The boofheads up to his old tricks stalking peoples facebook profiles and stealing their pictures/videos to use in his grotty little facebook hate groups and typically his kool aide drinking minions jump straight on the crazy train with him further stalking this pit bull owner and her family.
You'll notice highlighted in red the fake advising everyone to report this owner to the child protection agency for endangering her child when these sick and twisted people are sharing her private information with the express purpose of bullying her and her family?
Incredibly STUPID parent.

Corie Deputy
Baby getting attacked by pitbull LMAO,, i dont know how to edit my videos so at the end it me putting the phone down lol
As you can clearly see they have examined every facet of this victims life and in some twisted way think they are safety advocates when in actual fact they're stalkers and bully's?
The fact is and it's plain to see Jeff's Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed was created with the express purpose to bully and harass both pit bull owners and anyone willing to oppose breed specific legislation.
These people are using Facebook as a platform to launch these hate attacks on pit bull owners something that is contrary to Facebook's own community standards and yet despite many complaints they're still there bullying and harassing anyone and everyone that exposes their disinformation and lies.
more to come.....