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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Jeff Borchardt gets sucked in hardcore and now he's butthurting bad!!! pmsl!!!

Jeff Borchardt got sucked into believing this post was real whereas if he'd of done even the semblance of research for instance the writers bio he wouldn't of posted it in his group and then got called out on it by Zombies & Dogs, just plain lazy Jeff.

Miami| A 37-year old man suffering some very serious groin injuries after being bitten by a pit bull, was admitted at the Ryder Trauma Center, this morning. Jesus…
3 people like this.
Dan Saeger Pit luv..
Like21 hrs
Sarah Howard whaaaaa......?
Like121 hrs
Harve Morgan Is this another satire site?
Like21 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Not satire, per se, but a tabloid and there for "entertainment" purposes-- so not much truth and greatly embellished. All you have to do is look at the photo of the puppy with the big old grin on his face. wink emoticon
Like121 hrs
Sarah Howard Look at the photo of the dog spanky, it has to be an onion knockoff. Check out the comments too /rme
Like221 hrs
Kathleen Horton So much for enforcing Miami's pit bull ban. I've seen that grinning pibble file photo before. I'm sure an FOIA would reveal a much different story.
Like121 hrs
Dennis Baker Not factual this time. Wounds needs regular bandage changes not a body cast.....
Like420 hrs
Kathleen Horton Stories like this help keep the PB lovers' fantasy going. Pit bulls, peanut butter, bestiality and genital mutilation: pibble lovers are all over this stuff.
Like520 hrs
Dennis Baker Yes this story feeds the hero pit bull fantasy as well as the sick bestality fantasy that some of the wackos have.
Like120 hrs
David Natalizia Fake news page with 100% made up stories.
Like320 hrs
Jeff Borchardt I really hate it when they do these fake stories.
Like620 hrs
Kathleen Horton Just click on the 'reporter's' name and view her stories and bio.
Like218 hrs
Magner Cepeda At least the picture is from before 2013. The guy in the pic has full-body cast. He probably suffered multiple bone fractures. Nothing having to do with having his genitals bit by a dog.
Like117 hrsEdited
Julie Edwards-Matanga The collected stories of kinky and pitty.
Like117 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Jesus.
Like14 hrs
Tamara Timmermann gasp emoticon
Like14 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson And those folks are on "our side".
Like10 hrs
Magner Cepeda Now this is a real-life video of an attempted rape of a boy by a pit bull dog...
Like117 hrs
Richard Prince This story is pure propaganda. Myth.
Like312 hrs
Jenny Pollman Why in THEE hell would anyone want to make something like this up?! You gotta be really sick in the head for even thinking about something like this happening. Maybe this is the writers fantasy?!
Like312 hrs
Jeff Borchardt I know. It's not even funny.... Like The Onion
Like11 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson There is probably a nugget of truth and they take it from there. It's not a satire site, it's a tabloid.
Like10 hrs
David Natalizia There has been a trend in purely fake (or claimed "satire" pages) aimed at Facebook shares, page views, and ad revenue.
Like111 hrs
Jeff Borchardt It's stupid. We, as Americans in this day and age, do not have time for this nonsense.
Like11 hrs

Jeff and his culty friends seem to have an unhealthy obsession with dogs and peanut butter as Mix Master Bogart's comment to a 12 year old regarding smearing her "pussy' with "peanut butter" and let her "mauler" lick it off which is inappropriate no matter what the context?

Jeff Borchardt is not a public safety advocate his campaign is not community orientated nor is he any kind of canine expert, he's a Dj a grieving father who seems content to blame pit bulls and every one in the world for his poor choices in relation to his choice of baby sitter the death of his son by a pair of Boxer mixes he insists were pit bulls.

Jeff blames pit bulls in spite of the fact that his baby sitter Susan Iwicki had absolutely no first aid knowledge or training confirmed by the condition and location of the child when the first law enforcement officers arrived finding the baby sitter on the phone to her boy friend and she refused to end the call in spite of being directed to do so by the officer trying to find the victim a number of times.

Eventually Daxton was found in a different room Alone, Naked, Bleeding and struggling to breathe on a cold hard wood floor in the middle of winter this can't have improved the child's chances of survival and  I'd reckon Jeff has every right to be angry but he should be angry with his baby sitter not pit bulls especially considering her dogs were obviously poorly socialized untrained underfed boxer mixes and she had absolutely no control over them and despite instructions not to let the dogs any where near Daxton she did and now he's dead and her and Jeff are best mates because it was all the "pit bulls" fault?

more to come.....

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