Another day and one more victim to add to the ever growing list of victims of the so called public safety advocate Jeff Borchardt he and his culty friends (Nick Rooy) are stalking and posting pictures from a young dog bite victims Facebook account because she dared to question their group directive using science based empirical data coupled with the personal experience of a victim.
"Hello everyone! I just wanted to say this group is filled with nothing but ignorant people that know absolutely nothing about Pitbulls let alone Dogs. Any Breed of Dog can be Just as Aggressive as a Pitbull. Its not about the Breed of Dog its about the Owner. When a child does something wrong who is Responsible? The Parent, not the child. Any Educated person would know that Any Breed of Dog is capable of being aggressive if raised Improperly. There are thousands of Pitbulls and other bully breed that live there Entire lives without hurting a single person or animal. And what about all the People and Animals that get killed or hurt by other breeds of dogs? I don’t see you mentioning anything about them. You know why? Because NONE of you people are animal lovers, your nothing but a bunch of ignorant fools that are to dumb to actually educate themselves. Understand its the OWNERS Responsibility for when a Dog does something wrong, not the dog itself. Any animal lover would know that. The Pitbull Breed gets killed more than any other breed in animal shelters and the only thing you people can do is hate on them and call them monsters? The only Monsters here are EVERY single person in this group who discriminate on Pitbulls for absolutely no reason. You people are NOT animal lovers, you are nothing but ignorant fools. My Dog Ginger got attacked by a German Shepard for absolutely no Reason, and if it weren’t for me she would most likely be Dead.. Like I said, ANY Breed of Dog can be aggressive, it’s all about the OWNER and it is the owners responsibility for their dog. This is my Beautiful Pitbull Ginger who I Rescued from my Local Animal Shelter in Pinole California. She is the most Amazing Dog I could have ever asked for, and she has licked and played with Many Children, Adults, Teenagers, and baby’s. She is Extremely Friendly and Wouldn’t Hurt a Single Person or Animal. I have been Raised around Pitbulls My entire life and know how to raise them. They are NOT mean and aggressive like you ignorant people say they are. Ginger is the most Amazing thing that has ever Happened to Me, and she has Inspired me to Rescue more Pitbulls and other Bully breeds like her. And Her and I will continue to Change people’s opinions on the Breed like we already have done with many of People. No matter what you people do there will always be more Pitbull Lovers and Supporters than there are Haters Like you. Me and the Thousands of other people will continue to be happy and enjoy spreading the good word about Pitbulls while you people wallow in Ignorance and Hate. Hope you people can actually Learn a thing or two."
As you can see this young lady stood up for herself in the face of abuse and cyber bullying.
Being afraid of only one breed is actually very dangerous. Thats why a labrador retiever killed my friends son and why i have nerve damage in my hand. To most, labs can do no wrong, yet labs, goldens and shepherds are the most common biters here in my area. I work in the ER and see so many dog attacks...most go unreported. Cops only show up if the breed could pass as a pit bull...any other breed no one cares. But anyways we should be putting awareness out there to be cautious with every single dog regardless of breed.
It's just another day over in Jeff's Facebook hate group where stalking and doxing, bullying and ridicule seems to be standard operating procedure for reed specific legislation proponents as you can see in spite of voicing a valid argument she will be ridiculed.
The fact is anyone of reasonable intelligence can quickly tell that these people are not real public safety advocates they're actually pit bull haters faking concern for victims and using them in order to achieve their end game which is the extermination of all pit bulls.
more to come.....