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Sunday, 13 December 2015

Jeff Borchardt's latest tasteless meme with a suicidal narative

This post typifies the style of alleged community safety Jeff Borchardt undertakes on a regular basis and demonstrates the lack of morality of both him and his 10 likers Fyi a true advocate campaigns for all victims and wouldn't make up a completely distasteful meme using a suicidal narrative how much compassion are you showing for family members of people who have committed suicide with a gun Jeff?

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Jeff this is not victim advocacy mate you're blaming everyone and everything else around you for your own poor choices and the fact is you're revenge driven hate campaign against pit bulls does not honor your lost son in fact it soils his memory and exposes your true nature. (R I P Dax)

The fact is none of Jeff's theories hold any creed whatsoever they are the ramblings of a very immature insecure nobody seeking notoriety while invoking revenge on a breed and quite willing to sacrifice the victims of non banned breeds/types on average 12 per year in order to get his revenge on pit bulls even though the dogs involved were BOXER MIXES!!!!!!!!

Not an advocate more accurate to say spoiled child?

more to come.....

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