Now considering how much this individual cries when some one shares pictures of his child I find it extremely hypocritical that this person would consistently post pictures of other peoples children without permission and because he claims to be acting in the public interest that makes it okay, well I got news for you Boofhead it's not okay!!!
As you can see by the post below Jeff shares other peoples pictures on his feeble minded Facebook page and as you can verify he makes little to no effort to hide the identity of the child/children he's abusing.
Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
Here is a comment left on the thread of a pit bull attack story..
I think it was supposed to represent two of the most dangerous myths we know, The "Nanny Dog" and the " Its all how you train them"?? myth. What it really shows is just how much danger this child is in.
I think it was supposed to represent two of the most dangerous myths we know, The "Nanny Dog" and the " Its all how you train them"?? myth. What it really shows is just how much danger this child is in.
Susi has led a growing trend in labeling your pets as pit bull if they attack someone therefore negating your responsibilities and liability involving any attacks and in this case Susi's dogs were Boxer mixes according to their vet reports but she got away with negligible homicide by calling her boxers pit bulls and joining the koole aide drinking fanatics at
Ironically Susi's actually on the board of Daxtons friends despite being unable to follow a simple instruction to keep the child away from her dogs thus causing his brutal death.
The fact is she doesn't know it's a pit bull Jeff because she's not a dog breed identification expert is she and the fact is she's probably taking the word of the person she got the dog off and they more then likely weren't a breed expert either?
At least Jeff made an effort to block out the victims face in this case too little too late Jiffy.
I'm not really sure what this post is all about but Amy squelches her typical comment she's all for reporting parents with pit bulls to CPS.
Unless Jeff has sought permission it's illegal to share pictures of minors without their parents consent but Jeff doesn't care about victims and he makes more every day with his perverted so called public safety advocacy.
Anyone mocking their stupidity is automatically labelled as the "victim basher" whereas it's obvious these fools are creating and abusing victims daily with their petty hate driven murderous campaign against pit bulls.
Joy Bailey toPit Bull Breed Identification Photos - Owner Submitted
Making fun of people who actually DO have to call 911 after being attacked, or witnessing an attack, or the aftermath of an attack!! Classy.
Yet another infants picture shared without their parents consent and Jeff does this daily all under the guise of public safety advocacy whereas it's quite obvious this person is far more dangerous then any breed of dog could ever be?
As I've said this person is sharing parents pictures without even seeking their consent all in the name of community safety.
You have to keep this in perspective. They are posting these pictures AFTER being given the facts and told victims stories.
These are not good parents, they are monsters.
Please got to this page check it out for yourself and if you feel there's no place on Facebook for this sort of abuse report the page and every post containing picture of children used without their parents consent.
Shame on you Jeff Borchardt and shame on Facebook for allowing this bully to continue his campaign of terror against all pit bulls and their owners families.
more to come.....