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Friday, 22 April 2016

Susie Iwicki blames her "pit bulls"

Well there's been a lot said and written about the attack in which young Daxton Borchardt tragically lost his life specifically the breed/type of dogs involved and if that had a bearing on the attack itself with one side blaming the dogs in particular they insist the dogs are "pit bulls" and the other side insisting the breed of the dogs played little part in the tragedy and quickly pointing out the numerous failings with the management of these 2 dogs.

Jeff claims they were family dogs but the dogs had crates inside the house and there was a cyclone fence pen in the back yard and according to the information in this report the dogs spent an unhealthy amount of time in their prospective crates or the outside pen lacking any real socialization and/or training.

Daxton Borchardt Dog Attack Synopsis
Incident Report #13-007281

Deputy Brauer walks to the residence and makes contact with Iwicki, who is on her cell phone and screaming hysterically, and unintelligibly. Deputy Brauer yells at Iwicki to hang up the phone and tell him where the baby is. Iwicki yelled back that the baby was in the back and that’s all she would say. 

Deputy Brauer instructs Iwicki to lock up the dogs, as they were now both present in the living room. <- rember this part Iwicki ignored him, still on the phone and hysterical. Deputy Brauer again instructed Iwicki to “Hang up the God Damn phone and get the dogs outta here!” Iwicki hung up the phone at that time. 

Deputy Brauer went into another room, with hardwood flooring, and saw the baby laying on the floor, motionless, naked, and laying on his back. Upon closer inspection, Deputy Brauer realized the child was alive, and could hear the baby gasping for breaths. He picked the baby up and brought him into a room with carpet flooring, and left the residence to retrieve his medical kit from his squad.

Interview w/Jeffrey Borchardt on 3/8:

When asked how many times Iwicki has been in charge of Daxton’s care, Borchardt stated “At least 20 times.” When asked if he had ever seen any aggression displayed in the dogs when he had contact with them, he said that he had not, but had seen two pitbulls owned by Curly previous to these two and they had gotten into a fight.

Borchardt then described the fight with his hands and voice how intense the fight was. Borchardt stated that it is going to be his goal to get pitbulls banned from insurance companies and municipalities. <- that didn’t take long did it? 

He said that he and his wife are moving and “leaving everything behind”. He stated that he was considering going to work at the bar to a DJ gig tonight, to get his mind off his son. When asked if he had had any contact with Curly or Iwicki since the attack, Borchardt stated that he did not and decided that he never wanted to see either of them ever again.

Despite saying in her interview with the police ( further down the post ) that she didn't know what breed the dogs were now she's identifying the dogs as pit bulls.

I am astounded with the lack of any care or attention for the poor little boy with the first officer finding him laying alone naked on a cold hardwood floor while the babysitter was on the phone to her boyfriend.

I wonder how this neglect affected the victims chances of survival and equally I wonder why the babysitter wasn't charged at all, considering she took the child out in the back yard to pen up the dogs despite express orders from Jeff regarding his son's interaction with her dogs specifically they're not allowed anywhere near the child.

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Terry Holt

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Lesley Karen Luscombe Awesome. Blessings for Susie, who knew her dogs, what they were, what they did, and who has found the strength to speak out. heart emoticon
LikeReply221 April at 14:41
Nancy Perdue She's proof that not every Pitbull owner is a selfish, crazy nut. Thank you Susie for speaking out as someone who is completley experienced with Pitbull Terriers, and their nature.
Mary Conner Oh what a brave lady to post this. I can't imagine the pain she is going thru.
LikeReply121 April at 20:37Edited

This is Bosston & Penny 

All Things Foamers
Published by Just now
They look like boxer mixes to me?

All Things Foamers's photo.
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Now here are the vet reports for the 2 dogs involved and as you can see they're brother and sister and listed as "boxer" mixes and you may notice there's a cautionary note added for the female "Penny" saying she was reactionary which is a concern around little children.

I've highlighted on the vet's report in blue "Penny's & Bosstons" original breed designation and in blue the breed designation from the vet that put the dogs to sleep on the day of the attack in red.

Daxton Borchardt Dog Attack Synopsis
Incident Report #13-007281

Vet Reports on Bosston:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 03/11/2013 at 11:20am. 
Bosston, listed as a Canine Boxer mix, male, neutered. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 58 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations current on Rabies thru 9/12/14, Vaccinations overdue on Distemper on 9/12/12, Lyme Disease on 9/12/12, Fecal Examination on 9/12/12, and Heartworm (occult) on 01/18/12. The report goes on to list Bosston’s entire medical history, from 07/26/10 thru 06/27/12, which was the last time he was seen by a Veterinarian. There is also another page where it listsBosston as a K-9 species, M, Boxer mix, Colors of Brindle/White with a dob of 04/21/10. No further information is listed on this page. There are also several pages of “charting” on Bosston, starting on 6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 6/28/12 with a follow up on a leg issue
Vet Reports on Penny:

From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 3/11/13 at 11:20am. 
Penny, listed as a Canine Pit Bull mix, female, spayed. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 49 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations were current on Rabies thru 9/12/14 and Fecal Examination thru 6/28/13. Vaccinations overdue on Distemper on 9/12/12, Heartworm (Occult) 9/12/12, and Lyme Disease 9/12/12. The report goes on to list Penny’s medical history, from 9/13/11 thru 07/16/12, which was the last time she was seen by a Veterinarian. There is also another page where it lists Penny as a K-9 species, F, Boxer mix, Color of Dark Brindle with a dob of 04/21/10. No further information is listed on this page. There are also several pages of “charting” on Penny, starting on 6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 6/28/12 with a Fecal Exam, and medication for treatment of worms. On the bottom of the last page of the charts, there is an “Alert” that says “Go Slow-Reactive”. Penny’s records also include forms from when she was spayed, one page is an authorization form. The owners did choose laser surgery and Pre-Anesthetic blood testing. There is also a Surgical Summary from her operation. Another form with her records appears to be blood work results. It was done at IDEXX Laboratories on 11/19/10, for a Female Canine Boxer named Penny, age 7 months. It also lists the doctor as Cynthia Farris. The weight says 0.0 lbs. Lastly, there is a report from Urgent Care Veterinary Services, from 11/27/10. Penny is listed as Canine species, Pit Bull, 7 months old.She was seen for her incision from her spay surgery, which had opened up and was bleeding. The vet that treated Penny was Dr. Jeff Korosec, who was the same doctor that ended up euthanizing both dogs after the attack.

In her interviews with the police the baby sitter claims to not know the breed of Bosston & Penny contrary to her latest media campaign.

Daxton Borchardt Dog Attack Synopsis
Incident Report #13-007281
First Interview w/Susan Iwicki:
Deputy Craig Konopski interviewed Iwicki at the scene, while being checked out by the ambulance crew members. Iwicki stated that she had Daxton fully clothed in snow pants, a jacket and a hat. She had him in her arms and was walking with the dogs out the back door to let them into a fenced-in area in the backyard. She opened the gate to the fenced in area and stated that the female dog became aggressive.

Second Interview w/Iwicki @ 1430:
Iwicki stated that she was watching Daxton while his father, Jeffrey, was working with her boyfriend, laying down carpet. This is a usual arrangement. She stated that she had babysat Daxton several times during the last couple of months. When asked about her dogs, she stated that the female’s name was Penny and the male’s name was Bosston, and that they were brother and sister. 

They were just under 3 years old. She stated that she and her boyfriend got them from a casual friend she could only identify as Brian. When asked what breed of dog they were, she stated that she did not know, and that Brian had a big male dog, and a small female dog that bred together. She said that the female was only around 35 lbs in weight, and had 7 puppies, and that she had problems with producing enough milk for the puppies, and they had to take possession of Bosston and Penny when they were 3 weeks old, instead of 8 weeks

As you can see for yourself Jeff was hell bent on getting revenge on pit bulls for the death of his son ignoring all other factors laying the blame squarely at the feet of what he calls the "pit bull lobby" which includes every animal organization in the world that rejects breed specific legislation not excluding the American Bar Association which has actually brought a resolution asking local municipalities to stop using Bsl.

"Borchardt has vowed he'll lead a charge to have pit bull dogs "bred into extinction."
He told deputies after the incident that he plans to "get pit bulls banned by insurance companies," and said he never wanted to see Iwicki or her boyfriend again."

Some where along the line Jeff got lost and what started as a well intended grief driven public safety initiative turned sour deteriorating to nothing more then a lightly veiled pit bull hate campaign promoting death to all pit bulls by any means necessary.


Now if that wasn't bad enough he's created a new hate page where he shares pictures emailed to his Daxton's Friends page criticizing the pictures owners and often the pictures feature children and/or babies and until recently Jeff made little to no effort to disguise the face's of the minors.

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Terry Holt

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Nancy Perdue Pit mix? Looks pretty much all Pitbull Terrier to me. tongue emoticon
LikeReply115 January at 06:49Edited
Donnalyn Wigan They both don't look happy. Poor baby.
Adam Combs Happy couple!
Mahli Poole And how can a baby "love" a dog exactly?

Here's his latest public safety initiative he posts pictures sent to him or his page via "private message" which seems to demonstrate little to no regard for the victims he seems to mindlessly accumulate on a weekly basis.

While he may have covered the child's face it's too little too late I think fortunately only half a dozen of his flock have boarded the crazy train  encouraging the madness that they call victims advocacy.

( R I P Dax)

more to come.....

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