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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Dogsbite culties famous follies, Just for Jeff…..

Jeff is a bold faced liar, cyberbully & stalker…..

 Jeff Borchardt claims the dogs allegedly involved in the death of his son (Daxton) were “family loved” pit bulls whereas they were actually underfed , under socialized  & kept in either a pen in the yard or a crate inside the dwelling.
 Hardly what anyone other then Jeff calls Family pets who actually live in the house and sleep with their owners…..
 Jeff claims he and any other person of average intelligence can identify a pit bull whereas his own billboards and bus stop signs that he squanders all the victims donations on seem to indicate he’s full of sh*t as he’s using a picture of an American Bully…..
pit bulls should be extinct
Is it any wonder people are confused being as this self proclaimed expert obviously doesn’t have a clue?
Now Jeff claims to be a victim but has been posting peoples names, addresses and even their IP Addresses for responding to his constant kill pit bulls rhetoric that he considers to be advocating for victims.
 jeff borchardt and public shaming
 The fact is Jeff has brought all the nasty messages on himself by attacking both pit bulls and their owners and posting abusive nasty stuff like his…..
 000000000 anti freeze
 Jeff blames every one else in the world for his own poor choice in baby sitters…..
 And the fact is if he wasn’t aware of the dangers why did he expressly forbid the baby sitter from letting her family loved pets near his son?
He is not an advocate he’s a grieving father blaming everyone for his own mistakes and he abuses anyone disagreeing with or exposing his lies…..
Check out what he says to this 12 year old girl for daring to confront him about his lies and disinformation…..
Jeff now denies ever making the comment and persists in attacking everyone and even encourages vigilantism against pit bulls…..
 jeff borchardt dogs taken out
And the hatred in the name of advocacy continues seemingly with Facebook’s blessings…..
 jeff borchardt I blame pit bull owners
 Now this demented depraved psycho claims the right to bully and harass anyone he so chooses in the name of his dead son…..
 jeff borchardt i have the right
 The fact is Jeff for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction and you reap what you sew and unfortunately it’s all coming back to bite you on the butt.
 Suck it up big fellow be a big enough man to admit you’ve made mistakes and don’t keep making the same mistakes day after day after day.
 It’s not rocket science Jeff if you want it to stop how about you stop baiting and antagonizing people.
 Oh and just for the record this is a “pit bull” Jeff mmmk?
 more to come…..

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Jeff Borchardt all noise no content?

All about the nutty Dj wannabe public safety advocate.....

Well the nutty Dj has done a blog attacking me and making all sorts of baseless accusations typically his blog is heavy on allegations and claims but extremely light on actual evidence but that comes as no surprise to anyone that knows the tactics of this so called victims advocate.

Now Jeff makes all sorts of claims relating to me but I note with interest he makes no attempt to dispute my expositions of his inappropriate behavior he does not deny having 5 Facebook accounts.

Nor does Jeff dispute his infamous "anti freeze" comments made from his "Mix Master Bogart" Facebook account.....

He didn't even try and deny the whole "peanut butter and the 12 year old girl" thing......

He most certainly didn't try and deny he public shames people daily and brags about it....

Jeff conveniently leaves out the bit about a Facebook page created solely for victims of Jeff Borchardt.....

Jeff claims I'm trolling and stalking him because I monitor and record his poor behavior and expose their so called advocacy which features this type of post/comment generally revolving around killing pit bulls.....

Public safety advocates or thugs this is the type of post that infuriates pet owners for obvious reasons?

And the nasty nasty posts continue daily and he claims these people done nothing to warrant the nasty pm's they get from pit bull owners.....

And this goes on each and every day in his grotty hate groups and as you can see they have little empathy for victims.....

They brag and gloat about killing pit bulls and yet they wonder why they get offensive pm's from pet owners.....

They claim to be innocent victims whereas this is a typical post from one of these so called victims.....

The fact is these people goad and bait pit bull owners into making these types of comments and then have a big cry about it and proclaim themselves to be victims.....

These people consistently post sick and perverted stuff attacking pit bull owners and anyone that opposes breed specific legislation.

Both Jeff and his baby sitter have extensive police records.....

Now let's take a look at some of Jeff's fellow advocates and friends......

And let's not forget "Bronwen Dickey's" stalker charged for drunk driving after crashing his car at 10 in the morning......

Then there's the stalker that had sex with a minor a proud member of Jeff's propaganda machine.....

And let's look at Dana Renfrow she claims to be a victim of bullying which is a bold faced lie you'll notice her comments relating to me in Jeff's latest blog in his smear campaign against me, so let's see some of Dana's advocacy style.....

Dana Renfrow found on the internet

Now let's review some of Dana's handy work or as she calls it "advocacy".....

Hardly science based empirical data and information and or factual argument?

But Dana claims to be educating the public as to the dangers of pit bulls.....

Dana's a victim of my bullying apparently......

Dana's very creative it's just a shame she can't focus that creativity onto something that actual benefits the community.....

Ironically her creating and posting these meme's is not bullying me but me copying and posting them is?

Dana claims to be acting in the public interest but clearly she is a bully.....

What sort of person would think this is not bullying?

The fact that this person is claiming to be the victim here in itself affirms their deluded reality.....

This is only a few of Dana's creative advocacy attempts all of which have been done in the interests of community safety apparently.....

The fact is I openly welcome a full and thorough investigation into cyber bullying as I'm extremely confident the evidence speaks for itself these people have consistently and persistently attacked me for exposing not only their hatred but the inadequacies of breed specific legislation which does nothing to curb dog bite related deaths.

Furthermore in the last decade one person per month every month has died as a result of an attack involving a "non pit bull type" dogs and Breed Specific Legislation does absolutely nothing to prevent attacks involving "non pit bull type dogs".

Lastly Bsl doesn't work as despite the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls in the last 2 years in a row the death toll has been well above the national average for the previous 2 decades indicating Bsl does not work as it only prevents attacks and fatalities involving pit bulls.

more to come......