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Monday, 16 February 2015

Helga Joubert Where are the people from our side?? I would have loved to rip into her idiotic statements (politely, of course). 2.5 minutes isn't much time to offer a rebuttal, so the best strategy would be to have a group attend these hearings, with each person prepared to address one specific thing. Nutters are fairly predictable in their arguments, so it would be easy to guess what BS they're going to blather on about.

Washington State Representative Sherry Appleton -- for the second time -- is trying to gain support for a bill that would prohibit Washington state local governments from enacting breed-specific laws. HB 1018, sponsored by Rep. Sherry Appleton, is most notably known by Appleton's pathetic, anecdotal public hearing on February 11, 2015. You really have to see it to believe it, and yes, you can watch it here (start time, 1:37…)
Washington State Representative Sherry Appleton -- for the second time -- is trying to gain support for a bill that would prohibit Washington state local govern...
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  • Helga Joubert "If I drive through Yakima I risk having my dog impounded and euthanized." This gem was from the ditzy college girl with the pit bull therapy dog. Absolutely untrue! Here's one section of the ordinance, found on the city of Yakima's web page:

     Yakima, Washington ordinance makes it unlawful to keep, or harbor, own or in any way possess a pit bull dog within the city of Yakima. Violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor. This chapter does not apply to pit bull dogs which: 1) do not reside in the city of Yakima, 2) are brought into the city for the purposes of participating in a dog show or canine sporting event for which the owner is able to show proof of entry, and 3) do not remain in the city of Yakima for a period exceeding ninety-six consecutive hours. 

    Misconceptions about BSL are incredibly harmful to our cause. We need to call people on these lies whenever we can.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
  • Linda Perry Well that about says it all with that judge. She should not be in office if she is putting her "personal views" into cases or bills.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 15 hrs
  • Jeff D. Borchardt Helga Joubert, the problem is we are spread across the country. The city council meeting here in Watertown, WI in 2013 was much the same way... I didn't know a thimble of what I know now. One guy even used his 3 min to talk about nanny dogs... I shit you not.... Soooo many people used the NCRC as their source while calling anyone that spoke against pit bulls "DBO cult members"....A bus driver stood up and talked about a pit bull attacking a child at one of his stops. He spoke of break sticks and the room erupted in scoffs to the point the mayor had to reprimand the room full of pit bull advocates.... one city councilman in the bathroom brought up the CDC.... that experience, as bad as it was, drove me to research their arguments. Well, the rest is history.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs
  • Helga Joubert Where are the people from our side?? I would have loved to rip into her idiotic statements (politely, of course).
    2.5 minutes isn't much time to offer a rebuttal, so the best strategy would be to have a group attend these hearings, with each person pre
    pared to address one specific thing. Nutters are fairly predictable in their arguments, so it would be easy to guess what BS they're going to blather on about.
    I was very unimpressed with a couple of those speakers. We could do so much better.
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