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Saturday, 23 January 2016

Jeff Borchardt you have really gone off the deep end.

Since he doesn’t mind his name being used…
Just look at that last sentence. And the smiley face. And the hashtag.
It literally is like they WAIT for an attack so they can celebrate their cause? What kind of sick person talks about the possibility of a fatality with a SMILE AND A HASHTAG? The pit bull supporters I know cringe and their heart stops for a moment every time there is an attack, because it’s ALWAYS another idiot owner not controlling their dog, who these “victims” will turn into a “family dog” in their twisted stories, to again, blame the dogs, let the humans off with no consequences and try to kill our dogs again. Unless of course it’s a pit bull owner that gets hurt, then it’s their time, again, for celebration and to pick the bones of that victim like vultures, unless of course that person comes out and says it was all the dogs fault, then they can welcome them into their group and absolve them of all responsibility. They really do change their attitudes and reaction depending on how they individual in question reacts. And it leads to more people continuing to be irresponsible owners because they want to just ban dogs instead of dealing with the real problem…. dumb humans. Maybe because that is what they are.

Jeff Borchardt advocacy = "Threats, harassment, intimidation"

I don’t know anyone that has threatened them. But I see this sort of stuff regularly.
So now they even want to contact the employer of a spouse? Lets not forget children’s pictures stolen and altered with PORNOGRAPHIC meme’s, employers that have been contacted, schools that have been called, threats of “picketing” to shut down functions and events. Sad people. There are medications to help this sort of behavior. And doctors. And therapy. None of those treatments start with the letters DBO.

Foolish Follies

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Jeff Borchardt and the lies and disinformation continue.

Jeff Borchardt seems to be making a habit of polluting the internet with his slanderous disinformation he literally can't lie straight in bed but being as his own campaign is based on lies such as the dogs involved in the death of Daxton were actually "boxer" mixes according to their vet records so it's plain to see it's impossible to believe one word that comes out of this fools mouth.

Dogfighting, and bear- and bull-baiting by dogs have been practiced for centuries. These well documented “sports” are fueled by the human desire for competition and gambling. These dogs were selectively bred to fight. Sadly, to this very day in a town near you, dogfighting continues. It is practiced by those who make money from the gambling proceeds produced by the fight bets, and by breeding and selling dogs who have the will and ability to fight. Yes, dogfighting is technically illegal, but rarely prosecuted, and when it is, prosecution is more likely for the gambling, not the abuse of the animals. That is, unless you happen to be a famous sports personality.
Read more:
Richmond SPCA CEO Robin Starr severely criticized a person for raising the possibility that rescued pit bulls are not a good choice for adoption (“Attack on rescue dogs is canine racism,” June 10 commentary). Starr’s article was incredibly naïve and sadly typical of proponents of rescue dogs as the…
13 people like this.
Harve Morgan Robin Starr is the darling of No Kill. She left her own old dog in the car to die from the heat. Did she take responsibility? NO. She blamed her husband, said he put the dog in the car and didn't tell her. I mean, how do you miss a dog in the car with you? No charges filed against her and any other person would have been charged with cruelty.
Like514 hrs
Andrew Neilson That is an excellent article. It states thing in a factual, logical manner without resorting to any attacks. It's just the sort of approach that we need in order to educate people.
Like613 hrs
Paula A. Schneider They are also breeding pits in Hawaii to take down wild boars frown emoticon not well known!
Like213 hrs
Andrew Neilson While I can see how that could work, it makes me think about how they imported Cane Toads into Australia......that didn't work out so well.
Like312 hrsEdited
Paula A. Schneider unfortunately these monsters travel all over~
Like13 hrs
Lisa Padgett Why don't they just shoot the damn pigs. Excuses excuses.
Like210 hrs
Paula A. Schneider Yes! one of these "trained and bred for pits" is now living in my small town! Interesting on how there are no restrictions on the transporting of these monsters, from country to country!!
Like10 hrsEdited
Andrew Neilson Lisa Padgett Shooting feral hogs is tough business. They're big, strong, reproduce like mad, and are very smart. They've got a huge problem with them in Texas and even with hunting them from helicopters, it's a losing battle. I can see why someone might think that training PB's would be a good idea, it's part of what they were originally bred for. Caution is indicated, however. Law of Unintended Consequences and all that.
Like10 hrs
Paula A. Schneider Well one particular idiot feels one such dog is fit as a house pet along with her elderly and frail mother~ fools!
Like110 hrs

Jeff claims that while dog fightin is illegal you rarely see arrests unless the culprits are famous, what a load of tripe and totally in standing with the sorts of claims this moron makes on social media daily.

Dogfighting FAQ | ASPCA Professional
A 1981 report commissioned by the ASPCA entitled "Dogfighting in America: A ... Over one thousanddogfighting arrests have been made in the United States ...

ASPCA Helps Bust Second Largest Dogfighting Ring Ever ...
Over 360 dogs were rescued in multi-state raid, one of the largest takedowns. Image Credit: Images courtesy of ... ASPCA Helps Bust Second LargestDogfighting Ring Ever. Over 360 dogs were .... PUT THEM TO SLEEP....God Bless America!

Sentences handed down from 2nd largest US dog-fighting raid
What kind of sentences should the people behind the second-largest dog-fighting ring in U.S. history get? Read what was handed down by a judge in Alabama.

Now I googled "dog fighting arrests in America" and here's the results About 11,600,000 results (0.51 seconds)" just another of many 
examples of Boofheads lies and disinformation, Jeff's not a canine 
expert he's not even a very good Dj other wise he wouldn't have had 
to be laying carpet the day his son was murdered by the babysitter.

more to come.....

Jeff Borchardt over estimating his influence

Jeff not only suffers from a victim complex but his over inflated ego allows him to self indulge as to the extent of his popularity and his haters as other then the sheeple in his nasty pit bull hate group no-one listens to anything this self proclaimed expert says and is it any wonder with the whole peanut butter incident (Zombies & Dogs) and let's not forget the anti freeze comments where ha advises people to poison neighborhood pets if they look like pit bulls and then there's numerous other things to like re-posting pictures of children without their parents consent etc etc etc

5 people like this.
Ruth Freeborn I think you are being harassed to a degree that a letter from a lawyer might need to be considered. That is threatening. Exactly what are they threatening you with? Looks dangerous.
Lisa Black They must be dogfighters making buttloads of money if they're getting *that* unhinged about it.
Jennifer Dzikowski I love how they compare themselves to the outcasts in this picture.
Joanna McGinn I've come to the non PC conclustion that yes, some collections of cells really are trash and should be 'cast out' of society... or at least not allowed to breed... sounds like something Margaret Sanger and Hitler would say... but then even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
Jennifer Dzikowski Isn't he the same idiotic ahole who said he was throwing darts at Daxton's picture? What else has he sent?
Lisa Black Might need his own billboard.
Joanna McGinn I believe that is a mexican prison.... nice try asshole.... is it 'toothless wonder; again?
Lisa Kafka Willett Some asshole living with his pitbull in his moms basement with nothing else better to do
Joanna McGinn he's probably on 'mental' part of SSI... or whatever they have over downunder...
Bobbi Rosell I think it's absolutely disgraceful and disgusting that people send you emails like this, Jeff. What a horrible thing to do to someone who lost their baby to one of those monster dogs. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, and admire your courage for continuing the fight against these dogs.
Jeff Borchardt I just had Kim check her other box.
Jacque McNabb Im sending him a message
Jacque McNabb Figures he was a convict
Nancy Perdue They harass your wife too? What sick twisted useless wastes of space & air these people are!
Like1 hr
Nancy Perdue They harass your wife too? What sick twisted useless wastes of space & air these people are!
Like1 hr
Carol Miller This is intolerable.
Jacque McNabb Notice the email addresses, time to send back....
Nancy Perdue I hope these these people rot in hell!
Like1 hr
Joy Bruce Do any of these threats get reported to authorities? Is anything ever done about it?
Jeff Borchardt Yes. It doesn't raise to the level of a direct threat, yet.
Jen Arevalo Crazies!!!! 
Helga Joubert Why lawmakers care so much about keeping these worthless losers happy I'll never know.
Jennifer Dzikowski Here's the one in my inbox. A raging sociopathic lunatic.
Mia Johnson Good lord. His mother raised him so well.
Like123 hrs
Jennifer Dzikowski They are Satan's spawn. The epitome of evil. And one day I'm confident they'll get what's coming to them. If only their devil dogs would do the honors first.
Dennis Baker I guess they mean next time? Or did they not hear about Colorado? Keyboard tough guys are soooooo scary.
Sarah May They are the devils minions.
Jacque McNabb So sad. If I can help you in any way please let me know.
Jacque McNabb Is there any petitions going around? Or can we write someone, ie congress?
Richard Prince Watcha gonna doooo when they come for you!!
Mia Johnson Who are these bizarre looking people and why are they in Wisconsin?
Mia Johnson I looked it up. - Mexican gang members. They sure have a lot of time on their hands.

Well Jeff, they'll have a long ride up and it looks they'll be pretty cold when they get there.

Sandra Fuller Yep nothing but a bunch of pit bull breeders/dog fighters.Got to make $$ some how.Getting a decent actual job isn't possible because of all the tatts and criminal record
Darcy Hussin Gray Sick bastards!
Kathleen Horton These men look like followers of the Mexican cult known as Santa Muerte.
Kathleen Horton These guys have obviously been watching too much gay porn. Their latent desires are evident in their posts.
Irene Lobaido The demons have escaped hell again!!
Paul Lothary Bullies owning bully breeds
Angela Provo Awww the demons took some usies
Jen Arevalo I got some good responses to add to the pitbull advocate nutters.
Mia Johnson "Discriminating racist redneck white trash b*tches"? Hm, I can use that.
Kathleen Horton Mia Johnson They shouldn't talk about themselves that way.
Nancy Perdue Kathleen Horton Yeah they really shouldn't brag about them selves so much...BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Like1 hr
Hannah Smith She's probably 15 lol. Sounds like a teenager with a mouth like that
Like223 hrs
Jen Arevalo Yeah my thoughts exactly
Like222 hrs
Nancy Perdue It's not lies & hate it's called awareness Goofball! squint emoticon
Like1 hr
Nancy Perdue It's not lies & hate it's called "spreading awareness" Goofball! squint emoticon
Like1 hrEdited
Jen Arevalo Such love in this one
Sarah May I can't believe how pathetic they are.
Mia Johnson Gosh, show us the love.
Hannah Smith I bet she would sing a different tune of it was her kid/family member that got mauled to death by the sweet family pit.
Like223 hrs
Hannah Smith And I'm sorry, but NO ONE should worry about putting their small child around big dogs because it might KILL THEM!! The most you should worry about is the dog accidentally knocking the child over. But with pits, it's a very real possibility!! And people still defend them !!
Like323 hrsEdited
Hannah Smith She's a Bernie Sanders lover!! That explains everything....
Like323 hrs
Helga Joubert Hannah Smith Indeed it does. She talks like a future welfare queen. Expecting lots of government assistance is the only reason I can see why anyone would support a stupid old socialist like Bernie.
Like17 hrs
Nancy Perdue Hannah Smith Of course she would! That's the problem with these people they can't put them selves in someone else's shoes, they can only see their own wants, needs, and pain.
Like1 hr
Nancy Perdue Braxton huh?...Gee thanks for getting his name right Doofus!
Like21 hr
Marie McGrath Notice so many hide behind fake names & keyboards?
Sarrah Fay The day they get banned a bunch of naked dudes are going to accompany you Jeff Borchardt, That is kinda scary LOL.. report it for sexual harassment wink emoticon
Sarrah Fay Or I would tell that naked men, is NOT your idea of a celebration .. but to each their own LOL
Paula A. Schneider FB sure is full of psycho's!
Like222 hrs
Like20 hrs
Barbara Casey Pretty sure jarred chesley doesn't roll with gang bangers.
Like18 hrs
Barbara Casey Jeff Borchardt Or if your email address is dianemuriel03 then it is safe to say you don't hang with Maniac Latin Disciples or Mexican Mafia.
Like12 hrs
Nancy Perdue That is absolutely pointless, and do they realize as Pitbull fans they're comparing their selves to low life thugs? Complete idiotic morons!
Like21 hr
Cherilyn Wood They have no idea what real strength is. Real strength is being able to push forward every day, doing your best to help others see the truth & maybe, just maybe, save someone else from having to go through what you've been through. Anyone who has to attack you this way is nothing but a giant pussy. It's hard being attacked this way; putting up with senseless bullshit. Don't pay them any mind. They're worthless pieces of trash. They don't deserve your energy.

As you can see if you read their comments they're all as crazy as bat guano and probably twice as smelly too it seems they're all displaying A Typical symptoms in relation to suffering Cynophobia which is an irrational fear of dogs.

If Jeff tried putting aside his hatred and/or need to get revenge against pit bulls and do some legitimate investigation and research into actual victims advocacy he'd quickly realize he's Enabling these poor victims. 

The thing is Jeff's son (Dax R I P) was attacked by his baby sitters 2 boxer mixes but Jeff insists they were pit bulls in spite of the overwhelming volume of evidence confirming their breed (3 years of vet records) Jeff has embarked on a campaign whereby he seems to not care who he hurts in order to achieve his goals..

more to come.....