that says yes and no. But, like I said, just because a lion killed his zoo keeper doesn't mean we have to kill all the lions. Animals are docile, regardless of species, teach them with respect and you will get a loyal companion. Treat them as a piece of meat you'll g your ass beat. What humans are too stubborn to realise is that take away our guns and armour and were as good as dead. The only reason were at the top of the food chain is because we decided to create a trinity of discord and ignorance. Just like pitbulls kill, we kill ten times more of them. Instead of killing wonderful animals we should control humans and teach them about nature and her children. I mean we have Orcas, the sea's most dangerous and intelligent predator, stuck inside pools awaiting their lonely deaths. The problem is not the animal but the human. AND let's not forget many of our wild or stray dogs that attack come from people who abandoned them. Anyways, I know I'm right, this argument is as pointless as convincing my sister Dora has been playing since I was her age. Good night.
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Jeff D. Borchardt Pit bulls were bred by the dogmen to be “game”, which means that once they are engaged in a fight, they do not stop, despite pain and mortal wounds. They were selected through generations to be highly dog aggressive, and to not respond normally to canine body language. They ignore signals of submission. They have a high threshold for pain. They have an active defense reflex, and will chose fight over flight when challenged. They were bred to attack without the typical warning signals, since signaling intent to your opponent is a liability in the fighting pit.

While normal dogs use mostly ritualistic displays of aggression…. posturing, hackling, growling, pinning and air snapping; or use just enough force to open up a flight path, such as when a fearful dog bites and releases…. pit bulls have been bred to grab, hold, and shake their opponent until it stops moving.

This behavior in pit bulls is a self rewarding behavior, just as the exagerated eye-stalk behavior of the border collie is. It is not the result of abuse or training. Current breeding practices for pit bulls continue to select for these traits…the vast majority of people breeding pit bulls todays are at best grossly irresponsible back yard breeders, who are ignoring temperament and just looking to make a quick buck.

It’s time to stop the fairy tales about “nanny dogs”, and the mental gymnastics of looking for triggers and excuses as to “why” pit bull attacks occur. The dogs are simply doing what they were bred to do. Dogs aren’t people, they are a eugenics experiment. Pit bulls were created for an activity that is now a felony in all 50 states. Its time to take a hard look at regulating them as a public safety measure.

Learn more: Potentially dangerous breeds/American Pit Bull Terrier
Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy…
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Marco Rodriguez You're worse then Homophobes I'm done with this. You're seriously not listening to my point. JUST BECAUSE A HANDFUL KILLED DOESNT MEAN THE WHOLE BREED IS TO BLAME. Good night sir.
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Jeff D. Borchardt "Worse than the homophobes?" My son was 1 of 16 children killed by pit bulls in 2013. The 358th American killed by pit bulls since 1883 "sir.".... So show me some respect you little brat.
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Jeff D. Borchardt I'll be sending these screenshots to my friends favorite page. 

Congratulations. Your comments will be featured on "Ignorance Is On The Internet/Pit Bull Apologists"
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Marco Rodriguez Hey I'm sorry for your son deeply. But you don't hurt my feelings cal me ignorant go ahead. Call me a brat. What I do know is that, make as many movements as you want, but no matter what, you will NEVER kill a gift of our mother Earth. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I'm wrong.
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Jeff D. Borchardt So you think pit bulls are a part of nature? Do you think all breeds are a phenomenon of mother Earth? You're not wrong because you're younger, you're wrong because you're wrong.
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The Myth:

Today, there really is no difference between breeds with regard to behavior. Breeds have lost their instincts. Now, they are bred just for “looks.” Therefore, no breed is more dangerous than any other breed.

The Reality:
The physical appearances of dog breeds may have changed and evolved selectively over the years. However, the majority of dogs were bred for specific abilities and behaviors. Phenotype or “looks” were of secondary consideration. These historical traits, both physical and temperamental, are still inherited by dog breeds today. Here are a few examples:

Siberian Huskies: Bred to pull dog sleds in cold climates, these dogs usually have a high energy level, great endurance, and have a passion for cold temperatures. They have fur designed to withstand the cold because they were used as sled dogs in geographical areas that experience harsh winters. Even today, these dogs are not well suited for hot environments and can overheat easily.

Border Collies: Structured to allow them to move for extended periods in a crouch, while using their “collie eye” (a directed stare) to control livestock. No other breed, including other herding breeds, uses this combination of traits to move stock.

Beagles: Originally designed to assist hunters by locating and chasing rabbits while giving voice, their vocal ability is still seen in pets today. Beagles also have an extremely advanced sense of smell that is used to track prey. Even the white tips of their tails were originally designed to let hunters easily follow them as they track.

Labrador Retrievers: Designed to retrieve game from the water and be the ideal hunting companion for humans. The Lab coat has insulating qualities that protect the dog when swimming in cold water. Their retrieving skills can often be seen in the home environment when playing fetch or gently carrying toys in their mouths. This is an inherited trait that is not trained for the breed.

Read more:
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Marco Rodriguez My beagel is exactly the opposite of what his kind is meant for. He saw a rabbit and he was scared of it. My weimereiner (pardon my German) she is too scared of her own shadow. And her species is used for hunting deer and wolves. Lady my beloved pitbul...See More
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Marco Rodriguez Here's that nasty creature I own careful though she's dangerous
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Jeff D. Borchardt "In retrospect, we had felt supremely confident that Bexar would never do anything like that - ever. We'd argued with many about pit bulls and told them that "it's all how you raise them". I know that there are people out there who still think it's all...See More
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This is an exchange between Jeff D Borchardt and someone who obviously dis-agrees with him and if you have the time to read it you'll wonder no more why people get upset with this man he's a full on bully thinks he knows it all loud mouth moron really.

All of his information comes from sources not supported by even one mainstream animal organisations or societies such as Merrit clifton from Animals 24/7 whose data and/or "dog bite statistics" have never actually been verified or even considered for that matter as they've never been presented for review by his peers because their nonsense, he gathers his data from media sources and does little to nothing to verify the details of individual attacks for instance while the totals may be accurate the dissemination of the statistics is heavily flawed through little to no verifiable accurate facts regarding breed etc.

There's a lot that doesn't make sense in relation to what happened the day Daxton died the least of which being the state he was found in but i'll get back to that a bit later, why was he even in the back yard to start with when Jeff has expressly asked Sussan to keep his child away from her "dogs"?

If it all started near the back door why were all the young mans clothes inside the outside dog pen and if you fought those dogs for fifteen minutes in a life or death battle for the life of a child in your care why is it you had little to no injuries?

Now let's talk about where the first responding officer found the child and the state/condition he was in for instance, Sussan was on the phone screaming fanatically the dogs were still loose walking around freely the officer asked of the child and the Baby sitter didn't respond but maintained her phone conversation and motioned to another room where the officer found the child naked, having suffered fatal injuries but alive and struggling to breathe alone laying on a cold hard wood floor in the depths of winter!

Answer me this Sussan where in the Trauma Care manual does it recommend leaving a victim in this way and how did this lack of care contribute to to the unfortunate child's death?

Oh and Jeff if pit bulls kill because of their fighting genes then why do non fighting breeds kill too and how does Bsl help those victims or help to prevent similar deaths in the future??

It's becoming the latest catch cry for anyone not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions especially when we're talking about children being hurt by dogs to try and blame a breed of dog because of your poor choices and in many cases the complete lack of supervision of the young victim is pretty cowardly to say the least and then to further enforce that cowardliness by trying to eradicate the whole breed is bordering on serial killer status?

Ergo your typical pro breed specific legislation advocate they are driven by hate and revenge and in often cases out of guilt for their own poor choices...

(R I P Daxton)

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