Had to run to my local DJ shop in Milwaukee for a gallon of fog juice. As I was walking out I saw this. Me being me, I just happened to have a stack of Daxton's Friends fliers in my cargo shorts pocket to slip in and around this particular stack of pit bull propaganda.
If you haven't already added your 2 cents to the Facebook version of the article, here is the link:https://www.facebook.com/wigazette/posts/10152931376574227
The author, Lisa Neff, does not lie however spins the article so it's another pit bull fluff piece.
Yes, there is an Ohio PAC (sponsored by Animal Farm Foundation) pushing for even more anti "discriminatory" laws.
Yes, the city of Platteville did not pass BSL as so many others don't after being bombarded and lied to by "animal rights" organizations. I happened to speak to Mike Denn a few times over the phone. He proposed the BSL law after one of his constituents' dog was killed and she injured by a pit bull.
Yes, the AVMA is against BSL. You would have to be practically brain dead to figure out why they would hold that position.
Yes, the ASPCA is against BSL. And again, why should we care what "animal rights" organizations have to say about an issue concerning public health and safety?
Yes, the CDC also is against BSL under the advisement of the, you guessed it, AVMA. Which is why I believe Lisa Neff missed the memo of a very important meeting that took place right here in her home state of Wisconsin with OUR congressman last year. So the CDC dose not, and will not, resume tracking the data. So there's that and here's this in case you missed it.
Yes, the ABA is against BSL, HOWEVER, Lisa Neff has not looked into board member/lawyer of Animal Farm Foundation and head of Best Friends Animal Society, Ledy VanKavage's involvement with that stance.
Keep reading this article and with the exception of a teeny, tiny paragraph about DogsBite.org, it is quoting animal welfare organizations, animal welfare organizations, animal welfare organizations, animal welfare organizations, animal welfare organizations.
Basically, this article is the same shit, different pile. I give the author, Lisa Neff, from the Wisconsin Gazette a big fat "F" for her biased article.
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