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Sunday, 15 February 2015


Imagine living next door to a dangerous, aggressive bully. Sometimes you can hear him outside in his yard, over the low fence that separates your property, fighting and scaring members of his own household. Sometimes you can hear them cry out in pain and fear when he attacks.
If you see him walking around the neighborhood you cross the street to avoid getting too close since you know how potentially dangerous he is.
Now imagine this bully attacks a member of your family- not once, but twice. He inflicts painful injuries that require over $1000 in medical bills that are not covered by insurance.
Grassroots and Progressive Views & Community News
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  • 9 people like this.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith That bully would be charged for inflicting gear and panic and for harassment.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith But I guess dogs are exempt from public nuisance laws.. 
  • Irene Lobaido Now imagine the loose mother FR comes charging at me in an aggressive mode..BANG! BANG! . its just that fn simple, imagine that...GET LEGALLY ARMED AMERICA AGAINST ATTACKING PITBULLS AND DANGEROUS DOGS!
  • Jeff Borchardt When you request compensation from the neighbors after the first attack, you are refused. You find an attorney to write a demand letter, and only then do they grudgingly pay the medical bills. But nothing will restore your peace of mind. You live in fear of another attack.
    A few years later it happens again, under almost identical circumstances. Twice you have seen this bully viciously attack a defenseless member of your family before your eyes. This second time, you try intervene, and come within inches of being attacked yourself.
    After this incident you have nightmares, so you decide to file a report with authorities to have the bully declared dangerous. The case goes to court, and you are told: they will only declare the bully “dangerous” if and when he actually kills someone.
    Now imagine continuing living next door, waiting and wondering if there will be another attack, maybe this time resulting in a death.
    That’s the situation I’m in. And I’m struggling with what to do, because the bully is not a person- he’s a large, aggressive pit bull. And the victim is my 12-year-old poodle, Yvette.
  • Jeff Borchardt That’s the situation I’m in. And I’m struggling with what to do, because the bully is not a person- he’s a large, aggressive pit bull. And the victim is my 12-year-old poodle, Yvette.

    Like many pet owners, I consider my pets members of the family. I t
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    Grassroots and Progressive Views & Community News
  • Irene Lobaido Just sorry for your loss..i live in a heavily pitbull infested neighborhood. .i don't walk out my front door without my gun and 5 acres fully fenced4ft. But they can easily jump it and attack. If they ever do, i will load them up with lead. I refuse to be a victim, and neither will my animals be victims.
  • Julia Lewis Jeff, you mean you are living next door to a pit bull? Oh dear.
  • Heather Jackson It's simple , arm yourself. Protect your dog as you would a child, it's your legal right. Take lessons if you need to. It's not the size of the weapon you use , it's how you use it and where you use it. You don't necessarily need a gun and in some cases it's safer without one. Im sorry but this is an instance where you need to stop looking to other people to protect you, you need to do this yourself.
  • Gail Cousart Turner Jeff, my dog, Gypsy, is fear aggressive since she was viciously attacked by a pit over 10 years ago. I feel your pain. We've just got a new neighbor two doors down who has a pit puppy. It's probably almost a year old, and huge already. So frightened to walk my dogs, I have another poodle mix as well. I have to take them in the car now to a park. I can't go to a dog park, though. I understand completely.
  • Jeff Borchardt No, I'm copying from the article.
  • Tammy Surdam My kids and I have been living in fear with my neighbors dog . It isn't fair , but he apparently died . Well won't be long before they get another one or two . But for now we can be free to enjoy being outside.
  • Sue Palen No, I can't imagine this. Only because I have 2 of them living next door to me and I paid my own money to fortify my fence, I go outside with my dog every time he has to go to the bathroom and I am armed. I listen to them bark every sleepless night of my life. I am so glad my dog is deaf.
  • Joanna McGinn I'd have to put up a taller, if possible a wooden slat fence to not let them see in my yard with a coyote roller bar on the top..... this is a commercial one but you can make your own... but it shows how they will work to prevent/thwart a dog getting over a fence.
  • Julia Lewis But do they deter pits?
  • Raechel Celeste Smith One of the reasons I want acreage when I buy a home.
  • Raechel Celeste Smith Not taking any chances with Pitter neighbors.
  • Irene Lobaido Even with fenced acreage, u still have to carry at least a knife.. they will easily jump fence or dig under.very tenacious determined breeds. Don't go unarmed..
  • Randy DeCarlo So this is how our local government wants its citizens to live? Carry weapons so you can enjoy your yard?
  • Lisa Moyer Bottom line it is our government or there lack of that causes most of the tragedies by not manning up and saying safety first....your dog is otta here!

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