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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Jeff Borchardt (alleged expert) can't tell the difference between an American Bully and an American Pit Bull Terrier?

Well if you're a breed specific legislation advocate I couldn't blame you for being a bit confused as the poster boy for Bsl Jeff (boofhead) Borchardt insists on using pictures of American Bully's in his media campaign attacking American Pit Bull Terriers.

Apparently any individual of average intelligence can identify a "Pit Bull" according to a recent court ruling which Dogsbite highlighted in a recent post.....

Who Can Identify a Pit Bull? A Dog Owner of 'Ordinary ...

Obviously Boofhead is not of average intelligence as confirmed with his latest post attacking pit bulls featuring a picture of an American Bully.

It seems like every week there's another story about a pit bull killing another person. Maybe it's time for the U.S. to have a serious discussion about banning pit bulls.
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Stacey Spoonamore I could not imagine being faced with a dog like this, can you imagine a poor innocent child! !! So sad and scary.
Laquita Hilton ..Past due...The nutters refuse to control their animals....Law enforcement refuses to deal with attacking animals..Only one thing seems to work....BSLs, if they are enforced as they should be....A national BSL is what we actually need....Simply let the "breed" die out....

Here you go Boofhead hopefully you can learn the difference and stop exposing your ignorance and obvious lack of intelligence?

American Pit Bull Terrier vs. American Bully (Bully Pit)

Information and Pictures

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy Dogs - APBT 
An American Pit Bull Terrier (left) bred by John Errington. An American Bully (right) bred by Ruthless Kennels.
People often confuse the American Pit Bull Terrier with the American Bully Pit. The American Bully is becoming very popular in the USA and most people lump the two together as one in the same when there are clear differences that even the average person could point out if they had a little bit of info on them.
The American Bully was started by crossing the American Pit Bull Terrier with other dogs in the bully breed family and sometimes dogs outside the bully family. The American Bully is becoming its own breed, and is not the same breed as the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT).
On the left is Spencer the blue nose brindle American Pit Bull Terrrier and on the right is Mia the 13-week-old blue nose American Bully Pit puppy.
One very clear difference is appearance. The American Bullies are more muscular and very broad often with larger heads and shorter legs. The American Pit Bulls are not as muscular and not as wide.
Pit Bulls are medium sized dogs weighing about 30 to 70 pounds and stand about 18 to 22 inches at the shoulders, while American Bullies are more like 50 to 120 pounds. In both breeds actual weight and height are less important than the proportion between weight and height. Weights and heights vary in both breeds, but the goal of the American Bully to be muscular and broad with a big head remains a clear difference.

Here are some examples...

Examples of American Bullies

Adult American Bully - Courtesy of Corleone Kennels
Adult American Bully, photo courtesy of Corleone Kennels
Adult American Bully - Courtesy of Corleone Kennels
Adult American Bully, photo courtesy of Corleone Kennels
American Bully
Skylar, an American Bully, photo courtesy of Down South Smokin' Kennels

Examples of American Pit Bull Terriers

Chevy is a female American Pit Bull shown here at 3 years old
Tokey an American Pit Bull Terrier at 7 years old
Tokey, an American Pit Bull Terrier at 7 years old
Zeppelin, the Pitbull Terrier as an adult, at 2 years old
Zeppelin the American Pit Bull Terrier at 2 years old
Tigger, the Pit Bull Terrier at 20 months old, weighing 60 pounds
Tigger the American Pit Bull Terrier at 20 months old, weighing 60 pounds
This is Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix. His mother was a American Pit Bull Terrier game dog and his father is an American Bully. A lot of people assume that the term game dog means a fighting dog, when actually it is a term for a working dog. A lot ofhunting-type breeds and working terriers use the word game to describe their working dogs. Game refers to the type of dog who will work until it drops, never gives up, perseveres and is ready and willing for anything.
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix
Danger the 6 1/2 year old red nose Pit Bull / American Bully mix



Is it any wonder that breed specific legislation is being repealed and/or legislated against increasingly around the world when they have people with no canine expertise or training masquerading as Dog breed behavioral experts promoting it with the use of propaganda and disinformation such as the likes of Merrit Clifton a washed up second rate journalist with absolutely no formal training or education in data correlation and/or collection?

The pit bull haters all use a common source for their disinformation and propaganda from which was created by a failed phone psychic with absolutely no formal training and or credentials in the canine field and furthermore the organization does not include even one legitimate Canine expert.

Seriously does any normal person wonder why Bsl is being turfed in the garbage considering it doesn't work for a start and secondly look at the style of advocacy breed specific legislation proponents engage employing tactics including stalking, doxing and cyber bullying all hidden behind an alleged noble cause which seems to totally ignore the 38% of dog bite related fatalities that involve non banned breeds and focus specifically on killing pit bulls?

more to come.....

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Jeff Borchardt what are you doing with all the donations?

So if supporters have to  download and pay to print the fliers what actually happens to all the donations that Daxton's Friends collects and the name of helping victims surely Boofhead didn't blow all the donations on his roadside and bus shelter bill boards?

The fact is Boofheads bill boards and bus shelter posters feature a picture of an American Bully instead of an American Pit Bull

Our new fliers are now available for download on Daxton's Friends.
Raising awareness is now easier than ever! Start your own grassroots effort by downloading and printing your own fliers to hand out in your communities. Simply click underneath your choice of flier and save the PDF file to a flash drive or your smartphone, take that file down to your local print shop (Kinkos, Office Depot, etc) and run off as many as you wish!
Featured Pages: American Pit Bull Terrier Canines In The News Daxton’s Friends News Educational Editorials and Blogs Potentially Dangerous Breeds Victims’ Stories Daxton’s Friends serves as a resou…
14 people like this.
Tony Solesky These will look great stapled to telephone poles at stop lights.
Jeff Borchardt These fliers are a lot bigger than last year's too Tony.
Like16 hrs
Leigh Alyson This is excellent.
Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg I think they would be great FAXED too...
Gail L Rosbach When Jaycie and i were on Vacation, we always stop at the Border Rest Stops. Down here in the South the Rest stops are really fancy. Beautiful grounds and big beautiful buildings. You fee like you are going in a Governors Mansion to go to the bathroom. Anyway they all have volunteers that work there and a huge room with tons of free brochures for tourists, Jaycie would take in some of saxtons Fliers each time and and put them in any empty slots. If there were no empty slots we made some
Olivia Wyatt I can go to a print shop and have some printed up on glossy paper, that's great!

Jeff and his cronies often claim that anyone of average intelligence can identify a pit bull which clearly indicates they're below average intelligence and considering recent studies show that even experienced shelter staff and animal control officers struggle to identify dogs visually based solely on their appearance I think Jeff might be telling fibs again/still??

So where are all the donations going Jeff? did your supporters finance your vacation on the lake recently as the money sure as hell wasn't used to help any victims and using pictures of the wrong breed on fliers/billboards designed to raise awareness is quite puzzling to say the least?

it does however confirm Jeff Borchardt can not identify pit bulls as he insists Susan Iwicki's "boxer" mixes were pit bulls but we all know why it gave Boofhead his five minutes of fame which is nearly up?

more to come.....