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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Jeff Borchardt admits to stashing his Daxton's pamphlets in a local business's pit bull calendars in a desperate attempt to get people to read them!

So If I'm getting this right Jeff Borchardt is going into business's and placing his Daxton's flyers inside their merchandise specifically Pit Bull calender's this is just another demonstration of what this man considers to be community safety advocacy and he's encouraging others to do the same even supplying a link to download pamphlets. ( they have to print themselves?)

Obviously all the tax deductible donations are being blown on Jeff's billboards which ironically use a picture of an American Bully to attack American Pit Bull Terriers or his self promoting radio ads none of which actually help victims.

All these calendars at the mall got some life saving infosmile emoticon
Print your own fliers & raise awareness in your community!
33 people like this.
Sally Hewitt Excellent, Jeff!!!!
Like214 hrs
Gary Cox Good idea
Like114 hrs
Nancy Perdue That's great Jeff I just hope more people will take the advicesmile emoticon
Like13 hrs
Mary Brady Honeycutt What a wonderful idea. I need to get some fliers and take some to one of our county shelters that is loaded with pits. put some on the out side of their building by the door and on the parked cars in their lot. This place is bad about listing pits as some other breed and its sickening to go and see it. I look at the dog and know exactly what it is then read their description and its as far removed from what they have it listed as that its almost to the point of being total insanity. They must know there are some stupid people in this world that will believe it.
Like210 hrs
Susan Gunter Ingenious ! Bravo Jeff!
Like110 hrs
Lucy Muir Good idea! I just went on a long trip and rest stops and visitors centers in 4 states got brochures. I put them in brochure stands, slipped them in state maps and brochures and in a Gideon Bible. I'm planning on visiting the library and putting them in dog books like William Johnson did. And now I'm going to the mall, too! great idea!
Like17 hrs
Joanna McGinn great idea.... THAT I CAN do...
Like6 hrs
Weldon Smith NJ SPCA really needs some......"
Like11 hr

All I can say is at least while he's harassing business owners by littering their products with his pamphlets he's not making bestiality comments to 12 year old girls, advising people to poison neighborhood pets with anti freeze and/or all his usual antics and we can only hope that him and his cultists get caught and rightfully suffer the consequences.

Lucy Muir is actually Colleen Lynn so she even she trolls the nation planting pamphlets in libraries and maps at stands etc are these people really this desperate that they'd resort to this type of inappropriate behavior concealing pamphlets in other publications in order for people to see them is desperate and probably only doing their campaign more harm then good.

Keep up the good work Jeff assuming you're trying to confirm you're everything but a Public Safety Advocate and hopefully due to your actions there'll be an intervention of some kind to protect the community in general from Jeff Borchardt.

more to come.....

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