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Sunday, 22 November 2015

Jeff Borchardt denies peanut butter comment to a 12 year old girl

So this is how the Jeff Borchardt cultists explain away Jeff's comment to a 12 year old girl and Lorde Faust he initiated the topic by telling the "minor" to "smear your pussy with peanut butter and let your mauler lick it off" hardly the sort of comment you'd expect from an alleged public safety advocate?

I dunno, maybe I'm just stupid; but I've read a couple of post here and on the blog that talk about the dogs smelling peanut butter? What's that refereeing to? -Is dumb-
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Lorde Faust The short of the long is a bunch of Pit nutters were posting sexual innuendos about peanut butter. Some of the nutters were minors and the nutters knew it. A safety advocate joined in, unaware minors were involved, was verbally assaulted and made a flip comment about peanut butter to one on the posters making the nastiest of the posts about Pit Bull victims. That nasty poster was a minor, and the Pit nutters have relentlessly attacked and made false accusations about the safety advocate ever since.
Jeff Borchardt There was no minor. That came later.
Sebastian Elliott Oh! Ok! Thanks! I was really confused.
Patricia Forbell Who believes those obsessed sickos are kids? It was bs to make life saving advocates look bad! If it's anyone looking like a pos its pit advocates.
Like210 hrs
Lorde Faust A lot of Pit advocates are juveniles. I don't remember the persons name, I think they still post, that used to work with inner city kids. They were disgusted to find out that these kids did not know that there were other breeds of dogs besides Pit Bulls. How awful, that all these kids knew were Pit Bulls, Pit Bulls, Pit Bulls.
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Now apparently Jeff's denying it again in spite of his heart felt apology following his initial denial.

for confirmation follow the links..

Images for jeff borchardt and peanut butter

More images for jeff borchardt and peanut butter

Boofhead's flights of fancy, pitbulls & peanut butter - Facebook

more to come.....

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Jeff Borchardt attacking prosecutors?

The Dj & Culleen and their merry bunch of buffoons are at it again with 's latest propaganda which seems to be attacking prosecutors claiming they all suffer from a "defeated prosecutor syndrome" a term created by pit bull haters.

Please note the source "Maul Street" seems legit? NOT!

The desperate state of broken criminal laws across America regarding severe and fatal pit bull mauling injuries is chilling. Why is this still true after 30-years of appellate court rulings upholding pit bull laws, and in many cases, declaring the extreme dangerousness of the breed? Horrific pit bull injuries are backed up by peer-reviewed medical studies starting in 1988 as well. How many more rulings and studies are needed? Defeated Prosecutor Syndrome will continue until criminal laws reflect the reality of a “first” attack by a pit bull.
First attacks by pit bulls often permanently disfigure and maim, and in some cases result in death.
If the UK can develop substantial criminal penalties for on property violent “first” attacks, allowing your dog to injure someone, than so can states within the US!
Read more:

Defeated Prosecutor Syndrome (DPS) is a term derived by the DogsBite.orgcommunity. The term is not meant to criticize detectives and prosecutors who in the aftermath of an unimaginably violent pit...
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The thing is if these people actually had any legitimate data and/or statistics to rely on they wouldn't have to keep making stuff up would they?

The fact that Jeff's interested in pit bull victims only while ignoring all other victims certainly speaks to the legitimacy of his advocacy?

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