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Saturday 31 October 2015

Jeff Borchardt needs to take some responsibility for the part he played in his son's death!

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed should be renamed to "The Perpetual Victims Society" as these people will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the the part they played in the attack involving their loved ones Jeff is a perfect example, for instance who chose the baby sitter? who told the baby sitter not to let her dogs near his son? 

Did the baby sitter have any accreditation as a carer/ babysitter / nanny etc? for instance did/does Susan Iwicki have a certificate in first aide? 

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Their hatred and need for revenge against pit bulls is driven by their own guilt and until they admit that they bare some responsibility for what happened they'll continue to blame everyone else for what was essentially their own shortcomings.

Colleen Lynn and Merrit Clifton in particular should be ashamed of themselves for their willingness to use these naive victims most of whom come from low income area's and are generally of low intelligence thus easily brain washed with Merrit's mumbo jumbo statistics which is clearly disinformation meant to confuse and support their arguments all of which are based on lies.

I'll ask again Merrit and Colleen if it's all in their "Genes" how is it that non fighting breeds and types of dogs attack and kill too? 

I won't hold my breathe waiting for a response because I know they don't have one.

more to come.....

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