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Saturday, 7 May 2016

Jeff Borchardt's four Facebook accounts!

Well I'm a bit confused because it's obvious these four Facebook accounts are for the same person and despite reporting the accounts to Facebook the same response keeps coming back saying they haven't removed the accounts and considering the fact it's blatantly clear they belong to the same person which is strange.

Jeff Borchardt 1

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Jeff has his pictures , his wife's picture and his dogs picture on all four accounts.

Jeff Borchardt updated his profile picture.

Jeff Borchardt updated his profile picture.
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This looks like the same person to 


Jeff Borchardt updated his profile picture.

Jeff 3.

Either the same person or someone is using Jeff's picture and impersonating him?

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That's definitely the same person?

Jeff 4.

And once again the same person and same dog even.

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Jeff Borchardt updated his profile picture.

I've reported all four accounts 

to Facebook but they refuse to do 


Thanks for your feedback
Thanks for letting us know about the Profile you reported for pretending to be someone they aren't. As of now, it hasn't been removed because we found that it doesn't go against the Facebook Community Standards.
If you think that this Profile should be removed for a different reason, please report it again, choosing the most relevant option after selecting I don't think it should be on Facebook.
Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you – we want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone.
Note: If you want us to look at something specific on someone's Profile, make sure that you report the content (e.g. photo), not the entire Profile. That way, your report will be reviewed more accurately.

Facebook obviously doesn't take 

it's own policies too seriously? 

more to come.....

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