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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Attention: Jeff Borchardt is PISSED---zombiesanddogs

Once again, Mr. Borchardtis not happy with bad press. Granted, Mr. Borchardt is running a controversial campaign that pimps out his “educational” pit bull hating family oriented site run by an unknown “professionals“, failed politicians, substance abusers, a woman directly responsible for a child’s death, a DJ and filled with controversialstatistics from a controversial debunked “editor” and inflammatorycontroversial site that has been proven incredibly biased but he just can’t understand why ANYONE would dare disagree with him!
Shocking. Really- we are just shocked.
He’s just so gosh darned pissed that allllll of these people (Mind you- that are reacting to his controversial ad in states he does not reside in…)just refuse to take their dogs and kill them. I mean, HOW DARE THEY NOT kill their innocent dogs for him!!
Of course he will make yet ANOTHER hate page that will be filled with children’s images!
I mean- it’s okay right? Cuz Mr. Borchardt is just so darn pissed.
Like allll the way in the red part! So pissed!!
Good idea! I mean, it’s not like you bitch & moan when you piss people off. It’s not like you’ll wear your “I’m a victim and I can just be a total pathetic turd to everyone cuz I can” badge. It’s not like you’ll act confused on why no one with common sense just won’t listen to you. It’s not like you’ll walk around saying whining, moaning and crying about just how gosh darn pissed you are. Oh wait…….

Friday, 27 February 2015

Jeff Borchardt February 26 at 3:39pm · The purpose of a breed-specific ordinance, nearly always targeting pit bulls, was never to “prevent all dog bites, (it doesn't and in fact the death toll has risen)

Honestly the way Jeff selectively quotes from studies cherry picking particular phrases and then putting the borchardt twist on them usually with Merritless's junk nonsense statistics and/or culleens tales of genetics, the fact is if it was all down to genetics only pitbulls would be attacking and killing people which is clearly not the case as all breeds of dogs do and have taken human lives and that's a fact.

Jeff has to over compensate for that with this long drawn out posts selectively cherry picking and twisting and omitting, because the fact is they're selling the biggest lie since hitler told his victims they were going to lovely summer camps! 

Give it up Jeff BSL is being repealed and legislated against across the world......

And you know why as well as we do because it doesn't work.

The purpose of a breed-specific ordinance, nearly always targeting pit bulls, was never to “prevent all dog bites,” as the AVMA/CDC states in the 2000 study. Such laws are designed to significantly reduce the 5% (serious injuries) and eliminate the 2% (mauling and maiming injuries and deaths) inflicted by well-documented dangerous dog breeds.

Briefly, the joint study, and the last issued by the CDC on this subject, “Special Report: Breeds of Dogs Involved in Fatal Human Attacks in the United States Between 1979 and 1998,” was published in September 2000. The study was comprised of two human medical doctors and three animal “experts,” specifically, two veterinarians from the AVMA and one animal behaviorist.
The 2000 study was a culmination of three studies before it, which added 27 new deaths (from 1997 and 1998) to human fatalities examined in previous studies (from 1979 to 1996). The focal point of the 2000 study is clearly identified in its conclusions, which issued a policy statement unfavorable to breed-specific laws, despite no investigation of its effectiveness, along with using misleading vernacular about the purpose of breed-specific ordinances, which was and still is to dramatically reduce serious injuries and to eliminate mauling and maiming injuries and deaths.
Our other primary concern is the heavily weighted role of the AVMA in a United States government study examining human fatalities. Not only did the AVMA manage to ensure animal “experts” were represented on a study about health and human safety, they managed to ensure they were the majority of the study authors.
Additionally, when the study was released in 2000, it was not directly released to the American public. Instead, it was published in an AVMA journal (JAVMA), a private technical journal for veterinarians. This confused the U.S. media at that time, which initially called the study, “by the American Veterinary Medical Association.”
The AVMA even had to release a statement, along with a copyright notice to press members who requested a copy (attached). The “Special Report” to the American people could not even be freely distributed due to the AVMA copyright.
Now 14-years later, the AVMA/CDC study has been abruptly elevated into the public eye once again, this time by the White House, for political purposes or simply lack of knowledge. It is possible that the White House is even unaware that all three military divisions, the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force, have adopted uniform pet policies that ban this same handful of dog breeds from all privatized housing, domestic and abroad. Col. Richard P. Flatau Jr., commanding officer of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, stated the reason why most aptly in April 2009 following Camp Lejeune’s policy shift:
“These specific breeds present an unreasonable risk to the health and
safety of our residents and are therefore prohibited.”
The CDC will tell you that they already did examine this issue. They will point you to the “policy” results of the dated 2000 study.
Yet, in the 2000 study, the CDC made the following statement, which diametrically opposes their rabies initiative of a large-scale apparatus to “prevent just one death,” as well as the very foundation of public health.
“Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practical alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites.”
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) follows this same “small portion” principal for the preventable deaths of children. For instance, after 3 child deaths due to mini blind strangulations, the organization recalled 5.5 million mini blinds. 5 In 2011, after 26 child deaths in 26-years (1985 through 2011), the CPSC approved a new federal safety rule for drawstrings in children’s outerwear. The drawstrings (on sweat shirts, etc.) were getting caught on car doors and playground equipment, strangling the child. I also believe the CPSC primarily operates on “reports” sent into it. It is unknown how deeply these reports are investigated.
The point is, “child safety” and “small portions” are tantamount and set federal policy, particularly when concerning preventable child deaths. If pit bulls were a manufactured product (which they technically are through selective breeding), the CPSC would have ordered these dogs abolished decades ago.
Speaking of the CPSC, there is also the Children’s Safety Network, which operates under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Notably, none of their “injury topics” cover dog bites, a leading cause of injury to children (
The CDC controls the vernacular of this conversation by obfuscating severe and catastrophic dog mauling injuries with garden variety dog “bites,” bites that inflict minor injuries that can be treated with topical antibiotics, of which many are never reported in the first place.
The breakdown is the following: 93% (4.6 million) of all dog bites per year are garden variety, and 7% (367,161) fall into the groups of our concern: serious injuries, maulings and maimings and fatalities.
This 7% group can be segmented further with 5% (357,629) involving serious injuries (emergency room visits), 2% (9,500) involving severe and disfiguring injuries (hospitalizations) — otherwise referred to in this document as “mauling and maiming injuries” — and about 32 involving death.
In 2000, when this study was published, hundreds of cities had breed-specific pit bull ordinances, the two largest and most famous being Denver and Miami. By 2000, both bans had been in place for 10-years. Neither jurisdiction was ever contacted by the AVMA/CDC to see if a reduction in pit bull mauling and maiming injuries and deaths had occurred since their bans. Today, about 23-years after having their bans in place, only 1 known fatality by pit bulls has occurred in these jurisdictions. In 2009, Denver officials stated that no pit bull mauling injuries had occurred either.
The lacking “numerator and denominator data” statement is nonsense. The 2000 study undermines the very process of researching this area by essentially stating, that since we cannot measure the “exact” number of dogs within a dog breed (as if scientific statistical estimations are non existent), we therefore cannot calculate “breed-specific bite rates.” And there is that word again, “bites.”
There is no progress as long as the CDC fails to properly acknowledge the 2% and 5% groups by obfuscating these severe injuries with garden variety dog bites. The solutions for preventing both public health problems are not the same and cannot be solved through a simple leash law, “responsible owners,” or basic dog bite safety programs. They are two separate and distinct problems and must be addressed accordingly.
Further, the “bite” obfuscation vernacular used by the CDC in the 2000 study was then disseminated and repeated ad nauseam by veterinarian groups (for years), and today we live with even greater obfuscations of the issue: “all dogs bite” and “any dog can bite” and “dog bite prevention.”
Under the influence of the AVMA, the CDC set forth policy guidelines in the 2000 study: We do not recommend breed-specific laws. What solution did they recommend, and still recommend today? A Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention (2001), by the AVMA,15 which promotes out-of-date policies that financially serve the interest of veterinarians, reinforces biased and inaccurate AVMA talking points (“can’t identify breed,” etc.,) and further condemns breed-specific ordinances.
On the CDC’s current Dog Bites page, they point to the AVMA’s guide:
“In addition, the American Veterinary Medical Association task force has outlined recommended strategies that communities can undertake for the prevention of dog bites.”
The 18-page paper contains a “litany” of biases, inaccuracies and scare tactics; it is enough just to look at the first page: “Following a severe attack, there is usually an outcry to do something … a knee-jerk response” (breed-specific law implied) and “media-driven portrayals of a specific breed as ‘dangerous’” and “singling out 1 or 2 breeds for control can result in a false sense of accomplishment” and “dog bite statistics are not really statistics” and “small breeds also bite.”
The scare tactics are particularly evident in the paper’s flawed language regarding constitutional challenges to breed-specific ordinances. Every constitutional point stated in the AVMA guide has been nullified by appellate and federal courts, including: procedural due process substantive due process, equal protection, under inclusive, and void for vagueness. Even the United States Supreme Court weighed in on this by rejecting the appeal from the Ohio Supreme Court’s decision in City of Toledo v. Tellings, 871 N.E.2d 1152 (Ohio, August 1, 2007).…
Despite the AVMA’s “appeal to fear,” well-written breed-specific laws have a 100% success rate in the courts. Since the guide’s publication in 2001, at least 12 additional federal and appellate state courts have upheld these laws, one as recently as 2013. The only constitutional issue that exists today revolves around “service dogs” within communities that regulate pit bulls. For instance, Denver had to marginally adjust their pit bull ban ordinance, allowing pit bulls as service dogs, after the revised Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) rules were issued in 2010.
Given the “litany” of biases and out dated policies in the AVMA guide, the CDC must discontinue recommending it to communities on its website. All future recommended dog bite prevention models should have human health and safety officials as the “primary” authors, as well, not veterinarians.

JEFF BORCHARDT how do these flyers help victims? & are these flyers and the newspaper ads paid for by donations, if not what happens to the donations how are they spent

Daxton’s Friends serves as a resource for legislators and legislation bodies addressing canine related public safety. Our goal is to support the implementation of tools to ensure healthy canine ownership and public safety.
Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness is run entirely by volunteers who are not compensated for their services. Please consider making a donation to support our efforts today. Click here to visit our new on-line store!
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Fliers front web version
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2013 fatalities flier
2013 Dog Bite Related Fatalities (back)

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flier back breeds web version
Potentially dangerous dog breeds (back)

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Friday, 20 February 2015

Jeff Borchardt-- This helps victims how Jeff?

"The Tampa Bay organization, called Pit Bulls 4 Patriots, was founded with the intention of training rescued pit bulls as service dogs for veterans with PTSD. Unfortunately, by the time the Chicago Pits for Patriots had cited them as their inspiration, Pit Bulls 4 Patriots had already been forced to abandon their original concept. They retooled and renamed themselves Hounds 4 Heros, a program that uses rescued greyhounds instead. Why? The pit bulls were not working out as service dogs. They took too long to train, and they found that pit bulls were too "sensitive" to work with handlers with PTSD because they "reflected" the symptoms of their handler's PTSD. Evidently, the pit bulls were exhibiting common symptoms of PTSD: anger, irritability, hyper-vigilance, and anxiety whenever their owners did. Irritable pit bull service dogs. No Thank You.
"We became clear that we need dogs who are able to provide calm in any situation rather than matching the handler's feelings. Also, it is critical that PTSD service dogs can adapt and recover quickly from stress, and to be resiliant enough to do that again and again"
In addition, the wonderful pit bull "washouts" could not be easily adopted so the founders of the organization are now the proud owners of a boatload of pits. Rescue pit bulls, it seems, are not inherently (genetically), suited to service dog work. Unfortunately Hounds 4 Heros not only took down the page the above quote comes from, there is no archive of it either.
However, Hounds 4 Heros has written in depth about just what makes rescued greyhounds such great candidates as service dogs for veterans. Knowing that they were forced to scrap their original concept, it is not hard to read between the lines. It seems that greyhounds possess inherent (genetic) characteristics that that make them good PTSD service dogs and pit bulls do not:"
I strongly object to the use of PTSD 'service dogs' due to the fact there is a cure for PTSD:
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  • 19 people like this.
  • Latricia Mayer Live and learn! Thank God they wised up.
  • Thomas McCartney Pit bull type dog service dogs are always an epic fail, just some nutter organization sprinkling fairy dust over the mutant thinking that will magically transform it into what it is not and can never be.
  • Lisa Black But...but...doncha know they used to call them "Nursemaid Dogs" and "Surgeon Dogs". They'd send them out after battles, and they'd perform field amputations where needed.
  • Fataah Ewe' Even that description of pits in service was pussyfooting around the problem. It wasn't that the human made the dogs go off, it was the dogs going off at any given moment, which is def a descripto /reflection of some extreme PTSD, but actually not caus...See More
  • Rose Solesky surprise! Surprise!!!!
  • Crystal Ross Keller This idea is as bad as Seniors for Seniors. Our Vets and Senior citizens need protecting not mauled.
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Mr McCartney and Ms Black have a sharp sense of satire and a wicked sense of humor, sometimes I have found myself in tears and discouraged for the victims. A bit of well aimed barbs at the sociopathic behavior of the Pit Bull movement is a great relief. Am working in my own community to counter..does not make one popular but that's OK.